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Merido's Daughter by LJ Maas 14 page

Casey never felt this out of control or in control for that matter. She'd never taken a woman this way and the adrenaline rush involved in simply watching her lover writhe underneath her was enough to bring her close to the edge. She quickly straddled a bronze thigh and let her wet center slide across the muscled leg until the friction was more than she could stand. Tessa groaned when she felt her lover's wet sex rubbing against her leg. Suddenly the only sensations surrounding her, became the feel of her lover's legs wrapped around her thigh and the delicious pounding between her own legs.

Both women nearly screamed as Tessa's orgasm hit her, her body bucking into the intense pleasure, the tremors from her body causing Casey to follow after her.

The small blonde's body slumped onto her lover, both women trying desperately to draw much needed oxygen into their lungs. Casey slid the toy from her lover's body, producing another series of shudders from the woman below her. She rolled over onto her back and without a word, Tessa turned over and snuggled against the soft skin of the blonde's neck. Casey wrapped her arms around her lover and within moments, each woman had fallen into an exhausted slumber.

"Morning," Tessa mumbled sleepily.

She opened her eyes to see a pair of deep green orbs watching her intently. The Karê was surprised that her lover woke before her. She was more puzzled because she usually never slept like this. Her customary sleep routine was to rest for three or four hours and then be ready again for action. Now, each night she spent next to the small blonde she was currently wrapped around, she ended up being so relaxed that she slept soundly throughout the night.

"Morning." Casey replied, but her brow creased together with an expression of worry.

"What's wrong?" Tessa leaned up on one elbow, sure it was something she'd done.

"I--I guess I'm a little surprised you're still speaking to me this morning."

"Wha-? Honey, why would you think I wouldn't be talking to you?"

"After last night..." The blonde trailed off.

"I, personally, thought last night was incredible." Tessa arched one brow and gave a tiny smirk. "I am sorry I fell asleep so fast on you. You definitely wore me out."

"I...well, I didn't meant to...I've never..."

"You've never made love that way before?" Tessa prompted.

Casey nodded. "I didn't hurt you or anything, did I?"

"Oh, honey," Tessa pulled the woman in to her arms. "You did not hurt me."

"I just feel like I took you against your will or something."

Tessa pulled away from the small figure and put on her best indignant stare. "Cassandra," she drawled, "do you honestly think you could take me against my will?"

Finally the small blonde raised her eyes and a sheepish grin relaxed her features.

"Okay, point taken." Casey smiled at her lover. "I don't know where that came from, though. It's like all of a sudden I had this desire to be with you that way. Like I needed to be able to wield that kind of power or control. Is that absolutely terrible? Do you feel like I just used you?"

Tears pooled in Casey's eyes and Tessa pulled her closed against her. "No, baby, I don't feel anything like that. What I do feel is very loved."

Tessa wondered how she should combat the small woman's fears. Should I tell her about the sex that I'm accustomed to? How in the world do I even explain the concept of rough sex and the pain that quickly turns to pleasure under the right circumstances? Tessa didn't have to wonder much longer as Casey beat her to the punch.

"Is that the kind of sex you're used to with women, Nikki?" Casey asked, suddenly feeling extremely naive.

"Yes and no. Yes, I am used to rough sex. I don't think I ever made love to a woman before you, Casey. No, because I've never let another woman take me before, in a strange way you're my first." She paused to reveal an embarrassed grin.

"Then why did you let me?"

Tessa stared intently into the deep green eyes of the woman in her arms and answered with her heart.

"Because I knew I could let down my guard in front of you. In my mind I've always equated being the submissive partner during sex to mean that you were weaker. In my business, people make it a point to find out your weaknesses and use them against you. I just trained myself never to give up control to anyone. I'm glad you proved that theory wrong. I gave that up to you last night because I knew that you would never use it against me." She finished softly.

Casey ran a hand across the darkly tanned skin of her lover's face, tracing the line of her cheekbone with her fingers.

"Nikki, I would never think of you as weak, in bed or anywhere else, for that matter. It takes an incredible amount of strength to place your heart; everything you are, in another's hands. Thank you for letting it be me."

"I love you, Nikki." She finally whispered softly as Tessa held her close.

"Me too." Tessa responded, her voice catching, hoping that her lover would realize what she meant. When she felt Casey smile against her skin she relaxed, knowing the young woman accepted Tessa's form of the sentiment.

When they eventually separated, Casey sat up. "I'm thirsty, do you want something?" She asked, rising from the floor.

"Why don't you let me make you breakfast for a change. Contrary to popular belief, I can cook some things."

