State if the following sentences are true or false.
Text C. E-mails.
When using email in business, most of the guidelines for standard formatting in business letters apply. Here are a few differences:
- Choose a subject line that is simple and straightforward. Don’t use key words that might cause an email to go into another person's trash box.
- Repeat the subject line in the body of the email, beneath the salutation (as with a letter).
- Use the "cc" address line to copy more than one person with your correspondence.
- You can request a receipt for important letters. The system will automatically let you know when someone has opened your email.
- Instead of a signature, include your typed name, and below it include your email address, business name and address, phone and fax number, and website if appropriate.
Read and memorize the following words and word-combinations. Be sure you understand the meaning of the words.
extra document or image that is added to an email
block format
most common business letter format, single spaced, all paragraphs begin at the left margin
the content of the letter; between the salutation and signature
certified mail
important letters that sender pays extra postage for in order to receive a notice of receipt
logical; easy to understand
gets to the point quickly
confidential, personal
diplomacy, diplomatic
demonstrating consideration and kindness
direct mail, junk mail
marketing letters addressed to a large audience
double space
format where one blank line is left between lines of text
extra document or image included with a letter
uses set formatting and business language, opposite of casual
the set up or organization of a document
a word or phrase that indicates what the text below will be about
inside address
recipient's mailing information
specialized paper with a (company) logo or name printed at the top
symbol or image that identifies a specific organization
a blank space that borders the edge of the text
memorandum (memo)
document sent within a company (internal), presented in short form
modified block format
left justified as block format, but date and closing are centered
on arrival notation
notice to recipient that appears on an envelope (e.g. "confidential")
the cost of sending a letter through the Post Office
read through a finished document to check for mistakes
marks used within or after sentences and phrases (e.g. periods, commas)
the person who receives the letter
greeting in a letter (e.g. "Dear Mr Jones")
term used before a name when formally closing a letter
single spaced
format where no blanks lines are left in-between lines of text
blank area between words or lines of text
the feeling of the language (e.g. serious, enthusiastic)
State if the following sentences are true or false.
1. In business letters a salutation is generally followed by a comma or a colon. 2. Business letters should be simple and easy to read.
3. It is advisable to wait a day between writing and sending an important letter. 4. The date on a business letter should appear after the salutation.
5. An "Enclosure" note should appear below the typed name of the sender at the end of the letter.
6. The first paragraph of a business letter should be comprised entirely of "small talk". 7. Contact information generally appears in the closing paragraph of the letter. 8. It is considered standard formatting to include the recipient's address before the salutation in a business letter.