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Â. 1. It is not often that a book meets ____ equal favour from the public and the critics. 2. Mrs Forrester preferred to spend the rest of the money____theatre tickets. 3. Jane was able to devote herself entirely____conversation. 4. Elizabeth had a pretty gift ____ quotation. 5. Tea was dispensed by a female of uncertain age, who was never introduced ____ anyone. 6, Edwin didn't much care ____ painting. 7. Mrs Bulfinch was responsible the food and drinks. 8. I must admit I'm terribly ignorant ____ such things. 9. Brian was a bore and without doubt she was con­scious ____the fact. 10. Rob gave her his pencil to make a note of the idea that had occurred ____her. 11. Doris didn't approve _______ the remark. 12.John doesn't interfere____me. He knows when I don't want to be disturbed. 13. "I have never belonged ____that exclusive club of yours," she said with sarcasm. 14. Of course he must have boasted ____ the distinguished persons he knew. 15. She has an advantage ____ you. She is well educated.


39. Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

1. The old house should have been torn (apart/down) years ago. 2. The children tore (down/off) their clothes and jumped into the river. 3. Roberta tore (apart/up) all the photos of Charles. 4. Her marriage was tearing our friendship (apart/down). 5. Calvin came up to the wall and tore (down/off) the notice. 6. Linda tore (down/off) the last leaf of the calendar. 7. It just tears me (apart/between) to see what he has done to you. 8. Cleo was torn (apart/between/at) Max' invitation to dinner and the necessity of visiting George. 9. She took Gregory's letter and tore it (apart/up). 10. A lot of churches were torn (down/up) at the beginning of the last century in Russia.


40. Which languages were the following words borrowed from?

whisky clan slogan trousers

pistol robot landscape justice

city parliament communism camouflage

seminar apartheid priest church

idea alphabet cosmos coach

caste tank mosquito cargo

umbrella balcony sonata candle

street altar cup minute

ski tsar cosmonaut mazurka

lemon algebra sofa coffee

kiosk silk tea bungalow

shampoo kimono yak kiwi

kangaroo dingo


Ancient Greek, Arabic, Australian native language, Chinese, Czech, Dutch,

French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Irish Gaelic, Italian, Japanese, Latin,

Maori, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Scottish Gaelic, Spanish, Tibetan


41. Fill in the gaps:


Germanic languages represent a branch of ........................... language family. This branch is divided into three subgroups: .................................., ........................................, ....................... . The East-Germanic subgroup includes ....................... which is now extinct. The North Germanic subgroup includes such languages as ............................., ................................., ........................ , ............................... . The West-Germanic subgroup includes the following languages: ...................... , ............................. , ............................... , ............................... , ............................. . The English language then is a member of the ............................................ subgroup of the Germanic branch of the ................................. language family.



42. You will hear a text about the Iron Age in the history of human development. To complete the statements (1—8) circle the item you have chosen.

1. We know the names of Iron Age people from ____ .

a) foreign manuscripts and coins b) foreign books and coins

c) descriptions and stone monuments by foreigners

2. Iron Age people known in the history are ____.

a) mostly males b) mostly females c) mostly kings and queens

3. People living in Britain at the end of the Iron Age __

a) had long lives b) died young c) were not numerous

4. The Iron Age ____ houses were arranged in two rows.

a) walled b) round c) iron

5. The men of the family____.

a) made different iron tools b) harvested different grains c) pounded grain into flour

6. We ____ about Iron Age Britons' appearance.

a) know enough b) don't know much c) never knew anything

7. Both Iron Age women and men wore ____.

a) shirts and trousers b) cloaks and shawls c) dresses and skirts

8. People from different geographical parts of Britain

a) definitely looked different b) could look different c) looked alike

43. Read the text. Complete it with the correct words derived from the words in bold on the right.

Our everyday life is full of positive and negative 1.______________ and emo­tions, such as the joy of a newborn baby, the sorrow of death, love and hate. 2.______________, negative emotions impact us more than feelings of 3. _____________or 4. _____________. From 5.______________we are exposed to emotions but we all have 6, ______________ways of dealing with and reacting to them. We can say that emotions are 7.______________, and at the same time, experienced. With the 8. ________________of years, we learn how to deal with our emotions in different ways, which is expressed in the way we make 9. ___________________when we are confronted with them. This 10. __________is 11.________ and we can 12.______________see it in people who let themselves get carried away by their emotions.   feel   fortunately happy please child differ   known pass   decide behave predict clear


44. Read the text and do the tasks (1—6) after it circling one of the letters

Ernest Shackleton

The BBC initiated the programme 100 Greatest Britons which was broadcast in 2002. The programme was the result of a vote conducted to determine who the United Kingdom public considers: the greatest British people have been in history.