"No, don't get up, let's lay here together for a while. I just want something to drink."

"Okay," Tessa chuckled at her lover's pout. "I'll take some juice, then."

The lithe figure disappeared into the next room and Tessa sat up, stretching muscles that weren't accustomed to sleeping on a hard floor all night. In mid stretch she heard Casey's frightened scream and a glass crash to the floor. It took Tessa all of half a dozen strides to make it to the door that separated the two rooms, ready for action.

When the dark-haired woman rushed through the door she found Casey trying to cover most of her naked figure with a dishtowel from a very flustered young man who couldn't seem to take his eyes off the young blonde.

"What in the hell are you doing here? You weren't supposed to be back till tomorrow!" Tessa shouted at the stammering man.

"I--I--I..." He stuttered.

"Turn around," Tessa growled as she watched the man's eyes stay fixed on her lover.

He spun on his heel and began muttering apologies and something about forgetting a book he needed. Tessa in the meantime ran into the living room and returned, tossing Casey her slip.

"Okay," Tessa said gruffly, "you can turn around now." She finished, pulling her own shirt on.

"I'm very sorry Karê, I thought I could slip an and get me book before you were awake." He lowered his head in severe embarrassment.

"Um...remember me?" Casey chimed up in Tessa's direction.

Tessa gave her lover a grin and introduced the two. "Cassandra Meridio, meet George Míkolo."

“You're George Míkolo!" Casey commented in amazement. "You didn't..." She finished, looking at Tessa.

"I told you I could prove it on Monday, when he was supposed to return." Tessa enunciated these last words, staring hard at the young man.

"Forgive me," George raised sincere eyes to Casey. "And, not just about today, Miss, but for my actions against you. I really didn't mean to shoot you, I simply wanted to stop--" He looked up abruptly at Tessa before continuing.

"She knows." The tall woman answered rather softly.

"I wanted to stop what your father was doing. Too many people are dying because of the weapons he sells. I mistakenly thought you were here to join in the family business...I thought you were just like your father."

"I am nothing like my father." Casey answered coldly, enunciating each syllable. She wasn't even looking at the young man, but out the window into her own past.

Casey shook the thoughts away and turned toward the two, the sunny smile on her face once again. Tessa came up to stand behind her lover, placing her hands protectively on her shoulder. The small blonde leaned back against the taller woman, making it clear to the young man that they were lovers.

"George is living here for a while; he takes care of the dogs and looks after the place for me. That is until next week, then he takes a trip, eh, George?"

The man finally smiled broadly at the two women, nodding his head enthusiastically. "I'm going to America!" He announced. "To the University in California. Mr. Armstrong says it will be just like Greece, that the sun shines and they have earthquakes all the time."

"You will love it there.' Casey said to the eager young man.

"Mr. Armstrong says that you will make it possible for me to return to my homeland again someday?" He looked anxiously between the two women.

"I...uh..." Casey stammered until Tessa stepped in.

"We'll do our best, George. You just need to spend your time concentrating on your studies for a while." The Karê finished for the small blonde.

"I should leave you now. Again, I am terribly sorry for startling you."

"We should be gone by midday tomorrow, George...you've got the key." Tessa said to the man before closing the door.

The two women looked at each other and started laughing.

"I'm not usually a screamer, but he scared the shit out of me." Casey laughed even more.

Tessa wrapped her arms around the smaller woman and rested her head on top of her chin. "One thing you have to admit, life with me will never be dull."

Casey pulled away slightly to look up at her lover. "I do believe that statement had a hint of commitment in it, Karê."

"I'm sorry if I've made you feel any other way." Tessa replied.

"You haven't," Casey answered, "but sometimes it's nice to hear it out loud."


"Hhmm?" Tessa answered. The tall woman was turning some skewers of lamb on the grill as Casey sat on the edge of the pool. Today they decided to do nothing more than be together and lounge about the house, resting their minds as well as their bodies.

"You never did tell me how you got out of delivering poor George's...well, you know, to my father."

"I didn't get out of it. I delivered them in a sack just as he asked."


"It's an amazing thing really, how very similar sheep's testicles are to the human male's. Another unsurprising fact is that few men are actually willing to pull them out of the bag and look at them. Kind of strikes too close to home for them." Tessa responded with a wink.

"Gross...that's enough to make me lose my appetite." Casey complained.

"Oh, yea, right...like anything could make you lose your appetite."

"Hey!" Casey put on a mock display of indignation and splashed some water in the standing woman's direction.

"Náh!" Tessa exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Casey asked, turning around.

