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Merido's Daughter by LJ Maas 13 page

So there is penance to do in this life, after all, she thought to herself. This would be hers, to finally give her heart away, only to lose it. To experience the ecstasy of someone as wonderful as Casey loving her, ready to forgive her dark past, only to have to give it up. In her life she had been beaten, shot, but the pains of those incidents were nothing compared to the anguish that poured over her now.

She couldn't lie to Casey any longer. She could no longer pretend that they would have a life together. Tomorrow she would give Casey the last piece of herself. She would take her to the Center and show her who she was; what the young woman's father was, and where the small blonde fit into the chess game. They wouldn't like it at the Center, they weren't too happy when she showed up with Míkolo, but Tessa thought Jack could explain it all to Casey. If she tried she might lose her nerve halfway through or she would be tempted to take the woman in her arms and sugar coat it. Jack would know what to say and how to say it. He had daughters; he would understand the young woman's pain and confusion. Then again Jack could be a heartless bastard when he wanted to.

Tessa absently scratched behind Cinnamon's ears as the animal lay her head in the Karê's lap. Still the tears fell and Tessa closed her eyes tight to the pain as realization washed over her. She had just made love to Casey for the last time.

Tessa woke with a start, lying in the middle of the King-size bed alone. It was at least midmorning by the way the sun was beginning to stream in through the windows.


"Down here." Casey called from the floor below.

Tessa breathed a sigh of relief. She thought for a moment that Casey was gone. She pulled on a robe and wandered downstairs, for the first time catching the tantalizing aroma coming from the kitchen.

"You got out of bed last night...I mean, early this morning." Casey accused once she felt the warm presence at her back.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I couldn't sleep."

The smaller woman turned and slipped her arms around the Karê's waist. She looked up into red rimmed eyes and she suspected the reason for her lover's early morning departure. They kissed and Tessa closed her eyes at the sweet taste of her lover's mouth. When they pulled out of the kiss, Casey wrapped her arms tighter around the slim waist and rested her head on a soft, warm chest. Tessa kissed the top of her head and held her tighter.

"So, what are we having for lunch?" Tessa asked.

"Something I think you'll like." Casey replied secretively.

"Do I have time for a shower?"

"Yep, if you make it a quick one." Casey responded.

By the time they sat down for their meal, Tessa was cleaned and dressed and Casey set the table outside for their meal. When she sat the plates of food down Tessa's eyes widened and she grinned.

"Keftédes! These are my favorite." She cried, referring to the fried, meatball-like items made of pork. "How did you know and where in this house did you find the ingredients?" Tessa asked in wonder. "You know the only person who makes these for me is my mo--" She stopped abruptly, catching herself, but Casey didn't seem to notice.

Casey served the Keftédes on a bed of fresh mint along with saffron rice. "I'd love to say it was kismet or something, but actually Olympia told me. I learned to make these a long time ago in her kitchen. I've already been down to the market and back this morning, sleepyhead."

"I'm sorry, honey, I could have gone with you."

"You were sleeping so sound I didn't want to wake you."

"I can't believe I didn't wake up when you left. I've never felt comfortable enough around anyone to let down my guard like that." Tessa confessed.

"I know." Casey smiled. "I hope it was okay, but I brought Cinnamon with me. She just sat in the car with the top down and looked menacing whenever some guy would hit on me."

"Good girl, Cinny." Tessa said to the animal, scratching under her chin, looking up with a lopsided smile at the small blonde.

"Go on," Casey said with a smile. "Eat before it gets cold."


"I need to take you somewhere today, Casey." Tessa said, placing her coffee cup back onto the table, afraid to raise her eyes.

"To tell me more about who you are?"

"Yes." Tessa finally looked up and the fear was evident in her blue eyes. "I need for you to know all the truth about me. There are things you'll hear...about me...and, about your father that you won't want to hear. I'd like to give you the chance to back out if you want, Casey. I won't think badly about you, frankly I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to call it quits with us right now."

