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When replying to an email from buyers

General writing tips

  • Use short sentences.
  • Replace long words with shorter ones.
  • Make sure paragraphs focus on one idea.
  • Maintain formality: Use titles and family names to convey an attitude of propriety.
  • Check for punctuation, spelling, and grammatical errors.
  • Avoid slang, jargon, cliches and other figures of speech (i.e., zero tolerance policy, once-over, done deal, user-friendly, etc.).
  • Be specific and illustrate your points with concrete examples.
  • Provide a summary: Bring the email to a clear conclusion.
  • Check your writing: When you have finished writing your message, it may be necessary to re-write or re-organize the document to make your message clear.

When replying to an email from buyers

  • Return emails within the same time you would a phone call.
  • Do not get emotional and hide behind your email. Always write when you are composed and relaxed, especially to Clients. It's business, not personal.
  • A typical inquiry from a buyer to a supplier may look like this. See the following sample:




A response to a buyer from a supplier may look like this:



Subject: Thank you for being a part of my wedding shower

Dear Anna,

This mail is in regards to my wedding shower that took place on 12th of July 2012. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for accepting my invitation and being a part of my wedding shower.

It was the presence of guests like you that made this wedding shower a success and it will be an occasion in my life that I will cherish forever. When I had invited you for my wedding shower, you were on an official tour. I was assuming that it would be difficult for you to take out time from your busy work schedule and attend the event. But I was excited when you gave me a surprise by landing up at the venue on the day of the event. I would have been heartbroken if you were not able to make it. I would also cherish the gift given by you and it was the most wonderful gift that I have ever got in my life.

I would also request you to be a part of my wedding taking place next week and bless me a happy married life.

Yours friend,

Lisa Miller


Subject: Thank you for the interview

Dear Mr. Lee,

This is in regards to the interview taken by you when I had applied for the position of an assistant manager. It was a very good experience to give an interview for the above position. I would like to thank you for giving me such an opportunity.

I feel that the job position for which I gave the interview is a perfect match for my knowledge and skills. I also have excellent written as well as communication skills. I have the ability to manage a large team. I understand your needs for the job position.

I enjoyed the whole interview process. I would like to thank you for taking my interview. It would be a great honor for me to work in your organization and I am expecting a call from your end for that position.

Thanking you,

Roger Moore


Date: 2015-12-24; view: 3523

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