Carry out a system design procedure using observer design method
The tasks for the Term Paper (Control systems).
1. Obtain the system transfer functions:
- for control input signal (x/Td=0);
- for disturbance input signal (Td/x=0);
using block diagram transformation theorems;
2. Obtain the system transfer functions:
using the Mason’s gain rule and compare the obtained results with the results in item.1;
- for control input signal (x/Td=0);
- for disturbance input signal (Td/x=0);
3. Obtain your system’s state-space models:
- for control input signal (x/Td=0);
- for disturbance input signal (Td/x=0);
4. Compare the characteristics (step response, impulse response, Nyquist diagram, Bode diagram, Nichols diagram, Gain and Phase Margins, Pole/Zero Map) of your control system equivalent transfer functions for control input signal (x/Td=0) and disturbance input signal (Td/x=0) (obtained by the usage of block diagram transformation theorems and the Mason’s gain rule) using the possibilities of linear analysis.
5. Carry out a system design procedure using various methods and define the best controller characteristics:
5.1. Carry out a system design procedure using the root locus method.
- gain margin: 10 dB<GM<40 dB;
- phase margin <PM< ;
5.2. Carry out a system design procedure using the phase lead regulator method.
- gain margin: 10 dB<GM<40 dB;
- phase margin <PM< ;
5.3. Carry out a system design procedure using the phase lag regulator method.
- gain margin: 10 dB<GM<40 dB;
- phase margin <PM< ;
5.4. Carry out a system design procedure using the PID regulator method.
- gain margin: 10 dB<GM<40 dB;
- phase margin <PM< ;
Carry out a system design procedure using pole placement method
FIGURE 1 Block diagram of a closed-loop control system.
Carry out a system design procedure using observer design method
- for control input signal (x/Td=0);
- for disturbance input signal (Td/x=0);
8. Define the static characteristics of your system with a controller:
- for control input signal (x/Td=0);
- for disturbance input signal (Td/x=0);
9. Obtain position, velocity and acceleration errors in steady-state mode for the control system with a controller;
- for control input signal (x/Td=0);
- for disturbance input signal (Td/x=0);
10. Research sensitivity parameters of your control system with a controller;
- for control input signal (x/Td=0);
- for disturbance input signal (Td/x=0);
11. Define controllability and observability of the control system with a controller.
12. Define the ways to reduce the influence of the band-limited white noise on the characteristics of the control system with a regulator;
FIGURE 1 Block diagram of a closed-loop control system ( = a controller, = a plant, = feedback control loop).
13. Define the ways to reduce the influence of a nonlinear element (dead zone) on the characteristics of your control system
FIGURE 2 Block diagram of a closed-loop control system ( = a controller, = a plant,NLE– nonlinear element (dead zone), = feedback control loop).