Synecology - is a section of ecology that studies changes of communities over time
Term "Sustainable development" referred to ecology was first introduced at: Earth Declaration on environment and development, Rio-de-Janeiro, 1992
The International Convention about wildlife protection is: Convention on Biological Diversity
The International Convention on control of persistent organic pollutants is: Stockholm convention
The International basic document aboutgreenhouse gases control is: Kyoto protocol
The International basic documentaboutozone layer safety is: Montreal protocol
The amount of the earth's water supply available to land organisms is: less than 1%
The area of the earth occupied with living things is called: biosphere
The author of the study about biosphere is: Vernadsky
The average renewal rate of lakes is: 17 years
The average renewal rate of rivers is: about 12-17 days
The average renewal rate of underground waters is: 1400 years
The base of the food chain in marine systemis composed of: Phytoplankton
The basic national current document about environment safety of Kazakhstan: Concept of Ecological Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2004-2015
The basic nature protection law of Kazakhstan is: Ecological Code
The biological community on the islands created after volcanic eruption is the result of: Secondary Succession
The carrying capacity of a population does NOT include the statement: the population exhibits J-shaped growth curve
The chemical compounds that can cause acid rain: sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide
The combustion of fossil fuel has increased atmospheric levels of: C02.
The concept of living component of biosphere was proposed by: Vernandsky
The earth's biomes are controlled primarily by: temperature and precipitations
The exchange pool for carbon in a carbon cycle is: Atmosphere
The following compounds generally destroy ozone layer: Greenhouse gases (C02, CH4 e t c.), CFC
The following is NOT correctly matched: herbivore – autotroph
The global human population grew very slowly until: the industrial revolution
The global warming is primarily caused by: increase of greenhouse gases concentration
The greenhouse gases are the following: C02, CFCs, CH4, NO, N02, troposphere ozone
The heights of troposphere and stratosphere above the earth: 0-15 km and 15-55 km respectively
The largest landscape zone of Kazakhstan is: desert
The main air pollutants in Kazakhstan are: ammonia, dust, phenols, formaldehyde, lead
The main anthropogenic cause of desertification is: excessive livestock grazing
The main characteristic of biomass pyramids of freshwater or marine is to be: inverted
The main reason of the photochemical smog is: atmosphere temperature inversion
The main reason of Aral Sea catastrophe is: careless use of water for irrigation
The main reason of ozone destruction is: Greenhouse gas (C02, CH4 etc)
The main source of water pollution is: petrochemical industry
The majorcomponent of photochemical smog is: troposphere ozone
The major producers found in aquatic ecosystems are: phytoplankton
The natural reason of desertification is: wind and water erosion
The neritic zone is in: Open Ocean
The number of the world described species is: 1.7 million species of the estimated total number (5-20%).
The number of the world endangered animals (vertebrates) species: 6.000 species of animals
The number of the world endangered plants (flowering) species is: 25.000 species of plants
The numbers of national parks and reserves in Kazakhstan are: 10 reserves and 10 (or 12) national parks
The numbers of plants and animals species included in the Red Data Book of Kazakhstan are: 404 and 309, respectively
The objects of ecology in order to become less complicated: organ system, organs, tissues, cell; Biosphere - Ecosystem - Communities - Populations – Organisms
The objects of ecology in order to become more complicated: tissues, organs, organ system;
The obvious effect caused by the global warming is: increasing of level of the water.
The organic part of the soil that helps it to retain its moisture and nutrients is: humus
The pH of sad rain is: below 5
The physical which an organism lives is its: habitat
The primary body responsible for nature protection in KZ: Ministry of Environment Protection
The primary cause of species extinction is: destruction of habitats
The primary reason of acid rain is: burning fossil fuels
The salt concentration of Aral Sea water in 1960s to 2000 year increased: to 3-5 times.
The sigmoidal growth curve is typical of a population that: is regulated by density-dependent factors
The surface area of Aral Sea from 1960s to 2000 year decreased to: to 50 -75%
The term "Biosphere" was introduced by: Suess
The term "Ecology" was introduced by: Heckel
The term "Ecosystem" was introduced by: Tansley
The term "Noosphere" was introduced by: Le Rois
The water level of Aral Sea from 1960s to 2000 year fell to: 12-14 meters and 16-18 meters.
The way of greenhouse gases reduction is: alternative energy use.
The wolf and fox are on the same trophic level because both animals: eat herbivore organisms
The world amount of fresh wateris: about 3%
To prevent or reduce waste it should be done: to use recycled materials whenever possible
To reduce greenhouse effect it should be done: to use alternative sources of energy
To stop ozone layer deletion it should be done: to replace or recycle Freon used in fridge and cooling systems
Tolerance- is limits of organisms’ stability to effect of ecological factors
Two species that occupy a very similar niche are likely to be: competitors
Type of biotic relationship when one species benefits and other one has neither harm nor profit: commensalism
Xerophytes are organisms that: are adapted to drought and environmental water shortage