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Read the text below. For questions 54 to 58, choose the best answer (a, b, c or d).

Manyhotel chains and tour operators say that they take their environmental commitments seriously, but often they do not respect their social and economic responsibilities to the local community. So is it possible for travellers to help improve the lives of locals and still have a good holiday?


The charity, Tourism Concern, thinks so. It has pioneered the concept of the fair-trade holiday. The philosophy behind fair-trade travel is to make sure that local people get a fair share of the income from tourism. The objectives are simple: employing local people wherever possible; offering fair wages and treatment; showing cultural respect; involving communities in deciding how tourism is developed; and making sure that visitors have minimal environmental impact.


Although there is currently no official fair-trade accreditation for holidays, the Association of Independent Tour Operators has worked hard to produce responsible tourism guidelines for its members. Some new companies, operated as much by principles as profits, offer a fantastic range of holidays for responsible and adventurous travellers.


(54) Tourism Concern…

a) helps tourists who have had bad holidays.

b) is a philosophy.

C) is a charity and fair-trade organisation.

d) has a chain of hotels.


(55) Which of the following is NOT one of Tourism Concern’s objectives?

a) Good pay for local people .

b) Showing respect for local cultures.

c) Saving tourists money.

D) Protecting the local environment.


(56) According to the text, fair-trade travel is all about…

a) making money for charity.

b) money from tourism going to local people.

c) travellers getting a good deal.

D) a great cultural experience.


(57) According to the text, there are ­­_____ companies that are operated on principles as well as profits.

A) a few

b) no

c) some old

d) many


(58) Choose the most appropriate title for the article.

a) Holidays from heaven

b) Cheap adventure holidays

C) Fair-trade holidays

d) Great holiday deals


Section 8 (59 to 66)

Write a story titled A Perfect Day. In your narrative, include at least three of the following linking words: as soon as, by the time, just as, during, while. You should write 300–500 words. (8 points)









Section 9

Choose the best word or phrase (a, b, c or d) to fill each blank.

(67) Who _____ in that house?

a) does he live

B) lives

c) did he live

d) he lives


(68) I will call you when I _____ home.

A) get

b) will get

c) got

d) getting


(69) If you _____ me, what would you do?

A) was

b) would be

c) were

d) have been


(70) I don’t know where _____ last night.

a) did he go

b) he did go

c) went he

D) he went


(71) John and Betty are coming to visit us tomorrow but I wish _____.

a) they won’t

b) they hadn’t

c) they didn’t

d) they weren’t


(72) I’m so hungry! If only Bill _____ all the food in the fridge!

a) wasn’t eating

b) didn’t eat

c) hadn’t eaten

d) hasn’t eaten


(73) I regret _____ harder in school.

a) not studying

b) not to study

c) to not study

D) not have studied


(74) Surely Sue _____ you if she was unhappy with your work.

a) will tell

B) would have told

c) must have told

d) had told


(75) Our neighbours aren’t very polite, and _____ particularly quiet!

a) neither they aren’t

b) either they aren’t

c) nor are they

d) neither did they be


(76) We had expected that they _____ fluent English, but in fact they didn’t.

a) were speaking

B) would speak

c) had spoken

d) spoke


(77) I’d rather _____ next weekend, but I do!

a) I don’t have to work

b) I didn’t have to work

c) not to work

D) no working


(78) Harriet is so knowledgeable. She can talk about _____ subject that comes up.

A) whatever

b) whenever

c) wherever

d) whoever


Section 10

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