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In addition to using questionnaires, EBA held focus groups in a number of European countries. These were some of the most common opinions.

1 'I want to know what the important news stories will be for that day. You know, what companies are publishing their annual results, that sort of thing. Up-to-date news on what's going on in business.'

2 'You only need one person to present the programme. Male or female, it doesn't matter. But they should be an experienced business j our nalist.'

3 'I'm interested in buying shares. I'd want some good tips. What to buy, what to sell - that'd be really interesting.'

4 'It would be great if you could give us weather and traffic reports. I'm always getting stuck in a traffic jam.'

Now listen to some other common opinions which were recorded at the focus groups. Make notes.

Work in groups. You are members of the EBA planning team. You must plan the first programme Use the key questions below to help you.

1 Discuss the key questions.

2 Then discuss any other ideas that you have.

3 Agree on a final plan for the first programme

Key questions

What will be the main components of the programme?

How long, approximately, will each component be?

What will be the order of the various items:

Who should present the programme? Should there be one or two presenters? male or female? young or old?

Should there be live interviews with business personalities?



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As the producer of the new EBA business news programme, write a letter to a famous businessperson asking them for an interview. At the start of the letter you should introduce yourself and give brief details of the programme and its aims.

Writing filepage 130


1 am writing to you as the producer of the exciting new EBA business news programme.

OVERVIEWS □ Listening Good managers □ Vocabulary Verbs and prepcsitions □ Reading Young managers Language review —' Reported speech Skills Socialising and entertaining Case study The way we do things

Management is nothing more than motivating other people.

Lee lacocca, US industrialist

What qualities and skills should a good manager have? Choose the six most important from the list.

To Úå a good manager you need to:

1 like people

2 enjoy working with others.

3 give orders.

4 listen to others.

5 make suggestions.

6 judge people's abilities.

7 plan ahead.

8 be good with numbers.

Starting up

9 make good presentations. Þ be peisuasive.

If you are managing people from different cultures, wnat other qualities and skills do you need?

Vocabulary file page 157

QÎ 9.1 Nigel Nicholson is Professor of Organisational Behaviour at the London Business School. Listen to the first part of the interview and complete the notes, using up to three words each time.

Managers of people

1To be a good m anager, you need to understand that there are themes

which........................ such as families, or the fact that everyone wants

to make a difference and needs to be respected.

2In addition, you also need to understand how everyone is..................

to the way you, as a manager, are.

3The secret is to try to know what the v/orld looks like..................... of

another person.

4In order to do that, you need to be very good at asking questions and

ô S.2 Listen to the second part of the Interview. Decide which statement

best summarises Nigel's view of the changes in the way people behave at


1The time people spend reflecting unfortunately reduces the amount of work they do.

2People have to spena more time at work and are therefore under a lot of pressuie.

3People live very fast but should not forget to take time to stand back and reflect.

4If people live too slowly, they cannot see where what they are doing fits into a bigger picture.

aQ&.3 Listen to the third part of the interview. Decide whether these

statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 Cultural differences are entirely superficial.

2 Individual differences between people are more important than cultural differences.

3 When you work in another culture, you realise that all people are the same

4 You have to remember that people are unique and difrerent individuals.

QWork in pairs or in small groups. Discuss these questions.

1What would you find difficult if you had to go and work in a very different culture from your own?

Listening Good managers
▲ Nigel Nicholson

2What advice would you give to a foreign manager who is going to manage staff in your country?


QVerb and preposition combinations are often useful for describing skills and personal qualities. Match the verbs (1-7) with the prepositions and phrases va-g).

A good manager should:

a)m their employees' abilities.

b)to a deputy as often as possible.

c)to employees'concerns promptly.

d)with colleagues clearly.

e)with problems quickly.

f)in regular training courses for employees

g)to all suggestions from staff.

QfWhich do you think are the three most important qualities in Exercise A?

Q Some verbs combine with more than one preposition. For example'He reports i-j the Marketing Director.'(to a person)'The Sales Manager reported on last month's sales figures.'(on a thing)

Verbs and prepositions
.espond listen aeal believe delegate communicate invest

Say whether the following combine withsomeone orsomething.

Someone /
1 a) report to b) repoKt on



2 a) apologise for b) apologise to

a)talk to

b)talk about

fjDiscuss these questions.

1In your culture, how usual is it to see young people in management positions? What do people generally think of them?

2What challenges do young managers face, compared to older ones?

3What may be the advantages of being a relatively young manager?

ôAnswer these questions about the first part of the article.

Why is it important for young managers to make key people believe in them and trust them?

What should young managers do about their weaknesses, according to Mr Newhall?

Young managers

Clever tactics for brilliant young managers



by David Stern

'If you're good enough, you're old enough,' a team manager once said when giving Michael Owen, a world-class goal-scorer, his first international game at the age of 18. Is the same true in business9

Young executives come back from business school armed with big ideas. But these may or may not win support from col­leagues.

So what are the practical steps that young manager* need to take in order to be welcomed?

'The biggest challenge is a basic lack of experience,' says Steve Newhall, a man agement consultant. 'This will affect how other peo­ple see you. You need to build credibility with your key stakeholders on a one- to-one basis in order to !ihow that you art up to the job. You have got to have confidence in your ability to do the job. But remem­ber that the people around you may not share that opinion.'

35 Young managers also need to recognise their own weaknesses - and then do something about them. 'You will need a 40 good mentor straight away,' says Mr Newhall. 'someone who has plenty of experience and who gives you support and 45 plenty of good advice.' Some advice

• Act your age. Do not try to look like an older pei- son or like a statesman.

50 Dress your ago, too.

• Avoid favouritism and cliques. Leaders win respect by treating pen- pie the same.

55 • Build coalitions right away. Show colleagues you are aware of your limited experience. And show that you are inter- 60 estea in getting advice, too.

• Keep a cool head, even when you are under a lot of pressure. Some col-

65 leagues will expect you to crack. Do not give them the satisfaction.

• Show respect to older colleag ue-s. They may be 70 on a slower (or different) career path just because that is where they want to be. They have seen many young ambitious 75 people come and go. Draw on their experi­ence.

• Find the right balance between being enthusi- 80 astic and being uver-con- fident. You have been selected for your youth and energy - draw on it. But don't overdo it.

• Under-promise and over- deliver. That motivating speech on your first day may sound pretty stupid if the market turns against you.




ôFind words or phraser in the second part of the article which mean the following.

1when one person or group is treated better than others in an unfair way favouritism

2a small group of people who seem unfriendly to other people

3a group of people who agree to work together to reach the same objective

4to lose control of yourself because of stress

5when you think you are better or more important than other peopie

6to work more or better than other people expect you to

7that makes people feel enthusiastic and excited

QIn pairs, discuss and agree on the three most important pieces of advice

There are a number of ways to report what people say.

1 We often use say, tell and ask to report speech.

'The new job is challenging.' She said (that) the new job was challenging.

• We use tell with an object.

'The new job is challenging.' She told her boss (that) the new job was challenging.

• We use ask (with or without an object) to report questions.

'When do you want to start?' Her boss asked (her) when she wanted to start

2 We usually make the following changes in reported speech.

• The verb goes back one tense (for example, from present simple to past simple).

• Nouns and pronouns may change.

'My new sales team is difficult to manage.' He said (that) his new sales team was difficult to menage.

When we report things that are either very recent or generally true, we often use the same tense as the speaker.

7 want to see Pierre.' Pierre, Susan has just phoned and says she wants to see you. 'Training is impoUant.' He <;aid (that) training is important. page 126

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