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I often (to have) a lot of work to do at home.

A) have

B) is having

C) has

D) having

E) was having


223. … your mother like cooking?

A) Do

B) Does

C) Has

D) Have

E) Is


224. What time … you get up?

A) do

B) does

C) has

D) have

E) is

225. Mr.Brown … live in this house.

A) isn’t live

B) don’t live

C) aren’t live

D) doesn’t live

E) lives not


226. Harry … TV every evening.

A) is watching

B) watch

C) watches

D) to watch

E) are watching


227. My friend and I … to read English books.

A) like

B) likes

C) doesn’t like

D) didn’t like

E) to like

228. It often snows in Kazakhstan, …?

A) isn’t it

B) didn’t it

C) aren’t it

D) don’t it

E) doesn’t it


229. … you speak Italian? – Yes, I … .

A) do / does

B) am / do

C) do / am

D) does / do

E) do / do

230. Pete never … to work by bus.

A) go

B) do goes

C) to go

D) does

E) goes

Run downstairs. Your sister ( to wait ) for you.

A) waits

B) is waiting

C) waited

D) are waiting

E) wait


232. What … he (to do ) at the moment?

A) are doing

B) is doing

C) doing

D) were doing

E) does doing


233. Listen! Somebody ( to sing ) a lovely song.

A) sings

B) sang

C) is singing

D) was sanging

E) are singing


234. Let’s go for a walk. It ( to rain ) now.

A) not raining

B) are not raining

C) rains;

D) is not raining

E) rained


Kate still ( to work ) in the garden.

A) are working

B) is working

C) works

D) worked

E) am working


236. What (to be) she doing now?

A) does

B) are

C) is

D) did

E) am


I (to be) writing a letter .

A) am

B) are

C) do

D) does

E) did


238. Please, be quiet! The baby (to sleep).

A) is sleeping

B) is sleep

C) sleeping

D) sleeps

E) are sleeping


239. I am busy now, I … to the radio.

A) am listening

B) listen

C) listening

D) am listen

E) to listening


240. Look! The kitten is … with its tail.

A) to play

B) plays

C) to playing

D) playing

E) play

John (to have) lunch in the cafeteria now.

A) is have

B) is having

C) are having

D) am having

E) to have


242. They say they … in Europe at present.

A) are travelling

B) is travelling

C) am travelling

D) are travel

E) to travelling

243. No, I … the newspaper at the moment.

A) am not reading

B) do not reading

C) are not reading

D) does not read

E) not reading


244. The sky is getting very dark, …?

A) wasn’t it

B) aren’t it

C) don’t it

D) doesn’t it

E) isn’t it


I think the telephone (to ring).

A) am ringing

B) are ringing

C) is ring

D) is ringing

E) to ringing

246. My home is my ….

À) prison

B) museum

C) home

D) castle

E) house

247. There is … place like home.

À) any

B) some

C) no

D) none

E) not


248. No bees – no honey, no… – no money.

À) job

B) work

C) help

D) works

E) to work


249. All the … lead to Rome.

À) road

B) roads

C) ways

D) streets

E) way

250. Life is not all … and ale.

À) cake

B) sweets

C) pies

D) candies

E) cakes


251. Better … than never.

À) more late

B) most late

C) late

D) later

E) latest

252. If you can’t have … , make … of what you have.

À) the best / better

B) better / good

C) the best / the best

D) well / better

E) better / the best


253. Art is … , life is … .

À) short /long

B) longer/ long

C) shorter /short

D) long / short

E) long /long


Âíåøíîñòü) may be deceitful.

À) an appearance

B) Appear

C) Appearances

D) to appearances

E) to appear


255. So many countries, so many ….

À) habits

B) people

C) men

D) customs

E) ways


256. A good … makes a good ending.

À) beginnings

B) beginning

C) to beginning

D) begin

E) to begin


Íåò ïðîðîêà â ñâîåì îòå÷åñòâå.

À) A cat has nine lives.

B) After dinner sleep awhile, after supper walk awhile.

C) No man is a prophet in his own country.

D) An idle brain is the devil’s workshop.

E) Two heads are better than two.


258. East or West, ….

À) house is best

B) home is better

C) home is best

D) home is good

E) home is well


Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1457

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Ó íàñ åñòü äåñÿòü êàðàíäàøåé. | is good in its season.
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