"I'm not about to give up on you, Nikki. I told you before, I love you...all of you."

"You won't after today." Tessa replied ominously.

Casey took a deep breath and wondered if she was really up for this. When did life get so hard?

"It's so terrible then...what I'll hear?" Casey asked.

Tessa nodded her head, that same wounded look haunting her expression. "I'm going to bring you to meet some people I know, that I work with. The things they tell you will all be true, you have to trust me on this. I want you to at least hear them out, then I'll answer every question you have."

"Allright, Nikki." Casey answered, not yet realizing that this would be the last day that she would proudly call herself, Meridio's daughter.

The car ride into the historic district of Kolonáki was a relatively silent one, both women lost in private thoughts. Tessa pulled the car into a modern underground garage and they walked the two blocks to a four-story brick building.

"A travel agency?" Casey questioned when she saw the sign, then wondered why a travel agency would need such a large building.

"Not really." Tessa replied, holding the door open for the smaller woman to enter.

They exited the elevator on the fourth floor and Tessa led the way through a small maze of offices. Finally she stopped in front of an older woman's desk. The stranger had thick rimmed glasses and auburn hair that had long ago lost its natural color.

"Tell Jack I'm here, I'll be in the conference room." Tessa said briefly then ushered Casey into a room that could indeed be considered a conference room.

"Have a seat, I'll be right back. Do you want something to drink?" Tessa asked.

Casey shook her head and watched as the dark-haired woman closed the door behind her. The young woman surveyed her surroundings and couldn't put it together. The supposed conference room looked the part, a large table surrounded by high back chairs and a large ornate mirror on the wall. A travel agency that looks nothing like a place of business? Casey silently pondered.

Tessa stood with her arms folded in an adjoining room that was completely dark. The mirror in the conference room allowed her to view Casey without the small blonde seeing her. She watched and could see the wheels turning inside her lover's brain.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" A male voice hissed from behind her.

"Afternoon, Jack." Tessa replied, not taking her eyes off of Casey.

"I'd really like to know, have you completely lost that Greek mind of yours, bringing her here?"

"She needs to know the truth."

"Bullshit! You need redemption and you think because you're screwing her, that now it's time to come clean."

Tessa turned her head and her blue eyes went pale. "You're watching me now?"

"I'm watching out for you! You happen to be a valuable commodity within our organization--"

"Which is why I ought to be able to make a few demands now and again." Tessa interrupted.

"I think you're wearing them out. Just what in the hell did you think that Míkolo business was?"

The man walked closer to the mirror and rubbed his face with the palm of his hand, sighing heavily. "Yea, well it's easy to see what the enticement is. Tell me Tessa, how bad is it?"

"I'm in love with her." She answered. So, why can't I say it to her?

"This wasn't the way this was all supposed to go down, you know?" Tessa said almost as if to herself. "I want you to tell her the truth."

"You know she's going to tell her old man once I do. No way is she going to just sit back and watch. No, forget it."

"This is not a negotiable point." Tessa hissed, turning an angry face to the man.

"And, just which truth do you want me to tell her? The way I see it or the way you see it?"

"What in the hell is that supposed to mean?

"It means, do I tell her you plan on whacking her old man?" the older man growled.

"You only need to tell her what she needs to know." Tessa replied.

"So I tell her you're setting up Meridio, but I don't tell her that in return I'm gonna turn my head while you put a bullet in his brain for what he did to your father."

Tessa grew silent and lowered her head, bringing her hand up to rub the back of her neck. Jack was harsh, but she knew the man dealt in harsh truths everyday. She rather admired the older man and Jack told her numerous times that he was sorry the Bureau hadn't found out about her sooner. He said they would have made a great team on the right side of the law.

"Just don't say anything about my father, okay?" Tessa asked.

"She was there, how can she not know about it already?"

