Test 1. Insert prepositions where necessary.
1. She is _________ her sixties, but she looks much younger.
2. The first man walked on the moon _________ 21 July 1969.
3. The telephone and the doorbell rang _________ the same time.
4. What are you doing _________ the weekend?
5. Charles is getting married _________ next year.
6. Columbus made his first voyage from Europe to America _________ 1492.
7. I nearly missed my flight yesterday. I got to the airport just _________ time.
8. I’m busy just now, but I’ll be with you _________ a moment.
9. We often have a short holiday _________ Christmas.
10. Do you work _________ Wednesdays?
11. I didn’t understand the text _________ first, but _________ the end I managed to translate it.
12. I’ll have written a composition _________ 5 o’clock.
13. Mary and Henry always go out for a meal _________ their wedding anniversary.
14. ‘Can I speak to Clare’ ‘I’m afraid, she’s not here _________ the moment.’
15. I work _________ early morning _________ late _________ night.
16. I started learning English _________ the age of five.
17. It was quite a short book and easy to read. I read it _________ a day.
18. We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived _________ 5 o’clock _________ Friday morning.
19. They go out _________ every Wednesday _________ the evening.
20. The train service isn’t very good. The trains are rarely _________ time.
Test 2. Insert prepositions where necessary.
1. I was playing computer games _________ 5 _________ 6 o’clock yesterday.
2. Jazz became popular in the United States _________ the 1920s.
3. I’ll see you _________ next Friday _________ the evening.
4. It’s difficult to listen if everyone is speaking _________ the same time.
5. _________ Saturday night I went to bed _________ 11 o’clock.
6. I don’t know this man, but he seems to be _________ his forties.
7. The bus was late this morning but it’s usually _________ time.
8. I hope the weather will be nice _________ the weekend.
9. I haven’t seen you _________ ages! Where have you been _________ all this time.
10. In Britain most people do not work _________ Sundays.
11. _________ last year we went to France.
12. Jenny’s brother is an engineer, but he’s out of work _________ the moment.
13. I had translated this article _________ 6 o’clock yesterday.
14. Bob is a very fast runner. He can run 100 metres _________ 11 seconds.
15. I went to school _________ the age of 6, so I’ve already been studying _________ 9 years.
16. Pauline got married _________ 18 May 1991.
17. It took me long to find a job. _________ the end I got a job in a hotel.
18. I haven’t met him _________ last Friday.
19. I normally get paid the end of the month.
20. I nearly forgot about Jack’s birthday. Fortunately I remembered just _________ time.
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1659