B. being able to speak English.One good thing about being able to speak English is that I can talk to these girls.
Q: Are you married or single ?
A: I'm single.
Q: What’s the best thing about being married/single ?
A: The best thing about being single is that I can go to the pub whenever I want.
Q: And the worst ?
A: Nobody buys me any birthday presents.
Q: What is your favourite:
a. TV programme ?
My favourite TV programme is Friends.
b. football team ?
Manchester United./My favourite football team is Manchester United.
c. café/pub/restaurant ?
MacDonald's./My favourite restaurant is MacDonald's.
d. place in your country ?
The Capital City./My favourite place in my country is the Capital City.
Q: Ask her/him what’s so good about it.
'What's so good about Friends ?'
'It's a very funny and entertaining programme'.
V. turn down v. let down v. cut down (on)
Q: Have you ever turned down a job ?
A: Yes, I have turned down a job.
Q: What was wrong with it ?
A: The pay just wasn't enough.
Q: Why would someone get turned down for a credit card ?
A: Someone would get turned down for a credit card if they had a poor credit rating.
Q: Have you ever let someone down by cancelling an arrangement at the last minute ?
A: No, never./No, I've never let anyone down by cancelling an arrangement at the last minute.
Q: Tell us about a time when you felt let down by someone.
A: My teacher never lets me down.
Q: Have you ever let yourself down in an exam ?
A: Yes, I have let myself down in an exam.
Q: Why did you perform so badly ?
A: I didn't sleep very well the night before.
Q: Is there anything you need to cut down on ?
A: Yes, I need to cut down on the amount of beer I drink.
Q: Is it easier to give up smoking if you cut down first ?
A: No, I don't think so./No, it isn't easier to give up smoking if you cut down first.
adj. deep adj. shallow
Q: Which end of a swimming pool is safer: a. to dive into ?
It's safer to dive into the deep end.
b. for young children ?
The shallow end is safer for young children.
Q: What kind of people work deep underground ?
A: Miners work deep underground.
Q: Can you imagine what it would be like ?
A: I imagine it would be very hot and sticky.
Q: Which books/films do you think have a deep meaning ?
A: I think the Bible has a deep meaning.
Q: Do you think you completely understand it ?
A: Not really, no./No, I don't think I completely understand it.
Q: Would you describe a typical Hollywood film as shallow ?
A: Yes, I would./Yes, I would describe a typical Hollywood film as shallow.
Q: Do you think it matters ?
A: No, not really./I don't think it matters.
Q: Why/Why not ?
A: Because they are just for fun.
adj. wide adj. broad adj. narrow
Q: Roughly how wide is this room ?
A: This room is about 5 metres wide.
Q: And what are its other dimensions ?
A: Its length is about 10 metres and its height about 15 metres.
Unit 4
Q: What kind of places usually have wide/narrow streets ?
A: I think old towns and cities usually have narrow streets.
Q: What kind of influence do you think the history of the place has ?
A: I think the history of the place has a big influence.
Q: What kind of goods come in a wide range of colours ?
A: Cars come in a wide range of colours.
Q: What kind of things are only available in a more limited range ?
A: Special editions are only available in a more limited range.
Q: Are prejudiced people broad or narrow-minded ?
A: Prejudiced people are narrow-minded.
Q: What do you think makes them that way ?
A: I think the way they are brought up makes them that way.
Q: Would you describe your parents as broad-minded ?
A: Yes, I would describe my parents as broad-minded
Q: What kind of things did/didn’t they let you do ?
A: They let me watch foreign films.
Q:How does travel broaden the mind ?
A: Travel broadens your mind by introducing you to different cultures.
Q: What other experiences can have the same effect ?
A: I think reading books can have the same effect.
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1186