This General Area of Competence deals with the competencies required to support the processes of capturing, collecting and receiving internal and external information and records.
Information resources are not static. There is a continual process of identifying, adding to and updating the resources, either through acquiring, capturing or otherwise bringing information and records into the physical or intellectual control of the organization or unit.
B. Capture Information and Records
B1. Provide record keeping system
B1.1 Create record keeping system
B1.1.1 Assess needs B1.1.2 Determine requirements for record keeping system B1.1.3 Determine requirements to capture records and transactions within system B1.1.4 Identify and evaluate options B1.1.5 Select record keeping system B1.1.6 Implement record keeping system B1.1.7 Convert manual or semi?electronic systems to fully automated systems B1.1.8 Test record keeping system
B.1.2 Maintain record keeping systems
B1.2.1 Evaluate record keeping system B1.2.2 Revise and update record keeping system
B1.3 Collect, create and receive records
B1.3.1 Identify what a record is and is not B1.3.2 Identify clients, creators and holders B1.3.3 Identify records and transactions which need to be captured B1.3.4 Capture and enter records and transactions in record keeping system B1.3.5 Process information and records B1.3.6 Maintain and audit trails
B2. Conduct inventories
B2.1 Develop inventory plan to collect information and records
B2.1.1 Determine needs and scope B2.1.2 Obtain approvals to proceed B2.1.3 Identify inventory areas B2.1.4 Determine time frame B2.1.5 Establish procedures B2.1.6 Design or acquire data gathering tools
B2.2 Gather data
B2.2.1 Interview information and records owners and users
B2.2.2 Study organizational mandate and structure B2.2.3 Research functional areas B2.2.4 Review business processes B2.2.5 Research legislative and regulatory requirements B2.2.6 Research organizational policy and requirements B2.2.7 Review records of functional areas
B2.3 Compile inventory results
B2.3.1 Analyse inventory data
B2.3.2 Evaluate inventory data B2.3.3 Prepare data and business models B2.3.4 Prepare and submit report and recommendations
B2.4 Implement inventory recommendations
B2.4.1 Communicate approved recommendations B2.4.2 Carry out approved recommendation B2.4.3 Evaluate implementation and project
C. Organize and Describe Information and Records
One of the major functions of the information and records management sector is to organize and describe the information resources so that they are available to the client and user.
This General Area of Competence reflects the skills required to devise and apply classification schemes which ensure consistent ways to organize information and records, and to create descriptive records and metadata.
Intellectual access to the information resources provides users with the ability to use the resources effectively. Without a framework to access those resources, they would be inaccessible to clients and users and therefore would be worthless.