A. Words in Context1. Tick the word closest in meaning to that of the each boldfaced word. Use the context of the sentences to help you figure out each words meaning.
attrition (n)Colleges and Universities try not to have
a high rate of attrition. They want students to stay until graduation rather than drop out early.
Attrition means a. an increase in number b. ill health
c. a natural loss of individuals
contend (v)John contended that smoking hadnt hurt his health, but right after making that claim, he had a fit of coughing that lasted ten minutes.
Contend means a. conceal b. realize c. declare
eradicate (v)Joyce and Stevens adopted son was
abused in an earlier home. Theyre working hard to eradicate the lingering[12] effects on him of that experience.
Eradicate means a. reveal b. regulate strictly c. erase
exhort (v)On the eve of the decisive battle, the
general exhorted the troops to fight bravely for their homeland.
Exhort means a. accuse b. praise c. urge
impede (v)Muddy roads impeded the progress of
trucks bringing food to the refugees.
Impede means a. oppress b. hinder c. include
inundate (v)After his brief announcement, the
President was inundated with questions from reporters.
Inundate means a. flood b. strengthen c. go around
germane (adj)Stacy visited certain internet sites to find information germane to the topic of her scientific thesis.
Germane means a. damaging b. related c. foreign
mandatory (adj)A new accounting system will soon
become mandatory for all departments.
Mandatory means a. delayed b. binding c. optional
panacea (n)Ravi thinks his trouble would be over if
he just had a lot of money. But money isnt a panacea; it wouldnt solve all his problems.
Panacea means a belief b. a basic necessity
c. a universal remedy
perfunctory (adj)Most of the candidates were passionate
on the subject of nuclear weapons, but one spoke in a very perfunctory way, apparently bored with the topic.
Perfunctory means a. uninterested b. enthusiastic c. exaggerated
recourse (n)Unless you pay your bill, the company threatened, well have no recourse but to sue you.
Recourse means a. a way out b. a problem c. a question
stringent (adj)Professor Jasper has the most stringent
standards in the department. Passing her course is difficult; getting an A is next to impossible.
Stringent means a. different b. flexible c. demanding
Write the word next to its definition. The sentences in the previous exercise will help you decide on the meaning of each word.
Ordered by a law or rule
To claim to be true
Strictly controlled or enforced; strict; severe
A gradual natural decrease in number;
becoming fewer in number
. To cover as by flooding; overwhelm
with a large number or amount
. Having to do with the issue at hand; relevant
To delay or slow; get in the way of
. Something supposed to cure all diseases, evils;
..To urge with argument or strong advice; plead
.. Done only as a routine, with little care or
interest; performed with no interest or enthusiasm
A source of help, security or strength
..To get rid of altogether; wipe out
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