Donald Carter, the Front Office Manager of the FirTree Hotel, and a new trainee Assistant Manager, Peter Makeland, are waiting in the Group Check-in Lounge for a group to arrive.
Listen to the tape and, playing the role of Peter, complete the group check-in list below:
The Fir Tree Hotel
Group name
Tour leader's name and room no.
Checked in by
Group rooms allocated by
Roaming list to
Passport list collected Y1VN0____________
Voucher collected Yes/No_________
Food &i Beverage bleep answered by
Additional remarks
Supervisor's signature
134 Unit 12 Tour operation - execution
1 Language study Second Conditional
Look at what the tour guide says:
► Three of our group are friends, and they'd be happier if they shared a room.
Notice how the Second Conditional is formed: If + Simple Past, would ♦ Infinitive.
Put the verb into the correct form.
If you worked harder, you mould pass your exams.
a If we had more money, we _ _ (spend) our winters abroad.
bIf he.___ (read) the newspaper every day. he'd know what was
going on in the world.
c I suppose you think that if you were rich you_ (be) happy.
d How much would you get if you (sell) your car?
e If it (nor/rain) so much, I'd ride my bike to work.
f Ir they _ (provide) a better service, they'd get more customers.
g They (save) money in die long run if they employed their
own maintenance people. h Td sack him if 1 (not/think) he was doing the job well.
Reported questions
Notice how we report questions;
'Does Mrs Endu smoke?' asked PeteiMakcltuid.
► Peter Makeland asked whether Mrs Endo smoked.
'Can we share a room?' the three girls wanted to know.
► The three girls wanted to know if they could share a room.
'What time will breakfast be?'Megumi asked.
► Megumi asked what time break fa at would be.
Now report the following questions in a similar way:
a 'Which room is the meeting in?' enquired the group leader.
b 'Where does this bus go?' Kevin wanted to know.
c 'Why aren't the rooms ready?' she asked me,
d 'When did the group arrive?" asked die manager.
e 'Whar time will the meeting finish?1 asked Peter.
f 'Will the Japanese group be staying for dinner?' asked Helen.
g 'Shall I call back later?' Ian wanted to know.
h 'Have you wtitten everything down?' asked Donald.
Unit 12 Tour operation — execution
3 Speaking
You are a tour operator with a very varied clientele. Read the informarion below about three different groups and decide what possible/probable preferences they will have.
use of facilities: conference rooms, function rooms, restaurants, ere.
optional cours: theatre, sightseeing, museums, shopping, etc.
Group J
A group of students on an educational and cultural tour (mainly staying with families, but including some nights in ,) hotel).
A group ot elderly people visiting your capital city on a weekend package, including a visit to a variety show and a night in a hotel.
Group 3
A group of people of various ages on a cycling holiday.
4 Reading
Unit 12 Tour operation - execution
Read this Welcome Letrer and itinerary for a speciaJ group staying at the Copthorne Tara Hotel in London and answer the questions which follow.
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