handling general enquiries —organizing and supervising social
activities aube hotel — acting as a mediator with hotel staff,
police, or other local authorities —advising guests on
shopping — organizing optional excursions — ensuring all bills
and taxes are paid — accompanying returning guests to airport
for return flight to UK.
Experience preferred, but training given For further information contact: Susan MncDougal, Tours, 132 Krtapp St, Basingstoke, Hants, RG21 3PW
Working in groups, copy and complete the table below for chree very different candidates for the Resort Representative job. They should be of equal ability to do the job (quite good), hut they muse be completely different from each other.
No candidate should be better than rhe other two candidates at more than four factors.
Michael Rogers
Silvia Gonzalez
Jorge Diaz
age natior
languages education work experience present job hobbies/skills sports/fitness personality appearance
Now pass the completed table to another group of students. Look at another group's cable and discuss who should be given the job.
Unit 12 Tour operation - execution
9 Activity
Tour operators often canvass holiday-makers for their opinions on their holidays. The results ofrhe holiday surveys are shared with the providers of the relevant services.
Although your hotel has been operating successfully for twenty years, rhis is your first season using a mass-market tour operator. As far as you are concerned, it has been a great success.
At the end of the high season, you have received the preliminary results of their holiday surveys for your hotel.
Discuss the following in groups:
a your overall reaction to the results,
b the aspects of your hotel which meet the requirements of this kind of
operation and those which do not, c the possible reasons for your problems and the steps you can take to
Write a letter to your British tour operator thanking them for the holiday survey preliminary results. Point out why you feel the tours have been a great success and why next year will be even better. Also, suggest reasons why some results were a little disappointing and explain what steps you wilt take to remedy any problems.
11 Vocabulary
accompanying p. 140, travelling with
assistp. 135. help
attentiveness p. 141, helpfulness and
politeness bleepp. 133. short, high-pitched
sound made by an electronic device to
call sb
canvassp. 141, find out the opinions of cost effectivenessp. 171 (tapescript),
giving enough profit compared to money
spent discerniblep. 170 (tapescript),
noticeable drlvingahard bargainp. 171
{tapescript), insisting on die best
possible price, arrangements, etc. when
negotiating with sb escorting p. 138, going with gourmetp. 171 (tapescript), serving fine
food heritagep. I 38, the traditions mid
cultural achievements o( a country hospitality boardp 135, notice board
which gives information hostingp. 140, being in charge of in-boundp. I 70 (tapescript), comingto
this country
leisurep, 135, free time local authoritiesp. HO, people who
are responsible for the local government
of an area major items of expenditure p.170
(tapescript), things that most money is
spent on mass-market tour operatorp. 141,
one who sells very popular holidays mediatorp, 140, person who acts as a
go-between for two people or groups
who cannot or do not want to
communicate directly package p. 136, inclusive tour private function roomsp. 136, rooms
for private meetings, parties, etc. profit marginsp. 171 (tapescript),
difference between the price at which
you sell something and its cost recessionp. 170 (tapescript). period
when the economy is not very successful rectifyp. I4t,putrightsch that Is