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Brest surrounded by a large greenbelt is situated in the south-west of the Republic of Belarus, neighboring with Poland and Ukraine. It’s territory covers 72.9 square kilometers, over 300 thousand people live there. Being situated on the main Berlin-Moscow railway line and intercontinental highway, Brest became a principle border crossing since World War II in Soviet time. Today it links the European Union and the Commonwealth of Independent states.

There are several theories of the city name origin. The most common are as follows, · the name of the city comes from the Slavic root beresta meaning birch bark, · the name of the city comes from the Slavic root berest meaning elm, · the name of the city comes from the Lithuanian word brasta meaning ford.  
In 1019 Brest was first mentioned in chronicles as Berestye
City name.


Different legents exist about the foundation of Brest According to one of them a Russian merchant who traveled with his caravan in the west, had become stuck in the bog and covering the way for himself with branches of birch-trees he managed to reach the river bank. Grateful for his wonderful rescue he built a chapel in this place. Later people settled here and called their settlement Berestye from the word “beresta” meaning birch-bark. In the 11th century Berestye was an ancient Russian trade center and a fortress, which was situated on the cape formed by the Western Bug River and by the left branch of the river Mukhavets. The development of the city foundation was facilitated by its favourable location on the border with Polish and Lithuanian lands. In the 14-16th centuries Berestye was one of the largest cities in the Great Duchy of Lithuania. In 1390 Berestye was among the first Belarusian cities given the right of autonomous administration under the Magdeburg Law. In 1553 the head of Berestye, Radzivil Chorny, founded the first printing house in Belarus.

During the years of World War I Brest –Litovsk was occupied by German Troops. On March, 3, 1918 the Treaty of Brest was signed in the White Palace, Beginning from 1921 Brest-Litovsk, being a part of Western Belarus, was annexed in Poland almost for 20 years. On September 22, 1939 the western part of Belarus was consolidated with the BSSR and Brest became the center of the region.

According to the agreement of the Yalta Conference of February 1945, Brest’s status as part of the Belarussian Soviet Socialist Republic was officially recognized. Now it is part of the independent country of Belarus.

The history of the city is reflected in the displays of the local ethnographic museum and its branches: an archeological ethnographic museum “Berestye”, founded on the place of the excavated ruins of the 13th century settlement, and also the museums called “Saved Treasures of Art”, “The City’s History”, “Native Nature”. The collection of ancient icons, pictures from the museum “Saved Treasures of Art” is worth adorning the best galleries of the world.

Brest today is one of the largest economic and cultural centers of the republic. There are industrial enterprises in the city. Among them we can mention the Electric Test Equipment Plant, The Electric Bulb Plant, the Chemical Goods Plants, the Knitted-Wear Factory. Our enterprises produce electric and gas stoves, furniture, carpets, knitted- wear clothes, foodstuffs.

There are many places to visit or to see in our town. There are a lot of museums, two theatres several cinemas, parks and other places where you can have a good time.

The Hero Fortress over the Bug has become a symbol of the eternal glory of the Soviet Soldiers. The Brest Fortress was founded on the 1st of June in 1836. The Citadel is the main fortification of the fortress. It was placed in the central island and the Volyn, Kobrin and Terespol fortification surrounded it. It is not merely a remarkable military construction, it is an interesting architectural complex. The Brest Fortress got universal fame during the Great Patriotic War because it took the first blow for itself. The courage of the soldiers of the fortress will always be in the memory of our descendants.

At the dawn of June 22,1941(Sunday), Hitler Germany launched its perfidious attack against the Soviet Union without declaring war.

Hitler had counted on the “Blitzkrieg”. In keeping with the so-called Barbarossa plan, approved in December 1940, he expected to rout the Soviet Army Forces in a short period of time.

The garrison of the Brest Fortress had to take upon themselves the first formidable thrust of the enemy. They had to fight under unbelievably hard conditions. The small fortress area of just four square kilometers was steadily shelled by hundreds of guns while planes with swastika on their wings showered it with bombs .The garrison was short of ammunition, medical supplies and food. They were cut off from the water,which had to be fetched under enemy fire.

The fortress walls came tumbling down, the bricks melted and the very earth was scorched, but the fortress stood undaunted.

The nazy command was outraged. The Hitler forces mounted one attack after another, sustaining heavy losses, but they were powerless to crush the fighting spirit of the fortress defenders.

The defence lasted for over a month. The frontlines moved deep into the East; The Hitlerites had already seized Smolensk, with Moscow as their ultimate objective; yet the defenders of the Brest Fortress- the few of them that had survived- never even thought of surrender.

The Brest Fortress became one of the sacred monuments of the Soviet people,a symbol of its heroism and endurance, a living example of patriotism

The memorial complex “Hero Fortress of Brest” erected on the site is a tribute commemorating the immortal exploit of its garrison.

Today the Brest Fortress is the major tourist sight.

Other architectural landmarks of the city are

-St. Nicolas’ Orthodox Cathedral (the 19th century)

-St. Simeon’s Orthodox Cathedral (1865)


Brest also hosts the first Belarusian outdoor railway museum.

Brest City Park is 100 years old, but it looks quite new after the recent reconstruction.

Amateur art is highly developed and very popular in Brest. There are about several peoples’ companies and the best one is the dance group “Radost”. From time to time the International Theatre Festival “Belaya Vezha” takes place here.

The educational system comprises 77 nursery schools, 35 secondary schools, 4 specialized schools, a lyceum. Yong people study at vocational and training schools, at Pushkin State University, and Technical University.

The system of public health includes 28 medical centers. Sports play a very important role in the city’s life. Children attend sports schools for teenagers. There are sports complexes, the Ice Palace, stadiums, indoor swimming pools and outdoor sports facilities in Brest.

The Russian Federation, Ukraine and the Republic of Poland consulates which are located in Brest, actually promote cooperation between the people of the countries.

The location of the city at the crossroads of the whole Eurasian continent is a good basis for progress in all spheres of life and for the development of durable and perspective international relations.


Unique Byelovezhskaya Pushcha’s 87600 ha lie about 70 km from Brest, less than 1.5 hours off by road. The word Pushcha means in Byelorussian a forest , but not any forest can be called pushcha, because it implies a virgin forest. That is the only virgin forest , that survived in Central Europe.Pushcha is the largest wildlife reserve in the south west of Belarus.

Incomparable beauty, rich wildlife world, interesting history of Pushcha attract tourists from all over the world. 55 species of mammals,214species of birds, 11 amphibious species, 7 species of reptiles, nearly 30species of fish live in this unique reserve.

The king of Pushcha is the East European bison, the biggest animal in Europe. Pushcha is rich in deers, roes,elks, wild boars, otters and beavers.

The museum of Pushcha offers a rich display that includes common species of wildlife. Tourists can see some animals in spacious enclosures.

Pushcha is a vast open=air laboratory for survey of wildlife world.

We invite you to see Byelovezhskaya Pushcha and admire the majestic beauty of this virgin forest.


Topic-Based Activities

1. Supply the correct tense-forms:

Yesterday Mary (to decide) to go to the market. She (not to know) what bus (must to take) there and (to ask) a woman who (to be) at the stop.

Mary: What bus I (must to take) to get to the market, please?

Woman: (to take) bus 4. It (to take) you about half an hour to get there at this time of the day. Look, bus 4 (to come).

Mary: Thank you so much.

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1126

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