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History 17-18 century.

Discovery of America, the first Europeans

Before Columbus

  1. America was inhabited since 25.000 BC.
  2. 8000 B.C. – ice age is over, hunters explore lands searching for food
  3. 3000 – 2000 BC – first settlements, farming, fishing
  4. 500 BC – 500 AD – ceremonial earthworks and mounds
  5. By 1492 – three distinguished civilizations – Aztecs, Inks, Maya with own calendar, religion, craftsmanship, fine buildings

+++ Vikings also traveled to Americas, their remains are found on Newfoundland near Canada.

1492 – Columbus explored. C needed money for finding new route to Asia, and he was given ships by Spanish monarch. Didn’t find route to Asia, but explored some islands in Caribbean Sea, the island of Trinidad and landed in Central and South America. Never explored the territory of modern US. People are called Indians by him.

Ferdinand Magellan – also hoped to find new route to Asia. His ships crossed the Atlantic and sailed around the South America, because he wasn’t able to find the river flowing into the Pacific. After that they explored the Philippines where Magellan was killed in the fight between two tribes. The last ship reached the same Spanish port it had left 3 years ago – it was the first travel around the world. It lasted from 1519 to 1522.

Hernando Cortes – Spanish explorer and intruder. He and his men devastated the Aztec lands and took control over Mexico and Central America. Along with them came Catholic priests. They established missions – settlements with churches which became centres of religion and trade. It was in 1519

Hernando de Soto – the leader of Spanish explorers who revealed what is now the southeastern US. It was at the same time.

None of the Spanish explorers found a passage through North America. For years brave explorers tried to find what they called a Northern Passage. Some of those explorers were French.

Jacques Cartier – three voyages to North America. He and his crew found the Gulf of St. Lawrence and entered the St. Lawrence River. Cartier landed where the city of Quebec now stands, but did not find the water route to the Pa­cific. Cartier claimed the northern part of that continent for France.1534-1542

Champlain – he made a voyage to Amer­ica and landed at Quebec and built a fort there. Wherever his men went, they set up trading posts at which they traded French goods to the Indians for furs. But they did not find the way lead­ing to the Pacific. 1608

Jacques Marquette a priest, and Louis Joliet, a fur trader – explored Lake Michigan and found the Mississippi River. They traveled south on the river but realized they would not reach the Pacific Ocean. 1673

La Salle – claimed all the land around the Mississippi River for France. 1682

Henry Hud­son – an Englishman who was hired by the Dutch government to look for a northern passage. Hudson's explorations came soon after Champlain's. In his ship, the Half Moon, he explored the American river that is now named for him. In 1609 Hudson claimed the land along the river for the Dutch. And Dutch merchants set up trading posts there to trade with the Iroquois people for furs.

In 1610 Hudson was hired by England to continue his explorations. He sailed into the great bay that was later named for him.



History 17-18 century.

In 1608 an explorer Champlain made a voyage to Amer­ica and landed at Quebec and built a fort there, they set up trading posts at which they traded French goods to the Indians for furs.

In 1673 Jacques Marquette, a priest, and Louis Joliet, a fur trader, explored Lake Michigan and found the Mississippi River. They traveled south on the river but realized they would not reach the Pacific Ocean. In 1682 La Salle claimed all the land around the Mississippi River for France.

Henry Hud­son – an Englishman who was hired by the Dutch government to look for a northern passage. Hudson's explorations came soon after Champlain's. In his ship, the Half Moon, he explored the American river that is now named for him. In 1609 claimed river for the Dutch.

In 1610 Hudson was hired by England to continue his explorations. He sailed into the great bay that was later named for him.


For years English ships sailed along the coast of what is now the eastern United States.

One of the first English colonics was called Roanoke. In 1587 over a hundred people landed on Roanoke Island - now North Carolina. The Roanoke settlement became known as the Lost Colony.

16063 small ships set sail from England and head­ed for North America. 1607 they started a settlement and named it Jamestown for King James I of England. problems: hunger, living in a wilderness.1624 the English king took control of the colony away from the Virginia Company, and from then on Virginia was called a royal colony. The changes helped the colony survive.

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