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Gibbes Museum of Art Gray Line Tours

One (if the finest collections of American art in the South-East. The collection consist* of views of Charleston, portraits of notable South Carolinians, paintings, prims, and drawings from the Ifiih century to the present. The Museum Shop features an outstanding selection of fine an prints, posters, cards, jewelry, and books. Tues,-Sat. [0-5. SlKLMMfitt. 1-5. i liM'il Ii.pIi.I.is-, AJiiIi.i S V « niuicitizens (ages 62 and older), military, and college students (with ID cards) $2: children ages 6-18 S1; children under 6 Iree with niiuli. 135 Meeting St-, Charleston. SC 29401. (803) 722-2706. See ad page 11. Map location

EjCpIoH AmcikYs most historic city with the world's most experienced sight-seeing company. Historic Charleston tours leave several tltntt daily with pick-ups at downtown hotels and the visitor center, 7'hcse tours cover large areas of I he peninsula city, including nil major landmarks, with narration by professional guides, and our comfortable vehicles are customi/A-d for Charlestons narrow streets. Visit ro historic home inckidcd in most tours. Seasonal tours to plantations and gardens. For reservation* on .ill fours call 722-4444 or see driver at the Vkitor Reception Center, map location 42-R. See coupon page J1.


The Old Exchange & Provost Dungeon

Over 300 years .of pirates, presidents, patriots, and preservation make the Old Bidunne and Provost Dungeon one of the most historic places you'll sec on your visit to Charleston. Built by the British in 1/71, it was Charleston's first cusmms house and exchange, and the former site of a British colonial jail. The self-guicied tour highlights the dungeon where British officers imprisoned American patriots, the Crear Hall where George Washington was lavishly entertained in 1791. and the original trading floor of the Exchange, Don't forget to visit our gift shop. Open daily 9-5, Admission. L22 East Bay St. at Broad St. (803) 727-2165. See ad page 3. Map location 52-V.

Talk of the Towne

Let a quality owner-operated tour service show you the Battery, the Market, the College of Charleston, and much more! 1-hour plus toursoftera comprehensive sightseeing experience that covers more than (■> miles: 2-hour tours also include a guided histiirit house tour, The onuy tour that


house is offered twice daily- Tours depart from the Visitor Reception Center, map location 42-R, with free downtown hotel pick-ups. For reservations and information call 798? 8199. See coupon page 23.

Unit 8 Off-site services


admission p. 144. the money charged

for entering a place open to the public

(also entrance feesp. 90. or entrance

chargep. 93) adventurousp. 89, liking excitement

and liking to try new things archaeological sitep. 89, place where

ancient buildings have been dug up attractionsp. 96. places which are

worth seeing in a town or resort cancellation fee or chargep. 93, the

money whkh a customer must pay if

they decide not to take a service which

they have booked child-proofp, 94, which cannot be

operated by children collision damagewaiver (CDW)

p. 94, special insurance which means you

do not have to pay anything If your hire

car Is damaged in nn accident commentaryp, 93, spoken description

of something as it happens (e.g. tour) cruisep. 89,holiday or tour travelling by

boat and visiting a number of different

places drop-offp. 93,place whore people can

get off a coach entertainmentp. 98, things to do that

interest and amuse people equipped withp. 94,provided with the

clung* necessary [a do something excursionp. 90, short |ourney made for

pleasure (usually a group of people) exhibitionp. 93. collection of things

shown publicly

forinclusion p. 98, to be included fortp. 144,strong building used for

military defence guaranteedp. 90, promised with

certainty hirep. 89, have the use of something for

a short time by paying for it includedp. 93. part of the price;

see also inclusive ofp. 94 mileage p.94, distance travelled

(measured in miles)

paxp. 90, abbreviation for 'passengers' pick-upp. 93, place where passengers

can get on a coach playp, 93, dramatic performance, usually

In a theatre reclining p. 93. that can be ad|usted so

thatyou can lie back ruinsp, I62(tapescript). buildings that

have been badly damaged sightseeingp. 98, visiting the famous

places in 3 city as a tourist stadiump. 93, building where sporting

events take place surroundingp. 92, which is around or

nearby theatrep. 93, building where ptays and

other shows are performed third party, fire and theftp. 94,

special Insurance covering particular

damage and loss to a car vacationp. 163 (tapescript), holiday

(especially in US)


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