"She was a little kid. She doesn't remember what happened that day. She has nightmares and I don't want to set anything off we're not equipped to deal with." Tessa responded truthfully.

"Oh, wonderful," Jack replied. "I get stuck with the tough dyke and her looney girlfriend."

So fast he never saw it coming, the man's body was slammed against the wall, the woman's strong arms holding him in vise-like grip.

"She is a lady and you damn well better treat her that way." The dark-haired woman rasped.

"Allright...allright." Jack said hoarsely.

Tessa loosened her grip and the man tried to collect himself. "Come on." He said at last.

"I thought maybe you dumped me here." Casey said.

Tessa came back into the room followed by a man in his late forties, maybe fifties. He was fit and trim with a little gray at the temples. Casey thought the man reminded her a great deal of her father.

"Never." The tall woman responded, taking Casey's hand in her own. "Cassandra Meridio, I'd like you to meet Jack Armstrong."

"Armstrong?" The small blonde asked with an amused smile.

"Don't even think about it." Jack shook the small hand offered to him.

"Oh, please." Casey couldn't resist.

"Okay." He said, rolling his eyes as if he's heard this line a million times.

"Jack Armstrong...the All American Boy?"

Even Tessa chuckled at the amusement Casey displayed and the discomfort the agent exhibited.

"My father had a wicked sense of humor." Jack replied.

Once Casey and Tessa settled into their seats Jack put on his game face and began.

"Ms. Meridio, I'm a Special Agent working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the Unites States. I'm here in Greece to head up an operation to catch a criminal that has managed to stay one step ahead of the law for a very long time now. We're here working with members of InterPol because this criminal represents a threat to the National Security of more than one country. That criminal's name is Andreas Meridio."

"This must be some kind of mistake. My father isn't a criminal." Casey said haltingly looking from Tessa to the stranger. "Nikki?" Casey asked the dark-haired woman.

Tessa placed a hand over Casey's smaller one that rested on the table. "I told you these things would be very hard to hear. I didn't want you to find out this way, Casey, but I care too much about you to see you stuck in the middle like this."

"Ms. Meridio, do you know what an arms dealer is?" Jack Armstrong asked.

"Guns? You're telling me my father sells guns?" Casey asked in a stunned voice.

"Not just guns. Military weapons; everything from hand grenades to light missiles, tanks, M-50's, air to ground missiles, high-caliber weapons of destruction. Now he's beginning to do a lot of business with third world countries. We're very afraid he may have gotten his hands on some nuclear weapons."

"The Libyans?" Casey asked almost in a whisper.

"Smart lady. Yes, the people you lunched with the other day are among the people we're worried about. We're at somewhat of a stalemate. We know where Meridio sells the arms once he gets them, but what we really need to know is who he gets them from. Without some actual proof, extradition will be all but impossible."

Casey looked like a woman who had been just told the impossible and was trying hard to digest the information. When the small blonde looked up, Tessa had her head lowered staring at the hands in her lap.

"What do you have to do with all of this, Nikki?"

"Ms. Nikolaidis works for our organization, we set her up as the Meridio Karê." Jack intervened.

"And, Tusky...was his car bomb really an accident?" Casey asked, suddenly suspicious.

"Let's just say that Mr. Tuscadaris' demise was fortuitous." He replied ominously.

"It sounds to me like you people aren't a whole lot better than the people you're out to catch." Casey said sardonically.

"Believe me, Ms. Meridio, we are." Jack said quickly perching himself on the table in front of the seated young woman. "These men kill people. Men, women, children, it doesn't matter if you get in their way."

Armstrong backed off as he caught the blue fire emanating from Tessa's eyes. This woman used to be a heartless killer and he wasn't in a hurry to push her to her limits today. God help the first idiot that lays a hand on Meridio's daughter. He's going to wish he'd never been born in a big way.

