| extra document or image that is added to an email
block format
| most common business letter format, single spaced, all paragraphs begin at the left margin
| the content of the letter; between the salutation and signature
| small dark dots used to set off items in an unnumbered list
certified mail
| important letters that sender pays extra postage for in order to receive a notice of receipt
| logical; easy to understand
| gets to the point quickly
confidential, personal
| private
diplomacy, diplomatic
| demonstrating consideration and kindness
direct mail, junk mail
| marketing letters addressed to a large audience
double space
| format where one blank line is left between lines of text
| extra document or image included with a letter
| uses set formatting and business language, opposite of casual
| the set up or organization of a document
| a word or phrase that indicates what the text below will be about
| extra spaces (usually 5) at the beginning of a paragraph
| casual
inside address
| recipient's mailing information
justified margins
| straight and even text, always begins at the same place
| specialized paper with a (company) logo or name printed at the top
| symbol or image that identifies a specific organization
| a blank space that borders the edge of the text
memorandum (memo)
| document sent within a company (internal), presented in short form
modified block format
| left justified as block format, but date and closing are centered
on arrival notation
| notice to recipient that appears on an envelope (e.g. "confidential")
| the cost of sending a letter through the Post Office
| read through a finished document to check for mistakes
| marks used within or after sentences and phrases (e.g. periods, commas)
| easy to read
| the person who receives the letter
right ragged
| format in which text on the right side of the document ends at slightly different points (not justified)
| greeting in a letter (e.g. "Dear Mr Jones")
sensitive information
| content in a letter that may cause the receiver to feel upset
semi-block format
| paragraphs are indented, not left-justified
| term used before a name when formally closing a letter
single spaced
| format where no blanks lines are left in-between lines of text
| blank area between words or lines of text
| the feeling of the language (e.g. serious, enthusiastic)
| words or phrases used to make a letter flow naturally (e.g. "furthermore", "on the other hand")
apologize verb
| say "sorry"
approach noun
| method or style of doing something
attitude noun
| outlook on life
by invitation only
| only those who are asked to come will be allowed in
commence verb
| start
complimentary adjective
| free
concerns noun
| problems, issues
confidential adjective
| private
conscientious adjective
| cares about quality of work
contribution noun
| individual effort or support in a group
convenient adjective
| suitable, favourable, makes life easy
cooperation noun
| the act of working together
coordinator noun
| person who organizes something
dedication noun
| a lot of effort put into something
dependable adjective
| can be trusted
disregard verb
| ignore, pay no attention to
do not hesitate phrase
| don't wait
dropped verb
| fell to a lower amount
effective adjective
| produces a positive response
efficient adjective
| performs well
enclosed adjective
| included inside
encouraged verb
| persuaded or inspired
enquire (BrE) inquire (AmE) verb
| looking for information
extravaganza noun
| exciting and rare event
formal adjective
| following set requirements
grateful adjective
| thankful
guarantee verb
| promise
impact noun
| effect
indicates verb
| shows
invoice noun
| document detailing purchases and money owed
latest adjective
| most modern
lay-off verb
| take a job away from an employee (when employee is not at fault)
notice noun
| document that indicates a change or event
outstanding balance adjective
| money still owed
pleasure noun
| enjoyment
postpone verb
| delay until later
preferred customer
| buyer who comes back often
present verb
| award something to someone
professional adjective
| exhibits suitable behaviour on the job
profound adjective
| deep
punctual noun
| always on time
reach me verb
| find and talk to me
records noun
| files that keep track of business matters
regarding verb
| being about
regret verb
| feel bad
reliable adj
| dependable
replacement noun
| someone who fills the position of another
representative noun
| a person who acts on behalf of another person, company, policy...
resignation noun
| the act of leaving a job position
respected adj
| considered good and honest
retirement noun
| a permanent leave from the workplace (usually due to aging)
senior staff noun
| employees who hold high positions or have been working at the same place for a long time
severance noun
| money paid to make up for a separation
sharp adverb
| exactly (in reference to time)
skyrocketed verb
| went up higher very quickly
stock noun
| share in ownership
struggle verb
| work at with difficulty
sufficient adj
| enough
support noun
| financial help
| To Be Announced
versatile adj
| with a variety of skills and abilities
welcome adjective
| (happily) permitted to do something