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Terrain elements on the gaming area are very important for the characters and sight, and play a role in the game. The Batman Miniatures Gamecom it place in the city, so the movement rules are designed for an urban environment. All terrain elements are considered obstacles, which will be divided into three different categories: Small Obstacles, Difficult Obstacles,and Vertical Obstacles.



Small Obstacleswon't exceed half of the miniatures height (around 2cm for a

regular or human character). Small Obstaclescan be garden hedges, boxes, buckets, chairs or any domestic furniture in general. Passing through, or jumping over them won't carry any penalty as they don't exceed half of the miniature's size. If the obstacle is higher than that, it will be considered a difficult obstacle.


These obstacles are those higher than half of the miniature size but not taller than the miniature itself (around 2 to 4 or 5cm for a "human" character). These obstacles can be high garden hedges, fences, cars, containers, big trash bins and urban furniture in general.


Areas such as piled debris, dense vegetation, sewers or water are considered Difficult Ground. Difficult ground will impair a character's movement, so any character attempting to move through it will have its BMD halved.

Before the mission starts, players should decide which terrain elements are considered Difficult Ground and difficult obstacles.


A Vertical Obstacleis clearly taller than the miniature, such as a wall or any other element which can be climbed, such as a prison fence. Please set all vertical obstacles before the game starts.

To climb we must measure movement as usual. While the character is climbing he is considered to be moving through difficult ground. Also the character must expend 1 MC or it won't be able to proceed. If a character tries to climb a vertical obstacle, it must finish its movement in an area where the miniature can be placed, such as a roof or the top of a wall that is thick enough. If the character ends its movement in a place where it cannot stand, it will spring into the air and suffer the consequences.





A character can jump through a gap or empty space that doesn't exceed its JD,but must spend 1 MC to proceed. If the gap exceeds its JD,but the character still decides to jump, it will fall.


Characters may spring into the air when they find a very uneven piece of terrain. If the character springs into the air, they will have to spend 1 MC, so this movement counts as jumping. Otherwise, it will count as falling.

If the height the character is trying to jump from is less than its JD, it will succeed automatically. You may place the character standing at the end of the gap and keep moving if there is BMD left.

If the jump distance is higher than the character's JD then the character will suffer Damage. Damagedepends on the difference between the jump height and the character's JD. Additionally, unless it successfully passes an agility roll, the character will become knocked down.

-If the difference is up to 5cm compared to its JD, the character suffers a Damage Marker(Daze)

-If the difference is between 6cm and 10cm compared to its JD, the character suffers a Damage Marker (Injured)

-If the difference is between 11 cm and 15cm from the JD, the character will suffer as many Damages Markers (Injured)as half its Endurancevalue.

-If the jump exceeds 15cm compared to the character's JD, it will immediately count as a Casualty.Remove the miniature from the game.


On some occasions, characters may be forced to spring into the air or be pushed by an opposing character after being attacked. If this happens near the edge of an elevation, such as a terrace roof or balcony, and the character cannot be placed on that terrain element anymore, then it needs to jump from it the corresponding distance.

If the character jumps into the void, it will suffer the same effects as if it were springing into the air, but its JC will count as Zero "0cm".


Some terrain special rules require the characters to Manipulateobjects. This requirement can also be established by the players. Different Manipulateactions may include opening a door, picking something up from the floor, etc...Please determine before the game starts, which Manipulateactions can be performed by characters and the effects or results after the manipulation succeeds or fails.

A character has to spend 1 MCto Manipulatean object if they are in base contact with it (or carrying it), immediately obtaining the benefits given by the object he manipulated or is carrying.





There are two main types of attacks a character may perform: a distance attack or a close combat attack (with or without weapon). A character may only attack using one of these types during each activation.

The attack should be performed before or after movement (as the player decides during the Execute the Planstage), if all the requirements and necessary Countercosts are met. The player will distribute the hits or impacts (Impact dice)amongst his enemies. Afterwards you must perform the Impact roll.


To successfully perform a close combat attack and hit the enemy, both miniatures must be in base to base contact on any part of their volumes.

Note: There are weapons and special melee attacks which allow a character to perform a close combat attack without being in base to base contact with its target.



Each AC used in a close combat will be transformed into a Strike or Impact rollagainst the opponent. If there is more than one enemy in close combat, the player can freely distribute the Strikesbetween all the enemies it is in contact with. This must be decided before rolling any dice. Then roll the attack separately for each enemy.

A character may perform an attack only once per activation, so, if it spends more than one AC to attack the same enemy character, all dice should be rolled at the same time.

If the attacker carries one or more close combat weapons (as noted on the Character Card),the player must state which of these weapons will be used before rolling any dice. The character then will use the same weapon for the duration of that round.

