Use Case - Open Account
Basic Course
The system displays the New Account Page. The Customer types his or her name, an e-mail address, and a password (twice), and then presses the Create Account button. The system ensures that the Customer has provided valid data and then adds an Account to the Master Account Table using that data. Then the system returns the Customer to the Home Page.
Alternate Courses
If the Customer did not provide a name, the system displays an error message to that effect and prompts the Customer to type a name.
If the Customer provided an email address that's not in the correct form, the system displays an error message to that effect and prompts the Customer to type a different address.
If the Customer provided a password that is too short, the system displays an error message to that effect and prompts the Customer to type a longer password.
If the Customer did not type the same password twice, the system displays an error message to that effect and prompts the Customer to type the password correctly the second time.
If the account is already in the master account table, notify the user.
List of Associations
Customer Communicates with Open Account
Login Page Communicates with Open Account
Open Account Communicates with Login Page
Class Diagram - Open Account Robustness

Interaction Diagram - Open Account Sequence Diagram

Use Case - Process Received Shipment
Basic Course
The Receiving Clerk ensures that the Line Items listed on the Purchase Order match the physical items. The Clerk waves the bar code on the packing slip under the sensor at the receiving station. The system changes the status of the Purchase Order to "fulfilled" and updates the quantity on hand values for the various Books. The Clerk hands the Books off to the Inventory Clerk.
Alternate Course
If the Receiving Clerk finds a mismatch between the Purchase Order and the physical items, the Clerk stops processing of the shipment until he or she is able to make a match.
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 995