"Ms. Meridio do you know that small arms like the kinds your father deals in claim over 200,000 lives every year? Do you know why so many civilians are dying in supposed military conflicts? In World War I, for instance, 5 million people died, and 80 percent of them were soldiers. In World War II, 60 million died and half were soldiers. Since 1945, 30 million have died in wars and 80 percent of those were civilians. Men who deal in small arms are personally responsible for keeping some parts of this region of the world in an almost permanent state of war or civil war."

"Allright that's enough." Tessa said between clenched teeth. "Let's stay on track, shall we?"

"So all this talk about your past?" Casey looked over at her lover. "You're really a government agent?"

"No, honey. What I told you is true. I--I--" Tessa stammered.

"Ms. Nikolaidis is working for us in exchange for immunity for any crimes she may have committed while living in the Greek Islands." Armstrong jumped in. "She didn't exactly come willingly. She got her hand caught in the proverbial cookie jar, smoking gun and all."

Casey looked at Tessa who lowered her gaze to the floor. The small blonde returned her questioning gaze to the agent in front of her, a silent request to continue.

"She just happened to have killed a boy...the wrong boy."

"Nikki...you killed a boy?" Casey asked as Tessa's head shot up to glare at Armstrong.

"He was twenty-three."

"He also just happened to be a diplomat's son." Armstrong added.

"He was killing working girls down by the docks." Tessa turned to the small blonde to explain. "He'd hire a whore then he'd slit her throat for the fun of it. The police wouldn't do anything about it so I did."

"The embassy was handling it." Armstrong cut in.

"So, they were going to send him back to his own country where he could do it to girls there? Where is the justice for the women who were murdered here?" Tessa hissed.

The small blonde understood that these two must have had this conversation before as each backed off to a respective corner. Neither looked about to acquiesce on the point, but Casey felt somewhat relieved as to why Tessa would kill a man in cold blood.

"Well, it became a moot point," Armstrong turned back to Casey. "Turned out Tessa had an underling who was just dying to become boss. He set her up. The gun was literally smoking when the police showed up. So, that's when I showed up. Her position within Meridio's organization affords us the perfect opportunity to bring this little empire down. It's taken almost five years Ms. Meridio, to get to this point. I'm rather interested, what will you do with all of this information I've given you?"

"I--I don't know." Casey answered honestly.

"We've got three ways we can play this. Let me tell you what your options are from here on in. First, you can go back to America and you'll be notified when it's all over. Your father will most likely spend the rest of his life in prison. Second, you can continue to live in Greece, but should you breathe one word of our operation to your father, or anyone that might tell your father about it, then you leave me no alternative but to prosecute you also. That means it's likely that you'll end up in an adjoining cell with your father."

"Allright, I don't think she needs any threats thrown at her." Tessa stepped in.

"I'm merely explaining what her options are." Armstrong explained.

"You said there was a third option?" Casey said in her tough as nails California attitude type of voice.

"Yes, you can join us."

"No!" Tessa shouted, standing up.

"I think that's the young woman's decision. She could deliver what we need. She might be able to get that extra step closer."

"You're fucking pushing it, Jack." Tessa growled.

"That's enough!" Casey said loudly.

The small blonde stood and walked over to one of the windows and thought it odd that such a distasteful place would have such a beautiful view of Athens. She shook her head slightly to clear away the pensiveness and finally looked up at the man.

"Mr. Armstrong, apparently you've gotten a bad impression of what being Greek is all about. I have no intention of going against my family at this stage. You've told me a great many things, but you haven't offered me one shred of evidence to back up these accusations."

"Touché, Ms. Meridio. You're right, but I think we can provide you with that." Armstrong turned toward Tessa. "Why don't you show her a few things in the file room." He finished.

Tessa took that to mean their time was at an end. She held out her arm, more for Casey to walk in front of her than to be able to touch. In her heart she could feel what her young lover must have been thinking about her. Without warning, Casey slipped her hand into the Karê's grasp and squeezed it gently. Tessa rewarded the young woman with a small smile that was flooded with equal parts relief and amazement.

