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Capitalism is a class system in which conflict between classes is a commonplace occurrence.

Think ourselves away from familiar routines of our daily lives in order to look at them anew.

2. Tasks of Sociology?

To investigate the connections between what society makes of us and what we make of ourselves to understand this world.

3. The term “unintended consequences”?

Results different from those we desire.

4. “Social reproduction”? Unchanging continuity of social life

5. “Social transformation”? The changes which occur in society

6. What is the background to the origin of sociology?

French revolution 1789

7. Who invented the word “Sociology”? August Comte.

8. Whose first principle of Sociology was “Study social fact as things!”? Emile Durkheim

9. What is the task of Sociology, according to August Comte?

To understand and to predict and to control human behavior

10. Who introduced the notion of “anomie”? Emile Durkheim

11. What does “anomie” mean? Anomie-a feeling of aimlessness or despair provoked by modern social life.

12. Who introduced material conception of history? Karl Max

13. Who introduced the idea that certain aspect of Christian belief strongly influenced the rise of capitalism? Max Weber

14. What is capitalism, according to Karl Marx?

Capitalism is a class system in which conflict between classes is a commonplace occurrence.

15. Which of the first sociologists closely studied bureaucracy? Max Weber

16. What was Foucault’s view on sexuality? created by posses of social development. Of personality?

17. Between what two types of consequences does Sociology make difference? Intended and unintended consequences.

18.To what does culture refer? To the ways of life of the members of a society

19.“On the origin of species”? Charles Darwin

20. Notion of ‘natural selection’? Charles Darwin

21. What is ‘mutation’? random genetic change which alters the biological characteristics of some individuals in a species.

22. How is the process called whereby an infant gradually becomes skilled in the ways of the culture into which he or she is born? Socialization

23. What is ethnocentrism? It is judging other cultures by comparison with one’s own

24. What is sociobiology? It’s application of biological principle explaining the social activities of all social animals, including human.

25. To which period of life does the phenomenon of ‘mid-life crises belong? Mature adulthood

26. Who made the sociological investigation on the process of adjusting to imminence of death? Elisabeth Kubler Ross

27. When does the process of socialization occur? Throughout the life course

28. What are the earliest societies? Hunting and gathering societies

29. What societies are called the ‘original affluent societies’? Hunting and gathering societies

30. What societies rely mainly on domesticated livestock? Pastoral societies

31. What societies were based on the development of cities?– traditional states.

32. What societies do not exist nowadays? Traditional states

33. In what societies slave-owning was a common feature? Traditional states

34. What is industrialization? The emergence of machine production, based on the use of inanimate power resources

35. What is another term for ‘industrial societies’? “Modern societies”

36. What are ‘nation-states’? political communities, divided from each other by clearly delimited borders.

37. What type of society does Britain exemplify? First World society, Industrial society.

38. What process was central to shaping the social map of modern world? Colonialism

39. What are the First World countries? Europe, United States, Australasia and Japan

40.What are the Second World countries? Communist societies, Soviet union, Eastern Europe

41.What are the Third World countries? Asia, Africa, South America

42. What are the Newly Industrializing countries? Brazil, Mexico, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan

43. What is ‘globalization’? It’s increasing interdependence of world society

44. What is/are the most fundamental problem/problems of modern world? Ecological decay and nuclear prolife.

45. What is ‘civil inattention’? Individual indicates recognition of the other’s presence but avoids any gesture that might be taken as too intrusive.

46. What is ‘social interaction’? The process by which we act and reaction those around us.

47. What is ‘non-verbal communication’? It’s the exchange of information and meaning through facial expressions, gestures, movement of the body.

48. What does the Facial Action Coding System describe? movement of the facial muscles that give rise to particular expressions.

49. To what does the word ‘face’ refer? Esteem

50. What are ‘ethnomethods’? The methods, people use to make sense of what others do, and what they say.

51. What do ‘response cries’ demonstrate? the lapse is only minor and momentary.

52. What do ‘slips of the tongue’ demonstrate? They are unconsciously motivated.

53.When does unfocused interaction take place? Whenever individual exhibit mutual awareness of one another’s presence.

54.When does focused interaction take place? When individuals directly attend to what others say or do.

55.To what the following definition is given: “The brackets which distinguish each episode of focused interaction from the before and from unfocused interaction taking place in the background.”? Markers

56. What is ‘a social role’? Socially defined expectations that a person in a given social position follows.

57. What are ‘front regions’? Are social occasions or encounters in which individuals act out formal roles;

58. What are ‘back regions’? Are where people prepare themselves for interactions in the more formal setting.

59. What is ‘personal distance’?(From one and a half to 4 feet)

60. What is ‘intimate distance’? Of up to one and a half feet.

61.What is ‘social distance’? From 4 to 12 feet,

62. What is ‘public distance’?beyond 12 feet

63.When and where was World standard time introduced? It was introduced in 1884 at a conference of nations held in Washington.

64.What is ‘microsociology? The study of everyday behaviour in situations of face to face interaction

65. What is ‘macrosociology? Is the analysis of large – scale social systems,

66.What is sexuality? – Human sexual patterns – and sexual differences.

67.What is sex? biological or anatomical differences between women and men.

68. What is gender? Psychological, social and cultural differences between males and females

69. What is ‘femininity’? Social learning of female identities

70. What is ‘masculinity’? Social learning of male identities

71. To what conclusion has Sociology come about the differentiation of social roles?

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1918

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