"Oh, some grease just spat up from the grill and got on my shirt. I'll be right back, I'm going to go throw on an old t-shirt. Will you watch the grill so the meat doesn't burn?"

"Sure, hon, got it covered." Casey rose and took the grill utensil from her lover's hand.

By the time Tessa got back only a minute or two had passed. "Thanks," Tessa kissed the small blonde's cheek, taking the utensil back.

"No prob--" Casey started as she turned to give the tall woman a kiss.

The red t-shirt Tessa wore overwhelmed Casey's field of vision and a staggering sense of fear, bordering on panic, clutched at the small woman.

"Casey, what's wrong?" Tessa asked, realizing she was beginning to see the signs of when bits of that Easter day would wash over the small blonde. The only trouble was that the Karê couldn't tell what her lover was remembering.

"It...um...it must be the glare on that shirt...it seems so bright." Casey stammered, her face turning pale and her breathing deepening. "Could you...do you think you could change into something else?"

Tessa reached over her head and grasped the back of the shirt, pulling it off, leaving her clad only in her bra. "Is that better?" She tossed the shirt into one of the chairs.

Just as suddenly, Casey's nausea disappeared. The young woman nodded in response.

"I don't understand it, I've never reacted to something that was red quite that way before. Wait a minute, the other night at the tavérna. The awning behind you was red, I remember because I started to get sick then, too."

"I'm sorry, honey." Tessa held Casey close to her, feeling her clammy skin warm slightly. I need to tell her what happened. It's got be better than putting her through this torture, doesn't it? How can I say I love her when I won't tell her the truth? Forgive me, Casey, but I can't stand the thought of losing you, not yet.

"Hey, why don't you run inside and get me another shirt to wear, get out of the sun for a few minutes, okay?"

"I don't know, I kind of like you dressed like that." Casey grinned lasciviously.

"I'll just bet you do, but standing naked, over a hot grill leaves me feeling a little vulnerable." Tessa replied.

Casey chuckled and walked into the house, feeling as if nothing had happened to her a few moments ago. When she finally returned she handed an old cinzano t-shirt to the taller woman. Tessa looked up to thank her and smiled at the baseball cap on her lover's head.

"You look pretty damn cute in that."

"Okay, so tell me, how does a Greek woman, educated in England, wind up with a Chicago Cubs baseball cap?" Casey asked, pulling the cap onto her own head.

I went to Chicago on business once; some associates took me to a game at Wrigley Field. The sound of the stadium...and the grass was so green; well, it actually took my breath away. I've been a fan of American baseball ever since."

"You are an amazingly complex woman, do you know that?" Casey reached up to kiss the tall woman's lips.

"Yea, I bet that's what you say to all your Greek lovers." Tessa said gruffly, removing the meat from the grill as she spoke.

"Pretty much." The young blonde smirked.

"Oh, that's it, no food for you." Tessa smiled as she carried the plate into the house.

"Hey, don't tease me about food." The suddenly contrite blonde called after her lover.


"Nikki, this place is beautiful, but do you really think the owner will rent it to me?" Casey asked her lover.

They stood in the middle of the large two-bedroom apartment that Tessa came up with, as a place to stay once Casey had to work in Athens. The large two-story wooden building was divided into 3 apartments, two on the lower level and the one they now stood in, that took up the entire top level.

"I think it's pretty much a certainty," Tessa began, standing behind the small blonde slipping her arms around her lover's waist, "you happen to have an in."

"Oh, really? Do tell."

"Yea, the owner happens to have a thing for you," Tessa answered placing a soft kiss on the smaller woman's neck.

"Do you--" Casey asked, spinning around to face the dark-haired woman. The grin on Tessa's face told Casey who owned the building they stood in.

"I'll say it once again... You are an amazingly complex woman, Tessa Nikolaidis." Casey said softly, right before she reached up and soundly kissed the woman above her.

They spent the rest of the late afternoon getting an extra set of keys made and having the utilities turned on. They finished by doing a little dry goods shopping for items that Casey would need. By the time they left the apartment, Tessa thought it already had Casey's distinctive look about it.

"You're not sleepy at all are you?" Casey questioned the woman that held her in her arms.

"I'm sorry, hon, I'm just not used to getting as much sleep as I have the last few days." Tessa replied. She knew that she had been fidgeting for the last hour and Casey was sensitive to every one of her moves. "Would you mind terribly if I got up and read or something? I'll be right next door in the den."

"Of course not. You don't have to be with me every minute of the day to show me you love me, Nikki." Casey explained sleepily.

Tessa got up and put her robe on. Bending down she placed a gentle kiss on her lover's cheek. "Trouble is, I pretty much want to be with you every minute of the day." Tessa whispered.