When the two women walked out the door with a slight backward glance in his direction, he caught the look on each of their faces. Once they closed the door behind them, Jack dropped into the chair with a groan.

"Those two are gonna ruin my career, I just know it." He said with a loud exasperated sigh.

Casey watched as reel after reel of 8mm film was played on a white projection screen in front of her. Hundreds of video tapes were stacked around the room all marked, Meridio. Tears fell as she viewed her father, the man she grew up worshipping, as he held center stage in each scene. They were all shot undercover so the quality left something to be desired, but there could be no mistake. She looked at hundreds of still photographs and listened to taped conversations until Tessa could see that the woman had reached her limit.

The two women walked at a leisurely pace through the lower gardens of the Acrópolis. Not a word was said about the day's earlier incident as they steered in the direction The Propyláia, which housed the Temple of Athena. Walking up the long flight of stone steps, Casey turned right to stand before what was left of the great temple. She pulled out a twenty-drachma coin and placed it gently on the wall, as she always did. She had no idea who picked up the coins, but since she was a small child every time her mother brought her to the Acrópolis, she taught Casey to pay homage to the ancient Greek goddess.

"My mother told me that if I believed with all my heart, Athena would make me strong." Casey explained her actions. The small blonde sat heavily on a stone block and wept. "I don't feel very strong." Casey cried.

Tessa held the small figure against her as she wept. There were no words that she could offer, but little by little, the love and the strength within the dark-haired woman, transferred itself into her lover.

By the time they arrived back at Tessa's estate, their silence became comfortable and no longer fearful and strained. They spent most of the evening in that companionable silence, wrapped around one another on a large rug in the living area. Tessa opened the patio doors to let in the cool night air just so they could light a fire in the fireplace and watch the flames hypnotically dancing across the walls.

Tessa lay stretched out in an old t-shirt and boxers, Casey leaning back in her arms wearing a short, silk chemise. Casey ran her hands along the Karê's strong arms, delighting in the feel of muscle under her fingertips. Her touch turned into a caress and soon her hand traveled down the hollow between the dark-haired woman's breasts.

Tessa, in the meantime, was trying hard to remember how to breathe. She knew in her heart that the small blonde wouldn't want her that way again; that she had destroyed the trust that existed between them. Tessa was very content to simply hold Casey and try to be a friend to the young woman. The only problem with that plan, as the Karê saw it, was that Casey didn't seem to be cooperating. The young woman seemed to have an agenda of her own.

"Casey?" Tessa questioned, raising the young woman's face. The look she saw there actually made her heart skip a few beats faster and she was suddenly confused. "I thought...I thought you wouldn't want me any more...' She trailed off, unsure how to verbalize all she felt.

Casey looked deep into the sapphire eyes that questioned her and worked up the best smile she could under the circumstances. "I told you, Nikki, I love you. I thought maybe you didn't want to be with me."

"What? Honey, what would make you think that?"

"I don't know what I'm going to do about all of this. I'm not sure what I should do. I am still Meridio's Daughter."

"Casey," Tessa lifted the woman's chin again to look directly into her eyes. "I'll understand no matter what you decide to do, love." Then she wrapped the woman in her arms and Casey leaned into the powerful touch.

She still wants me, the dark-haired woman thought to herself in utter amazement. Tessa was absolutely stunned at the young woman's infinite capacity to feel...to feel for her. This new awareness thrilled and terrified her at the same time.

Casey's hands eventually resumed their journey along her lover's dark skin. She lifted the shirt slightly to let her fingers run in circular patterns on the taut skin of Tessa's abdomen, letting them wander and make lazy circles. She smiled to herself when she saw the muscles clench under her touch. Suddenly an overwhelming desire washed over her. She wanted this woman, she wanted to take her and not with a gentle, loving hand, but in a way that she'd never expressed her passion before. She had the strangest feeling that her dark-haired lover would be more than happy to comply. She lifted the shirt higher and ran her tongue across a nipple that was already erect with desire. She nibbled on the tight flesh, producing a groan from Tessa.