The poll resulted in some unlikely and controversial candidates including Guy Fawkes, who was executed for trying to blow up the Parliament of England; King Richard III, suspected of mur­dering his nephews; James Connolly, an Irish nationalist who was executed by the Crown in 1916. In addition to the British natives, some notable non-British entrants were listed as well. These included former Queen frontman Freddie Mercury, who was born in Zanzibar when it was a British colony. Both Alfred the Great and Boudica are from an era where Britishness was a concept of the future.

The top 19 entries were exclusively of self-declared English origin, one of them is Sir Ernest Shackleton (February 15, 1874 -January 5, 1922) who was born into an English family settled in Ireland when that country was still part of the UK. He was an Anglo-Irish explorer who was one of the principal figures of the period known as the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. His first experience of the polar regions had been as third officer on Captain Scott's Discovery Expedition, 1901 —1904, from which he was sent home early on health grounds.

Determined to make amends for this perceived personal failure, he returned to Antarctica in 1907 as leader of the Nimrod Expedition. In January 1909 he and three companions made a southern march which established a record Farthest South latitude, by farthe closest convergence on either Pole in exploration history. For this achievement, Shackleton was knighted by King Edward VII on his return home.

After the race to the South Pole ended in 1912 with Roald Amundsen's conquest, Shackleton turned his attention to what he said was the one remaining great object of Antarctic journey­ing — the crossing of the continent from sea to sea, via the Pole. To this end he made preparations for what became the Imperial Transantarctic Expedition, 1914—1917. Disaster struck this expe­dition when its ship, Endurance, was trapped in pack ice. It was slowly crushed, before the shore parties could be landed. There followed a dramatic sequence of exploits, and an ultimate escape with no lives lost. Those events would eventually assure Shackleton's heroic status, although this was not immediately ev­ident.

In 1921 he went back to Antarctica with the Shackleton-Rowett Expedition, intending to carry out a programme of scien­tific and survey activities. Before the expedition could begin this work, Shackleton died of a heart attack while his ship, Quest, was moored in South Georgia. At his family's request he was buried there.

1. The BBC _____ 100 greatest Britons in 2002.

A. launched the programme about B. chose C. determined

2. The list included ____.

A. only British subjects B. only English subjects C. British and non-British candidates

3. Shackleton returned to Antarctica in 1907 to ____.

A. make a new record B. compensate for his previous unsuccessful expedition

C. meet captain Scott again

4. Sir Ernest Shackleton was born in ____.

A. the UK B. the Republic of Ireland C. England

5. Sir Ernest Shackleton was awarded the title of ____ for his record.

A. baronet B. knight C. king

6. The Imperial Transantarctic Expedition in 1914—1917 was meant to____.

A. make a journey of Antarctica from coast to coast

B. discover the Pole C. to rescue the Endurance

7. Shackleton proved his heroic status by the fact that ____.

A. his people reached the South Pole

B. his command managed to prevent the ship from being crushed

C. no people died during his last expedition.

8. He met his death on board the ship_____.

A. before the expedition started its work

B. after the expedition finished its work

C. in the process of making scientific research

Find in the text Ernest Shackleton words and word combinations that mean the following:

1. shown on TV 2. to decide 3. according to somebody's desire 4. people of the United King­dom 5. candidates causing much argument or disagreement 6. kill a person illegally and intentionally 7. put on a list 8. the governing power of a kingdom 9. a historical period of time 10. the position of a hero 11. an investigator 12. the most distinguished people 13. because of his physical condition 14. being resolute to do something 15. up to that moment 16. sudden serious misfor­tune causing great suffering 17. broke into pieces 18. having some particular purpose


45. Read the text. Complete it with the correct words derived from the words in bold on the right.

William Blake, William Wordsworth and Samuel T. Coleridge are 1.___________ English poets. Blake rebelled against all 2. ______________, but was a visionary of 3.______________genius. Blake was not a 4._____________________ but a 5._________________poet. He said his business was "to create". William Wordsworth 6.______________ intended to be an Anglican clergyman but instead turned to writing. His 7.________________is full of longing to understand nature, but he is 8.________________about what consti­tutes nature. It seems he felt too much to philosophise. His 9.______________s reflect the spirit of the age. Coleridge had a 10. ____________ Christian faith. His faith came from within. He was sure that if a person acted as if they believed, then faith would follow. He tried to apply the prin­ciples found in the Bible to all aspects of life.   fame authorize comparable philosophy create   origin   poet ambiguity poet power

46. Complete the sentences with the function words from the box.

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