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Idioms 5 Fill in the correct idiom.


throw a party: have a party 1. If you go out, be sure you take your umbrella because it ’s....... 2. She never forgets a name or a date - she .......... . 3. It's Sharon's birthday on Friday. Why don't we .......................... for her? 4. My brother and sister .................. they never agree about anything. 5. There's no point going into the details. To ........ ..................., he simply isn't right for the job. 6. You'd better prepare some extra food for Bob - you know he............................. . 7. Paula, who spent her childhood by the sea, can ……………………………… . 8. My father will .............................. when he finds out I've crashed the car.
hit the roof: get very angry
fight like cat and dog:   disagree violently
rain cats and dogs: rain heavily
swim like a fish: swim very well
cut a long story short:   tell sb sth briefly
have a memory like an elephant:   never forget  
eat like a horse: eat a lot of food


Phrasal verbs 6 Fill in the correct preposition or adverb.

go away: leave 1. Ben went .... the competition and won first prize. 2. Ssh! There's a meeting going ........... next door. 3. The teacher went ................... my homework to check for mistakes. 4. Will you go............ working after the baby's born? 5. We're going .................. on holiday tomorrow morning. 6. I don't think there's enough coffee to go.......... . Does anyone want tea? 7. When I got stuck in the lift I called ....... for help. 8. The football match was called ............ because it was snowing. 9. The fire brigade was called .................. when a bomb exploded in the city centre. 10. I'll call.............. to see Ted on my way to work. He isn't feeling well. 11. Looking after very small children calls ............ a lot of patience.
go in for: enter a competition, exam etc  
go on: 1) continue, 2) happen  
go round: be enough for everyone to have a share  
go through: examine in detail  
call for: require; demand  
call in : visit briefly  
call off: cancel  
call out: 1) shout, 2) send for sb in an emergency

Fill in the correct preposition.

1. Tim is not particularly keen …... golf, but he loves tennis. 2. My grandmother has been married............ my grandfather for nearly sixty years. 3. It must be very difficult to live.............. the amount of money he makes. 4. There is a great need .......... extra water in countries where there is very little rain. 5. It never occurred ........... me to look under the bed for my lost watch. 6. I don't know much .......... Peter, but he seems to be a nice person. 7. I looked.......... the picture for a while, trying to understand it. 8. Lois is very nice ......... her elderly neighbours - she always takes them meals. 9. Everyone laughed ............... his new haircut. 10. Don is often mean ............ his little sister. 11. It was mean..........you not to help your friend. 12. You should always be kind............. animals.


Idioms 6 Fill in the correct idiom.


take sth into account: regard, consider     1. During the war, most of the fighting …...... .......... in the mountains. 2. If you can't come to my house tonight, can you at least ......... so we can decide about tomorrow? 3. When you buy a house, you should always take the location ............................. . 4. Susan......................... in the garden, so I didn't have to do it all myself after all. 5. If you want to ................... the competition, you have to sign up at least three weeks in advance. 6. Can you ...................... at my composition and see if there are any mistakes?
take part in: participate  
take place: occur, happen  
take a look: look at sth quickly  
give sb a hand: help sb  
give sb a ring: telephone sb


Date: 2015-12-24; view: 3996

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