"Oh, yesss, baby," the Karê moaned as Casey sucked harder, biting down on the tender flesh.

Slender fingers found their way to entwine themselves in Casey's golden hair. Tessa arched her back and pressed the blonde head harder to her chest, delighting in the rough touch. Somewhere in the back of Tessa's brain she thought that she should be taking control of their lovemaking, but the small blonde seemed to have a sense of determination and the physical sensations being produced within her body were so overwhelming that she could do no more than comply.

Casey slipped her hand into the loose fitting waistband of her lover's shorts and soon realized that Tessa wore no other underwear. Her fingers played with the silky dark curls, not straying any lower just yet. The small blonde moved quickly to her feet.

"I'll be right back. Make sure you have these off by the time I get back." She commanded to a rather stunned Karê.

"Oh, baby...now you have to get up?" Tessa panted.

By the time the words were out Casey was halfway up the stairs. Tessa let herself fall back onto the floor, but when she heard her lover's footstep coming back down the staircase, she realized she was still dressed. The taller woman wriggled out of her shorts and quickly tossed off her shirt, remembering the small blonde's parting order.

Wait a minute, Casey's ordering me to get naked? Hhmm, Casey ordering me around, this could be interesting. So, what do you have in mind for tonight, little one? Need to expel a little steam?

When Casey reached the living room she caught her naked lover staring into the fire, the most erotic grin on her face.

"So, are you going to share this fantasy?" Casey asked.

Tessa finally noticed the small blonde standing right in front of her. She watched as Casey tossed a folded blanket to the floor.

"That was the big emergency?" Tessa asked, sitting up.

"In case I get cold." Casey lied, reaching down and grasping the hem of her chemise and pulling it over her head in one swift motion.

She straddled the Karê's muscled thighs and sat down, just as Tessa reached for her. The dark-haired woman pressed Casey closer to her and the small blonde wrapped her fingers in the raven tresses and unceremoniously pulled the waiting mouth to her own. It was a small fight for dominance, Tessa giving in quickly, understanding Casey's need to be in control on this night. It wasn't the easiest thing she'd ever done, but the fire her lover was igniting and the throbbing ache that had begun at her center, convinced her to let her lover have her way.

Casey began to realize the power the submissive partner had, when it came to pleasure. Their fantasies and appetites were what kept the little scenario playing along. Fortunately, Casey knew her lover's body well enough to continually tease her to the brink, only to slow the rhythm to a frustratingly slow pace. Holding Tessa's wrists and not allowing the dark-haired woman to touch her, she sucked, bit, and nipped at her lover's skin until Tessa whimpered for release.

Casey reached into the folds of the blanket she procured earlier, carefully removing the dildo she hid there. Lying atop her lover, she held the toy in her hand and pressed the large end into Tessa wetness, teasing her with a small circular motion against her sex. Her lover's intense reaction was all she could have hoped for.

A low guttural moan escaped from Tessa's lips "Oh, God, yesss!" The dark-haired woman arched her back and spread her legs wider. "Oh please...please baby, do it!" She begged.

There was very little tenderness involved. Casey slid the phallus in one swift motion, burying the object inside her lover. Tessa cried out in pleasure as her slick inner walls expanded and the shaft was pulled halfway out then pushed forward again. Casey was soon following the rhythm her lover's hips set as the dark-haired woman begged to be taken harder and faster. Casey's hunger equaled, if not exceeded, her partner's and her thrust's increased in speed and force until Tessa was clutching at the rug on the floor as if to simply have something to ground herself to. The large woman's hips met each thrust, burying as much of the phallus as she could take, her breathing coming in ragged gasps.

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 547

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