Creating new databaseStartup dialog
Startup dialog appears right after the splash screen providing the user with option to select some of the recently used databases. If no database is used previously (e.g. the software is installed for the first time), than the list will be empty. Had user moved/copied last opened database file to another location, it will not appear in the list.
If there is an item selected in the list, rightmost button has the “Open” functionality. If there is no item selected (e.g. list is empty) then the rightmost button has the “Import” functionality. On click a window common “Open file” dialog is presented and user will have the opportunity to browse for a database file saved previously. “Create new” button will create new database (see Creating new database below).
Enter Master Password dialog
Opening existing database upon open action (whether it is initiated on “Open” or “Import”) software checks if a database is encrypted i.e. is it protected with master password. If it is, an “Enter master key” dialog is presented:
Click on “Ok” button opens the database file and shows the Main screen. “Cancel” button will show the previous dialog.
If user forgets the master password he can reclaim if by clicking on “Send it to my email” button. If the rescue email is specified, software will try to send master password to users email and will notify user about result of operation. If software failed to send email with master password, it will present a notice dialog where it will try to recover it with the rescue email supplied:
If user knows his rescue email, he will be able to recover password, which is presented in text box, hidden behind asterisks. User can then copy password using clipboard (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V).
Creating new database
Click on “Create new” button in Startup dialog will show common “Save file” dialog.
User can specify the name and the path for his database and open it. “Save” button will show “Create Master Password” dialog.
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 919