Close Combat Weapons.

Some characters are unarmed. However, most of them carry some kind of weapon. Weapons provide the character with a higher Impact probabilityand/or the possibility to inflict more Damageon its target. However, whatever loadout a character carries, all share the following special characteristics.




Each attack inflicts a number of Damage Markersper Impact.

A character may choose to attack Unarmedor be forced to do so by a special rule (see page 48 for more information on Damage).

-Numerical Inferiority

If during close combat a character finds himself fighting with at least 2 enemy characters which are not in contact with any other miniature, the outnumbered character's Defensevalue will suffer a penalty of -1. For Example: a Gotham Policeman is in base to base contact with two Joker's Clowns, and the Clowns themselves are not in contact with any other of the Policeman's allies, the Gotham Policeman would have his Defense reduced by -1.

-Defensive Positions

If during close combat, the defending character's position meets any of cases, its Defensevalue will be increased by +1 against Impact rolls:
- The defending character is on higher ground than attacker, but they are still in contact.

-The character is behind an object (wall, fence, etc.) that is not thicker than 2cm, and it's not higher than the fighting characters.

-Both the character's sides are covered by elements which could stop him from being attacked on his flanks or by a sweeping attack, such as standing below a door frame, a narrow corridor or alley, etc.





Instead of striking its enemies, a character can attempt to grab them. Choose how many AC you want to use plus 1 SC and perform an unarmed Impact roll.If the character succeeds and inflicts Damage,the immobilize effect will be added to the Damageon the target (check effects).

If a character gets immobilized/grabbed by several enemies at the same time, it will suffer a -1 penalty to its Defensevalue for each additional enemy grabbing it, to a minimum of Defense 1.

To get released and thus remove the effect, the grabbed character must spend at least 1 AC during its activation and roll a die for each AC spent this way, and compare the result to its own Strength.If it succeeds (the roll is equal to or higher than its Strength)it will

get released, and then activate normally during the rest of the round. The character may e also released automatically if his captor or captors move away or attack another character. If the character is being held by several enemy characters, he must spend at least 1 AC for each enemy holding him, and become released from one enemy for each success. The player controlling the captive character decides from which character he gets released for each success.


Instead of striking an enemy you may try to push them. Choose how many AC you want to use plus 1 SC and perform an impact roll,as if performing a regular attack. If the attacker successfully Damages,the displaced effect will be added to the Damage(see effects).


If a character is attacked in close combat and successfully hit, and he has DC left on its character's Character Card,he may use them to attempt to Blockthe enemy attacks. The player may decide if he wants to spend his DC in an attempt to block after the attacker has made the Impact Roll,but before the Damageroll. Thus, if the first attack received by a character wasn't successful, it will still be able to defend himself if it's attacked again during the rest of the round.


To Blockan enemy Impact,roll a die for every DC you want to spend this way. If the result

is equal or higher to the opponent's ATTACKvalue, will mean that the character repealed

one of the Impactsper success (the defending character chooses which Impactswere

blocked). If an Impactis blocked, it will automatically be ignored as if it had missed the



If the character carries a ranged or missile weapon, he will be able to perform a Ranged Attackwith it, if he meets the following requirements:

Only one ranged weapon attack is allowed per activation and 2 AC must be spent in order to do so. This will allow the character to shoot as many times (or roll for Impact)as the weapon's Rate of Fire (ROF).





All ranged weapons have an unlimited reach, but the character has to be able to see its target and to draw a straight line to the objective. However, weapons require a minimum distance to the target to be used properly. This means that a character cannot attack with a ranged or missile weapon if the target is closer than 5cm to him.


These weapons can only be used to perform a Ranged Attack,otherwise they are ignored. All ranged and missile weapons possess special characteristics that define their usage and stopping power.

-Rate of Fire (ROF):

This is the number of shots (or dice that can roll for Impact)the weapon can make anytime it opens fire. These Impact dicecan be distributed between several targets, as long as all the conditions required to take the shot are fulfilled.

If the character moved during his activation before he shot, its weapon's ROF will be reduced to one, no matter how much the original ROF was. Also, If a character carries more than one ranged weapon he must choose one of them to attack with, and it will be the only weapon he will be able to use for the rest of the round.


Ammunition represents how many times a character may attack with the ranged or missile weapon he is carrying during the game. Ammunition is represented on the Character's Cardby ammunition magazines. Every time a character shoots a weapon, he must spend a magazine. If all ammunition magazines are spent, the weapon cannot be used any more, or until the character finds ammunition and rearms.

A character can't carry more Ammunition than the total magazines it started the game with (including additional Magazines purchased as additional equipment).


This characteristic indicates the type of Damage,as well as the number of Damage

Markers,that the weapons inflict on the targets.



