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During the game, each character will need to make use of his basic skills. He will spend Action Countersto do so. Remove the necessary number of Countersfrom the Character Cardfor each action. Once all the Action Countersare spent, the character will have to wait until next round to generate more counters and thus be activated again.

If an action requires the character to spend more than one Action Counterand he does not possess enough Action Counters,or they were not distributed into the necessary slots, he cannot perform that action or use that special rule.

At the end of the round, unless otherwise specified, any unused Action Counteris lost, and cannot be used during the next round.

When all players are ready, and have distributed all their Action Counterscorrectly, they can start the next stage: Execute the Plan.


As soon as all players have planned all their characters' actions, it is time to activate them and start to attack, move or anything else they have planned. The players will alternate character activations. The player who first raised the plan will always be the first one to activate a character. Each character can only be activated once per round. Once all characters have been activated during a round, players will move onto the final stage.


As soon as a character is active, he can move and attack. He can also use his special skills. At the beginning of a character's activation, players must declare what skills and the order by which they will execute them. This means the character can move & attack, attack & move, just attack, or just move. About any combination is possible, as long as you nave enough Action Countersto carry it on.

Once the character has used his basic skills and spent the required Counters,the

activation will be over, and the owning player will give way to the next player, who will follow the same character activation procedure.

Remember: players are not required to use all of the character's Counters.


Some skills are passive, such as defending from or blocking an attack. These may be used during another player's turn, as a response to attacks or to trigger special rules. The instructions on how to use them and their Action Counterscost will be specified on each passive skill description.


At the beginning of the Execute the Planstage, players must decide how many pass chances the player with fewer characters in his band has. The pass chance is equal to the difference between the number of characters the player with the less numerous band controls compared to the number of characters that compose the most numerous band (K.O.characters do not count for this purpose).


This way, the player with fewer characters in his band may chose to Pass (chose not to activate a character during his turn)and give the activation turn to the other player as many times as the pass chance result. This may mean a player can activate two characters consecutively. A player cannot pass more than twice consecutively.

Passing is tactically useful, as it allows the passing player to respond better to his opponent's moves, and also balances the game out for bands composed by fewer models.

In order to successfully perform some actions, characters must pass a skill roll. Compare the roll against the value of the character's basic skills.


To succeed, you must roll one dice, and score a result equal to or less than the character's Movement value.


You must roll two dice and the sum up both results. If you score a result equal to or less than the character's Endurancevalue, the roll will be successful.


You must roll two dice and sum up both results. To succeed you have to score a result equal to or less than the character's Willpowervalue.


At the end of the round, when all characters have been activated, any K.O.or stunned characters will have the chance to recover from Damageand remove Injury Markersor wake up from a K.O. Toachieve this, make a recovery roll (check Recovery).

Once the recovery rolls are done, players have to apply the effects of all the rules that must be executed at The end of the round.After this, remove all unused Action Countersfrom the Character Cardsand check the victory conditions for the scenario being played. If any player meets this conditions, he will have won and the game will be over.



LINE OF SIGHT In the Batman Miniature Gameit is always by night... That's why character's visibility is reduced. No characters are able to see more than 30cm away from their volume in any direction.

Of course, there are traits and equipment that will let a character see farther, or sometimes the contrary.

To See another character you must be able to trace a straight, unobstructed line between any point of the volume of both characters. The easiest way is to draw an imaginary line between the characters using a tape measure or a laser pointer.

To See another character at least a quarter (1/4) of the target miniature's volume must be visible, not including open arms, or any other equipment elements that may stand out from the base.

In Batman Miniature Gameall characters have a 360° vision angle unless otherwise specified.


If the target is farther than 30cm away from a character, it won't be seen so you cannot attack that object or objective.


In the game streetlights, flashlights and spotlights may be found, which will light up the playing ground. We will specify the area each object illuminates.

.. In any case, if a character is under the effect of any Light,it will become "totally visible by any other characters which can draw a direct line of

sight to the illuminated character, regardless of the distance they are

from it.


All Batman Miniatures Gamecharacters have the same basic movement distance (BMD)of 10cm. This distance may be subject to some changes by several special rules. When a character is activated, and its controlling player decides to move it, it may move through the i playing area as many cm as its BMD without spending any Action Counters.Additionally, if the character has MC to spend (meaning that the controlling player added Action Countersto its move basic ability) they can be used to move further. Roll a die for each MC you spend this way, and then sum the results: this number (in cm) should be added to the character's BMD for the duration of this round. All character's available MC must be used at the same time. A character that does not use the MC during movement, won't be able to use them to move at any other moment after the activation, but may use them to pay other costs.

Characters cannot move through any space or volume already occupied by other characters. This means that if a character wants to move through another character he will have to go around him.

Characters do not have to move their full BMD, but may never exceed it.





Characters may double their BMDspending 1 MC and 1SC.

During this special movement, the character won't be able to manipulate, cross any obstacle or difficult ground, climb or jump.

If a character runs, he must so following a straight line in any direction he wishes to, and must move at least 10cm.


When a character is knocked down, it may stand up during its activation using 1 MC.

Once the character is standing again, it can move as normal.


Sometimes, movement may require to jump over obstacles or gaps between buildings. In these cases, check the jump capacity or JD of the moving character, to determine how far the character may jump. A character's default JD is always equal to half of its BMD.


During the game, there will be occasions when a character's movement may be affected by difficult ground or by a special rule which impairs it. When a character is affected by a movement effect which impairs it, its BMDwill be halved, meaning that every cm it moves will count as 2 for its BMD.

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 586

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