The beauty of the... is as hard to define as it is easy to enjoy.
To be wearing a necklace of sparkling lakes
To attest to drama and beauty of the landscape
A stunning combination of mountains and lakes
Fragrant meadows
Bijou villages
Vast expanses
Compare: Varied / various / different / diverse
A delightful variety of mountains and lakes
A rich tapestry of culture and history
An unrivalled range of smth
An unlimited fund of places
A treasure of natural beauties
An area of contrasting landscapes
A discriminating choice of sightseeing attractions
A wide diversity
To be rich in diversity
To be breathtaking in its variety
To possess an array of historical wonders
To include every conceivable kind of smth
To boast scores of smth
To range from… to…
To be full of smth
To be rich in smth
To abound in smth
To be packed with smth
To be thronged with
To bustle with
In the hub / centre / focus of smth
In / at the heart of smth
Around every corner
At every turn
On the skyline
At the / a crossroads
85 miles from top to bottom
In the vicinity / neighbourhood
On the outskirts
A gateway to smth
On the border; Compare: Border / boundary / frontier
To be surrounded by
To be washed by
To dominate smth
To be dominated by smth
To overlook the beach
To be a landmark
To lay out a park
To be scattered / dotted around (Ant: collect, gather)
Back in History
Compare: historic / historical
Compare: heritage / inheritance (to pass by inheritance)
To have a long and colourful history
To date back to / to date from /to go back 1400 years / to date at about
To trace as far back as… / to trace the history from ancient times to the present day
To hold the traces of the past
To come into existence
To originate
To echo many ages
To be steeped in heritage
To be rich in heritage
To bear witness to the heroic past
To preserve many links with the past (Syn: to retain, save; Ant: destroy)
To preserve the spirit of the ancestors
To retain to this day
To survive from an early age
To change little with time / to change little since medieval times
To experience a revival / renewal of interest in culture
To revive a tradition
Legends and romance flourish / thrive (Ant: decline, wither)there
To maintain a national identity (identical to / with smth, Ant: non-identical)
Remains / remnants of the countrified past / ruins /
relics of ancient tribes and cultures, reminders of historic battles
Ancient tombs
Sacred / holly temples
An open history book
The charm and spirit of history still hangs in the air