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When attacking an enemy character, this character obtains a +1 Strenghtbonus.


When using this Special Attack,center the explosion template on the attacking character. All miniatures partially or totally under the template (except the attacking character) receive one impact with Strength4+ and Damage(**). A character may only use Electric Stormonce per activation, but it may attack normally before and/or after this Special Attack.


If you Damagean enemy character with this special attack, that character also suffers the

Stun Effect.


If this character Hitsthe target with this special attack, the target will be Knocked Downautomatically.


When attacking an enemy character using this Special Attack,this character benefits from a +1 bonus on the Impact Roll,and can reroll the Collateral Damagedice. The second result prevails.


This attack may only be performed if, at the beginning of the round, the target cannot See the attacker. Target character cannot Block attacks from the character using this Special Attack.


If a character Damagesan enemy character while using this Special Attack,the target will suffer from the Knock Downeffect. If he would also suffer from the Knock Downeffect, due to the Collateral Damagedice result, then the target character will suffer also an automatic Impact Strength 4+ and Damage (*).

THIEF with: (1SC)

When an enemy character is Hit by this Special Attack,the attacking character obtains CRT: Steal.


These weapons cannot be used if the wielder Moves.


If a character carries a defensive weapon, it allows him to reroll any Blockrolls. The second result prevails.


Instead of regular weapon Rate of Fire,this weapon uses the Spray Templateto determine how many miniatures are hit (see Spray Template).


When this kind of weapon Impacts, you may place the Explosive Template over theimpact point (usually the target character).


All hits from these weapons inflict Damageon a result of 2+. Ignore the wielder's Strength.


When using these weapons, the wielder may reroll the Impactroll. The second result must be used.


A character can shoot these weapons even when the target is within 5cm, the Rate ofFire will be 1 in this case.


All hits from these weapons inflict Damageon a result of 3+. Ignore the wielder's Strength.


Maximum range for these weapons is 40cm, NOT unlimited.


These weapons award a +1 bonus to any Blockrolls. Furthermore, the wielder benefits from an extra Blink!roll after normal Blink! rolls have been made. This last Blink! Rollwill succeed on a 4+ result.


These weapons do not require the wielder to be in base to base contact with an enemy to hit him. Instead, the wielder may strike any miniature up to 3cm away.


These weapons cannot be used for 2 consecutive rounds. In order to reload the weapon, the

wielder may not use it for at least 1 round after having used it.




When using these weapons, the character needs to See the target , but does not need to

draw a straight uninterrupted line to it. The weapon's maximum range cannot be exceeded in order to reach the target. Ignore all Blink!rolls when shooting a Remote Controlledweapon.


Shooting with a weapon with this rule provides the wielder with the Night Visionrule, and allows it to ignore Blink! Rolls.


When attacking with this weapon, the character may reroll one Damage roll. Thesecond result must be used.


Maximum range for these weapons is 20cm, NOT unlimited.


This weapon does not see its rate Rate of Firedecrease after moving.


Using these weapons grants the attacker a +1 Strength bonus.



When an attack or weapon uses an Explosive Templatethe attacker may place this template centered on the target (or the obstacle, in case a successful Blink!roll was made), unless otherwise specified.

All miniatures totally or partially under the template will be automatically impacted, and suffer any possible effect as per the attack or weapons description (unless the effect only triggers on Criticalhits, For example CRT:Freeze).


When a weapon allows a Spray Templateto be used, the controlling player must place the narrow end of the template in full contact with the base of the shooting character, and direct the other end in any direction he wants.

Afterwards, determine Impacts and Damageas indicated by the rule description.

All miniatures totally or partially under the template will automatically be Impacted and suffer any possible effect as per the attack or weapons description (unless the effect only triggers on Criticalhits, For example CRT:Freeze).However, the impacted character may suffer different Damageand effects depending on its position inside the template.

The Spray Templatehas 4 range-bands, marked by stripes; the closest indicates that if there are miniatures in this area no Impact is done, the following stripes are Lethal, Seriousand Mild.A miniature between 2 damage bands will always be affected by the narrowest (Damagewill be specified on the weapon's description).





A character suffering from Blind cannot See, cannot attack with a distance weapon and his Impact and Blockrolls will only succeed on a 6+ result. The character won't be able to spend MC, and, furthermore, all his movement will be considered disabled until the effect is removed.


Inflicts the Paralyzeeffect until the end of the round.


The target is displaced directly away from the attacker as many centimeters as the result on the Collateral Damage dice.If the target can't be Displacedthe corresponding distance because a terrain element is in its way, it will immediately suffer an Impact with Strength4+ and Damage (*). If the Target is displaced into a hole or off a roof, etc., take it as if it had SPRING INTO THE AIR.


The target Immediately loses "X" Action Counters if successfully Damaged.


If a character is affected by fire, place a fire marker next to the miniature. If a character has two or more fire markers it will automatically suffer a Damagemarker (•) for each fire marker. Spending 2 Action Countersallows the character to remove 1 fire marker. At the end of the round, if a miniature has at least 1 fire marker, it will receive an additional fire marker.


Inflicts the Blindeffect until the end of the round.


Inflicts Paralyze effect,until an Enduranceroll is passed. The target may only start to roll at the beginning of the next round.


Any character affected by Hypnotizemust pass a Willpowerroll. If it fails, it will become completely under control by the player who controls the Hypnotizing character until the end of the target's next activation.


Place an Immobilizedmarker next to the immobilized/pinned down miniature. It cannot

move or spend MC, and its Attack value will be reduced by-1, until the effect is cancelled.


A knocked down figure must lay on the ground (or place a fallen marker next to the miniature) at the same spot that it was Knocked Down.A fallen miniature cannot Attack or Defenditself, and it cannot use any Special Abilityuntil it stands up. A character may move while knocked down, but this movement will be Disabled.A fallen figure will always be Impactedon a roll of 2+. A Knocked Downcharacter doesn't count for Blink!when shooting through or above it.


Place a Paralyzemarker next to the affected miniature. A p Defensevalue by -2 and cannot do anything (move, attack, defend itself, follow special rules, or spend action counters) until the effect is cancelled.


The Poison effect will be inflicted at the same time as any other effect, as shown next to the each poison type listed. If a character has several poison options they may choose, he must pick just one before making a poisoned attack.

If a character is affected by poison, place a poison marker next to the character and resolve the poison effects immediately. At the beginning of its next activation, the character must make an Endurance roll. If the roll fails, the poison effect will be resolved again and so on, until the roll is passed. Take the test once per poison counter per activation. À character may be affected by more that one poison at the same time, but the same effect cannot be applied more that once on the same character.


A Stunnedcharacter cannot spend Action Countersuntil the end of the round.


An area affected by smoke will not allow characters to See through it, and characters inside it will suffer Blind until the end of the round. Smoke dissipates at the end of the round.


A character with the corresponding ability may attempt to Steala weapon from another character (if the target character carries more than one weapon, choose randomly which one is stolen, either by rolling a dice or flipping a coin). From that moment on, the stealing character will be able to use that weapon afterwards. A stolen weapon cannot be used by its previous owner unless it gets it back. A character may carry just one stolen weapon at a time, but it may try to steal different weapons in subsequent turns. If a character steals more than one weapon, it needs to choose which one of them he would like to keep and destroy the rest (destroyed weapons will no longer be available to use by any character for the rest of the game).


The target instantly receives “X number” of Damage Markers (•).


Madness is the emergency exit. You can just step outside, and close the door on all those dreadful things that happened. You can lock them away…


Joker: The Killing Joke


Date: 2015-12-24; view: 963

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