As most people prepare for a self-indulgent Christmas,others are finding ways to make it an exceptional time for the less fortunate.
Angels in Moscow
Moscow News № 50 2007
As most people prepare for a self-indulgent Christmas,others are finding ways to make it an exceptional time for the less fortunate.
Christmas is a time for good will and altruism. Although this may sound like a warmed-over cliché, how many people actually put their cynicism aside to help others during the holiday season? Well, one group can claim to be making a difference.
google_protectAndRun("render_ads.js::google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad); Cloudwatcher, an NGO, could hold the key to making the dreams of Russian orphans come true with their "Time of Angels - 2008" campaign (Vremya Angelov - 2008). Now, Muscovites are being given the chance to help make Christmas more than just another day for an orphaned child.
The campaign is the brainchild of Vadim Zharov, the leader of a movement called Positivny Virus (Positive Virus). "Positive Virus has been working with youngsters for 11 years," says Zharov. "One of our initiatives involved helping a number of children's homes but we wanted to improve on the traditional sort of help that is usually offered to orphans. So we brainstormed and came up with a new idea."
The main focus of the campaign will be a huge Christmas tree in the Evropeysky shopping center at Kievsky station. Instead of the usual decorative balls hanging on each of the branches will be photographs of children from orphanages and shelters, bearing each child's Christmas wish on the reverse side. Seven-year old Masha for instance, expresses her Christmas dream of "having a pair of white velcro-fastening ice skates in size 34." Shoppers will be able to look at the photos and read the inscriptions made by the children and choose to make one child's dream come true. Promoters dressed up as angels stand around the tree directing donors, or "angels" to the shops where they can buy the various gifts. They will also monitor the distribution of presents and make them reach their true destinations, and will show the various children's reactions on their website.
Currently, about 700,000 children live in orphanages in Russia. Despite substantial help by the state, most of the money, however, goes into building maintenance and staff salaries.
During Christmas, children usually make do with what is given them, which is what the institution can afford. "What is wonderful is that this time the children will get what they asked for. This may be a cake, a Barbie, some even ask for battery rechargers," says Anna Abbasova, who heads the children's charity fund "Spread your wings" (Rasprav Krylya).
If people are too busy to go and have a look at the Christmas trees they can make their donation online, explains Natalia Motorina, the campaign's producer, "where there is also a Christmas tree with children's photographs and Christmas wishes. It is very important for these children to feel that people outside the institution walls actually think of them and want to help them," she continues.
Children who spend their lives locked up in institutions never experience the love of parents or the warmth of a caring family. "These children are not even able to dream," says Tatiana Tulskaya, director of the charity fund "Here and Now" (Zdes I Seichas). "It is not usually a possibility for them and most cannot even believe in this campaign. Hopefully this will help them perceive the world in a different way. They are children above all and it is vital for them to know that these presents were chosen intentionally for them. They deserve to feel like ordinary children, especially over this season."
The campaign should see the installation of two Christmas trees in every shopping center in Moscow. Until January 15 people can buy presents which will then be delivered to the children's homes.