Casey smiled and curled up against the pillow her lover abdicated, breathing in the scent of the woman and thinking how much she loved the fresh clean scent of her lover's skin.

There are many senses that exist within the human body that capture memories for us, none so strong as the sense of smell. By the time Casey was entering the dream stage of her sleep, the cells in her brain were still processing the scent that triggered the recollection of a day long forgotten by the sleeping figure.

"Can I ride him now, Pappa?" Casey jumped up and down in her excitement.

Andreas Meridio scooped up the five-year-old and held her in his arms. "Máhtia Mou, this is a big pony and you're still a small girl." He explained.

"But, Pappa, you said he was my Easter present!" The young girl pouted while a fiery determination burned in her green eyes.

"Yes, Cassandra, but he is large and you are small. You have to train him so he will be gentle and not throw you. Remember, he will be a grown horse, long before you," he poked the girl lightly in the belly and she giggled, "are a grown woman."

"But, Pappa--" Casey complained as her father set her on the ground again.

"Enough, Cassandra." Her father said sharply, dropping to one knee in front of the youngster. "I tell you what, if one of the older children will ride double with you, you can mount him. How does that sound?"

Casey jumped into the kneeling man's arms and hugged him fiercely. "Thank you, Pappa."

"Cassandra." Casey turned her head to see a young petite blonde woman coming down the path. "It's time for lunch, sweetheart."

"Coming, Mána," Casey called out to her mother. The small girl kissed her father's cheek and ran up the stone path to her mother's waiting arms.

"It should be me that rides with Casey, I'm the biggest," a tall boy said, pushing one of the youngsters aside.

"I think Casey should pick, it's her pony," Casey's friend Maria spoke up.

"She's too little to decide." Another boy chimed in.

"I'll be the one to ride with her." A dark-haired girl walked into view and stood in front of the first boy as if daring him to argue with her. She was eleven years old, but every bit as tall as he was. "That is if she wants me to."

Kneeling down to the small blonde's level, she smiled into the green eyes that looked up at her in awe. "My name is Tessa, would you like me to ride with you, Casey?"

Casey liked the way the older girl's blue eyes sparkled, just like the water in Tourlos Bay. Casey wished she could be big like this girl, she didn't act like she was afraid of those bigger boys at all. The small blonde nodded her head eagerly and held out her hand.

Tessa rose and took the girl's hand, walking over to the stable that held the pony. She sat the youngster on a bale of hay and explained to Casey all that she was doing as she saddled the strong pony. The tiny girl sat mesmerized and promised herself that she would remember everything the older girl was telling her. Casey knew she would too. She may have been the smallest girl in her kindergarten class, but she was smart and could remember things well. She never gave up when the bigger children did and it was this fierce persistence that allowed her to keep up when the older children let her join them.

Tessa jumped into the saddle and told Casey to stand on the bale of hay. The older girl maneuvered the horse into position and told Casey to put her left foot in the stirrup. Grasping the young girls arm in her own strong grasp, Tessa practically lifted the small child onto the saddle behind her.

"Well, what do you think?" Tessa asked as they departed the stable and walked the pony around the field.

Casey looked down to the ground. "It's pretty far if you fall, huh?"

"Then don't fall." Tessa responded with a chuckle.

After a time of trotting the pony around the grassy field, Casey stopped the older girl. "Can we go fast now, Tessa?"

"You want to gallop, huh? Okay, but you'll have to put your arms around me and hold on tight."

Casey slipped her arms as far around the older girl's waist as she could.

"You'll have to hold on tighter than that, little one." Tessa said, half-turning in the saddle.

Casey tightened her grip and Tessa prompted the pony into a speedy gallop. It was a short burst by most standards, but it was enough to make the small blonde happy. Returning to the stable, Tessa showed Casey how to remove the saddle and small blanket, and to rub the horse down to relax the animal's muscles.

"Tessa, come on, we're gonna play ball." One of the older boys burst into the stable to shout at the dark-haired girl.

Casey hung back, knowing the older children never let her play ball.

"Come on, little one." Tessa placed a protective hand on the girl's shoulder and the small blonde beamed up at her new friend.

Casey stood in a group of children, as captains were chosen and teams about to be selected. Casey was elated that she was going to play, but she felt miserable waiting to be picked. She was always selected last and it was usually more of a burden to whatever team got stuck with her. It started to wear on the youngster and her self-esteem wasn't very high anymore.

"I'll take Casey," Tessa announced.

"Oh, boy, we're going to win for sure now!" The older boy shouted.

