MEANS OF ADVERTISING200. product placement
201. hidden commercial messages
202. flyer
203. classified ads
204. billboard/hoarding
205. sports sponsorship
206. sky-writing
207. sports boards
208. sandwich boards
209. fashion skins
210. carrier bag
211. colossal discounts
212. To run the commercial
213. To hand out (leaflets)
214. To put up (posters)
215. To dress up as sth
216. advertising images
217. bargains galore
218. a concentration of visual messages
219. smth goes without saying SPEAKING
220. one way or another SPEAKING
221. when it comes to SPEAKING
222. to label smth as smth/to be labeled as smth
223. to be flagged as smth
224. impressionable teens
225. patronizing
226. peer pressure
227. pester power
228. To pester parents for brands
229. to be up to
230. To show off
231. digital marketing
232. to become technologized
233. social networking site
234. the fastest-growing marketing niche
235. digital environment
236. to create a fansite
237. to blog about
238. medium-media
239. seeded blogging
240. advergaming
241. branded content
242. virals= viral marketing
243. virtual worlds
244. social software
245. advertiser-funded content
246. chatroom
247. To brand products\services
248. to project a brand
249. To differentiate sth from sth
250. Competitive set
251. Rival brand
252. Brand value
253. Brand name
254. Trademark
255. Logo
256. Label
257. Brand manager
258. Branding
259. Brand image
260. Brand essence
261. Brand promise
262. Brand vision
263. A premium brand
264. An economy brand
265. An own brand = an own-label brand = private label brand
266. A brand leader
267. A no brand = a generic brand
268. A flagship brand\ a flagship store\ a flagship shop
269. Co-branding
Why do we buy brands?
270. to have a good reputation for smth
271. to be noted for smth
272. to rely on customer loyalty towards/to smth;
273. To make Long-term commitment
274. to act as a brand ambassador
275. To accept an idea
276. To earn a reputation
277. to stand for
278. to create ones’ own style
279. to presume smth (quality) / presumption
280. to crave forconsistency
281. issue of trust
282. to trust the makers
283. to gain approval
284. to owe reputation to smth
285. brand conscious society
286. to be worth paying for
287. to miss the point –idiom SPEAKING
288. to adhere to quality
289. Approach to smth
290. To be keen on smth
291. forthe sake of smb
292. to seem /be destined to do smth
293. to get to someone
294. the concept of contagious magic
295. to take advantage of smth
296. to be enslaved to brands
297. fashion victim
298. shallow-minded
299. brand junkie
300. to join the hordes of lookalikes
301. group/individual identity
302. to conform / conformity
303. to lack their own personality and individuality
304. (not) to have the mental ability to make a conscious choice
305. major concern
306. a crisis of parenting
307. overburdened
308. persistent pestering
309. out of guilt
310. out of remit
311. to blame for
312. To come to some alarming conclusions
313. low self-esteem
314. social behavioural problems
315. be susceptible to brand messages
316. to equate ownership with improved status
317. obesity problem
318. to advertise irresponsibly
319. toxic childhood effect
320. to breed a generation materialistic cyborgs
321. brand lust
322. to associate smth with smth
323. To pay the price for smth
324. to make smb feel insecure
325. overexposure to screens
326. shopaholism/compulsive shopping
327. retail therapy leads to depression
328. herd mentality
329. to be ostracized / to ostracize
330. to be outcastfrom the group
331. increasingly pushy
332. to stamp oneself on
333. to manipulate the identity
334. to put on (weight)
335. commercialisation
336. without consent
337. to expose gaping holes
338. various effects of advertising on children
339. to use (legal) loopholes
340. woefully inadequate
341. in exchange for
342. Annoyance over
343. Ubiquity
344. consumer society (to consume, consumer, consumption, consumerism)
345. an alarmist
346. to calculate one’s spendings
347. to place a burden on smb/smth
348. to tally up the burden
349. an anti-consumerist
350. be into sth informal (e.g. to be more into persuasion than provocation)
351. to question the need to consume
352. to keep one’s wits about one
353. to bring about (changes)
354. Cheap labour
355. Virtually non-existent
356. To be at the expense of smth
357. unashamedly
358. To follow one’s conscience
359. To question the ethics of shopping
360. To go against (country’s economic policy)
361. to resist smth
362. to turn away from smth
363. to resist retailers’ ploys
364. to end with smth
365. to lead your own life
366. to feel obligated to do something
367. to be aware of the issue
368. To warn/ warning against
369. in its/their own right
370. to take joint responsibility for smth
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 964