Organisms with a body temperature depending on environment temperature are: Poikilothermic
Organisms with a constant temperature not depending on environment temperature are: Homoeothermic
Organisms with a large range tolerance to an ecological factor are called: Eyrobionts
Organisms with a narrow range tolerance to temperature are called: Stenobionts
Percentage of Kazakhstan's soil that is undergone to desertification: about 70%
Permafrost is: permanently frozen layer of ground over 500 thick.
Plants and animals become adapted to life in particular biomes through a process of: evolution by natural selection.
Plants in an ecosystem play the following role: synthesize organic substances from inorganic compounds
Plants of dry habitats adapted to drought and water shortage are: Xerophytes
Poikilothermic are organisms with: a body temperature depending on environment temperature
Population growth is exponential when: the birthrate reaches its biotic potential
Population growth rate is: individuals number change in a population over specific period of time
Primary productivity is the energy contained in the trophic level of: producers
Primary succession is the sequential replacement of populations starting: in an area that has not previously supported life, such as bare rock or a sand dune.
Real consumption of water by a person per day is: 1500-2000 L/day.
Renewable resources include: humus
Scientists predict the global average temperature will rise by 2025 and by 2100 to: 10C and 30C, correspondingly
Secondary succession is the sequential replacement of populations that occurs in all cases, EXCEPT: secondary Succession - the sequential replacement of population in disrupted habitats that have not been totally stripped of soil and vegetation. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Section of ecology that studies an effect of environmental factors to individual organisms is: Autecology
Section of ecology that studies biotic relationships between different species is: Synecology
Social ecology is a science about: Interaction and intercommunication between human society and environment.
Social environment includes: people relationships, psychological climate, health services, cultural values, standard of life.
Species that are localized and may have just one population that inhabit only a small area are called: endemic
Statistic characteristic of population is: population number
Stenobionts are organisms with: a narrow range tolerance to an ecological factor
Structure and functions of biosphere is studied by: global ecology
Structure, number and dynamic processes in a population are studied by: Demecology
Succession is a process where: a community changes over time
Sunlight failing on the green plant primarily: photosynthesis
Surrounding of the individuals in which an organism lives and which affects it is: Environment
Sustainable use of natural resources means that they should be: ensured the durability of them for future generations
Symbiosis is the close association between different species in the system: Example of this tree-mushroom.