If the character wants to shoot at a partially visible target, as it could be a character hidden behind a car, a corner, etc... or even if a few obstacles are in the way, the target character will be able to make a Blink! rollfor each of the obstacles in between him and the shooter.

The Blink! rollshould be made after a successful Impact roll.If a miniature is in base contact with an obstacle or another (friendly) miniature, they can shoot over it (as long as its size of it allows the character to), and it will not count as a Blink!obstacle.

Blink! roll.

If the target has been successfully Impacted,it may roll the one die per impact for the first obstacle which is in the shooting trajectory. If the result is below the Blink! roll difficulty, the target must keep on making Blink! rolls(remember, only one die per impact) for each obstacle in the trajectory until the target is hit, or until the Blink! rollis successful (the result is equal to or higher than required). If the Blink! rollis successful, the bullet will hit the obstacle, or ricochet against it, and the shot will be a miss (meaning that one impact will be removed from the target before damaging per successful Blink! Roll).If all the Blink!rolls failed, the target will suffer an Impact as normal.

If the obstacle in the trajectory of the shot is a damageable terrain element or character (friend of foe), it will suffer from the Cross Fireeffect. (See Cross Fire).

Not all the obstacles have the same qualities to absorb or ricochet an Impact. The Blink!Difficulty level is set by the kind of obstacle:

-4+ for walls or objects considered "solid" or very resistant (steel plates, concrete blocks, armored cars, etc.) or another miniature (friend or foe).

-5+ for wood fences, trees, cars, streetlights or any other urban furniture. -6+ for hedges, wire fences, boxes, tables or any other domestic furniture.

-6+ for hedges, wire fences, boxes, tables or any other domestic furniture.

-Cross fire

If a character or damageable object has been Impacted after a successful Blink! Roll, the shooting player will have to make a Damage roll. If it is passed, the hit character or damageable object will just suffer 1 injured markerinstead of the normal Damagethe weapon inflicts.

When activating a character in contact with an obstacle, he can crouch next to it and take cover spending 1 SC. If he does 59, he will be in cover until he moves or the owning player states otherwise. If the character in cover has to make a Blink! Rollfor the obstacle he is being covered by, he will benefit from a +1 on that Blink! roll.



Once all the attack dice are set, the attacking character may make an Impact rollfor each die.

Roll for all the attacks directed against the same character at the same time. Apply then any and all Impact rollmodifiers. Any result equal or higher to the target's Defensevalue will be considered an Impact.

For each successful Impact, a Damage Rollshould be made (see Damage).

A natural (before applying any modifiers) result of 1 in any Impactroll is always a failure; however any natural result of 6 will always be a success.

If a character achieves an Impacton an enemy miniature, the controlling player must roll a die for each successful Impact(When rolling the corresponding dice to Damage,an additional die of a different color will be rolled as well; this extra die is the Collateral Damagedie) to see the Damageinflicted.

For each Damageresult equal or higher to the strength of the attacker, Damageis inflicted. This will be reflected on the damaged character's Character Card by Damage Markers,as specified for each weapon or attack. Damagecan also produce some effects (see advanced rules).

Some close combat weapons can modify the wielder's strength. A "+" (Plus) or " " (Minus) symbol will be shown before a digit. Add or subtract the digit, as indicated by the symbol, to the roll.

Example: If "+1 " is indicated in the weapon's description, and the wielder's strength is "4+", /hen rolling to damage you would apply the "+1 " modifier to the roll, effectively

decreasing the difficulty by one. Thus the character wielding this weapon, would Damage

when rolling 3+.

All natural results of any Damageroll of 1 will be considered a failure; on the contrary, any natural result of 6 will be considered a success.

Each time Damage is inflicted on a character, 1 or more Damage Markerswill be added to is Character's Card.

There are two kinds of Damage Markers: Stun and Injury.ON kind or the other will be applied depending on the characters and/or the weapon(s) which inflicted Damage (this will be indicated on the character's or weapon characteristics).


If a character has no weapons he can punch, kick, bite, etc. Damagecaused by this kind of Impacts will always inflict Stun Marker.



If an Impactis achieved with any distance weapon, a Stun Markerwill always be inflicted

on the target, even if the Damage rollfails.

If a character is inflicted both types of Damage Markersas a result of the same attack, please award first the Injured Markers,and then the Stun Marker/s.Both types of Damageare accumulative. If the character suffers more Damage Markersthan his own Endurancevalue, apply the corresponding effect/s. The rest of the Damage Markerswill be ignored.

Example: If a character receives 2 Damages(4A-A), first award the 4 Injured Markers(A) and then the 2 Stun MarkersCA"). If the character had, for example, an Endurancevalue of 5, it would get a K.O. result and the last Stun Markerwill be ignored.

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 638

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