Tessa's face gave nothing away as she motioned for the young blonde to stand by her side. Teams were finally settled and the children began a game of háhso, a Greek version of dodge ball. Tessa pulled Casey to stand by her.

"Do you know how to play, little one?"

Casey nodded her head. "I don't let the ball hit me." She said proudly. "But, Tessa...I don't catch good."

Tessa smiled down at the girl who only came up to her waist. "That's okay, I'll catch the balls. You just stand out in front and make what ya got work for you."

"What's that mean?"

"It means that you're small and fast, there's no way those stupid boys are going to be able to hit you. Jump out of the way and I'll be behind you to catch the ball."

Casey did exactly as the older girl directed. She hopped around and Tessa faithfully caught every volley that came at them, until they were the only two left from their team. Tessa picked up a ball and with a moment of precise aim rocketed the object toward one of the two boys left on the other team. The ball hit the first boy squarely in the back and bounced off, smacking the second boy in the legs.

"Game over, we win!" Tessa's teammates shouted.

Tessa had a look of triumph in her blue eyes as she looked down at her small partner. The dark-haired girl spit in the palm of her hand and raised it to the blonde. Casey did the same and the two girls slapped their hands together in victory.

Casey had always wanted to do that. She'd never won any sport before and always watched as the victors celebrated with the powerful handshake. She grinned broadly, even though it did feel a little slimy. The small blonde wiped her hand on her shorts and trotted off behind Tessa.

The older girl walked away from the group of children. Everyone knew that Tessa liked to go off by herself once in a while, but Casey trotted faithfully beside her dark-haired friend, jogging to keep up with Tessa's long strides. Tessa was used to being alone most of the time. She looked out of the corner of her eye and caught sight of the blonde, running to keep up with her. She slowed down to a stroll for the youngster. Tessa didn't have any brothers or sisters and this one was kind of fun to be around, even if she was just a little kid. There was something the older girl liked; that reminded her of her self. The small blonde had a lot of heart and used her brains. There was also a look in the green eyes. Kind of like they were telling Tessa that Casey trusted her. The dark-haired girl smiled to herself. Whatever it was about the tiny blonde by her side, Tessa had an overwhelming urge to protect the girl. She didn't know why, it was just a feeling she had.

"My Pappa works for your Pappa." Tessa finally spoke. She waited to see what the girl would say. She remembered the last time she made friends with the son of the man her father worked for. He thought he was better than her because of it.

Casey jumped up and down slightly. "Does that mean you can come over and ride the pony with me again, Tessa?"

Tessa laughed out loud at the excited expression on the girl's face. It doesn't even matter to her, she thought to herself. "Sure, little one." Tessa paused before continuing. "You know, you can call me what my Pappa calls me, if you want. He's my best friend and I will only let my best friends call me this...Niko."

Casey smiled brightly. "Niko, can I be your friend?"

"Absolutely!" Tessa smiled down at the girl.

The two wandered down into the olive groves and Tessa taught Casey how to skip rocks across the water of the small pond. Casey couldn't make it work, but she clapped her hands in delight as the older girl made the flat rock bounce across the surface of the water. When they came to the top of a grassy ridge they looked down on a group of men, perhaps twenty feet from where they were hidden by the tall grass.

"Let's pretend we're spies," Tessa whispered.

Casey nodded her head silently, wondering what spies were.

"See," Tessa whispered in a low voice, "that's my Pappa over there."

Casey followed her friend's hand, pointing out a very tall dark-haired man. "That's my Pappa next to him." Casey replied.

The two girls watched as suddenly the action below changed. The two girl's fathers began a heated exchange and even though Tessa couldn't hear everything that was being said, her brow creased into a frown. The movement of Andreas Meridio's hand happened quickly, but to the girls watching, it was agonizingly slow.

Meridio's hand came up with a pistol in it. He never paused; firing three shots into the taller man's skull before the dark-haired man slumped to the ground.

"Pappa!" Tessa shouted as she stood and began running toward the group of men.

Casey was frozen in place. She had watched the movies where people killed each other, but her mother insisted that it was all pretend. She told the youngster that they were all actors and when the camera turned off, the people got up and walked away. Casey waited for Tessa's father to get up, but he didn't. Suddenly she heard Tessa cry out again. The frightened blonde watched as her own father backhanded the girl away from him with a single blow. The dark-haired girl jumped back up and was suddenly out of control. One of the men caught her from behind and held on to the kicking and screaming wildcat. That's when Casey acted.

"Niko!" Casey shouted as she rushed down the hill toward her friend.

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 540

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