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Fill in the correct preposition.

1. I can't think of any reason ….... your not getting the job. 2. You shouldn't have to rely ..................... a calculator to do your Maths homework. 3. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to reply ............ your letter. 4. What was your boss's reaction ............. your request for a week off work? 5. There has been a dramatic rise.................. unemployment in the past ten years. 6. She married him because he reminded her...... Sylvester Stallone. 7. Why didn't you remind me....................... the party last night? I really wanted to go. 8. I think there is a relationship............his poor performance at school and his unhappy home life. 9. It's important to develop a good relationship ............................your colleagues at work. 10. Do you know who was responsible............... breaking this computer?


Idioms 8 Fill in the correct idiom.


feel/be/look worn out: feel/be/look exhausted   1. He ……completely ............ after working for twelve hours without a break. 2. If there is a fire in the building, it is important to stay calm and not to................................ . 3. I know some lines from the "Iliad", but I wouldn't like to have to................ it all................... 4. When Kelly agreed to marry him, he was so happy he wanted to.................................. . 5. You'll never be rich because you................. 6. I was going to go out last night, but then I........ .............................. and stayed at home. 7. Don't...................... just because you failed your driving test - I'm sure you'll pass eventually. 8. When Billy didn't stop talking, the teacher........ ............... and threw him out of the classroom.
learn sth by heart: memorise
lose one’s head: panic; lose self-control
lose heart: become discouraged
lose one's temper: become angry
change one's mind: decide to do sth different
tell the world: tell everybody
spend money like water: spend money quickly or in large amounts


Phrasal verbs 9 Fill in the correct preposition or adverb.

put down: write down   1. They've put ....... the meeting until tomorrow. 2. Put.......... gloves and a scarf before going out. 3. The receptionist put me .... to the manager's secretary. 4. Put.......... everyone's name on a piece of paper and I'll see them later. 5. When he gave up smoking, he put.... nearly ten kilos. 6. Some friends put me ......... when I visited York so I didn't have to pay for a hotel. 7. At the staff meeting Ann put ....... the idea of using recycled paper and everybody agreed it was a good idea. 8. The firemen put........... the fire in less than 10 minutes.
put forward: propose  
put off: postpone  
put on: 1) dress oneself in 2) increase in weight  
put out: extinguish (fire, cigarette etc)
put through: connect by phone
put sb up: provide a place to stay

Fill in the correct preposition.

1. She felt very sorry …... the injured boy. 2. The student was satisfied........... his exam results. 3. The young hooligans were sentenced........... four months in prison. 4. Fiona takes after her mother; they look very similar.............. each other. 5. My friends shouted............ me from across the road. 6. I always cry when someone shouts.........me. 7. My brother telephoned to say he was sorry ........ my accident. 8. He said he was sorry..................breaking the windows. 9. The doctor informed her that, fortunately, she wasn't suffering...............a serious illness. 10. She became suspicious.............. the strange man who was following her.


Date: 2015-12-24; view: 2841

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