Inferiour world, viz. Man.The names of Celestiall souls are very many, and diverse according to their manifold power and vertue upon
these inferior things, from whence they have received divers names, which the ancients in their hymnes and
prayer made use of. Concerning which you must observe, that every one of these souls according to
Orpheus's Divinity, is said to have a double vertue; the one placed in knowing, the other in vivifying, and
governing its body. Upon this account in the Celestiall spheres, Orpheus cals the former vertue Bacchus, the
other a Muse. Hence he is not inebriated by any Bacchus, who hath not first been coupled to his Muse.
Therefore nine Bacchus's are designed about the nine Muses. Hence in the ninth sphere Orpheus puts
Bacchus Cribonius, and the Muse Calliope; in the starry heaven Picionius, and Urania; in the sphere of
Saturn, Amphietus, and Polyphymnia; in the sphere of Jupiter, Sabasius, and Terpsichore; in the sphere of
Mars, Bassarius, and Clio; in the sphere of the Sun, Trietericus, and Melpemene, in the sphere of Venus,
Lysius, and Erato; in the sphere of Mercury, Silenus, and Euterpe; in the sphere of the Moon, Bacchus,
Lyeus, and the Muse Thalia. Also in the spheres of the Elements, he names the souls after this manner. In the
fire he puts the planet, and the morning; in the air lightening [lightning] Jupiter, and Juno; in water the
Ocean, and Thetys; in the earth Pluto, and Proserpina; but the soul of the world or universe Magicians call
the Jupiter of the world, and the mind of the world Apollo, and the nature of the world, Minerva. Besides in
the fire they put Vulcan, in the water Neptune, and they did name them by divers names. Also in the Stars of
the Zodiack the Pythagorians did put twelve particular Gods or souls placed in the hearts of those Stars, and
thence governing the whole Star, viz. in the heart of Aries is placed a particular Pallas, in the heart of Taurus
a particular Venus, of Gemini a particular Phebus, of Cancer Mercury, of Leo Jupiter, of Virgi Ceres, of
Libra Vulcan, of Scorpio Mars, of Sagittarius Diana, of Capricorn Vesta, of Aquarius a particular Juno, in
the heart of Pisces a particular Neptune: This did Manilius sing forth in these verses.
Pallas doth rule the Ram, Venus the Bull,
Phebus the Twins, and Mercury doth rule
The Cancer, and the Lyon [The Lion, i.e. Leo] guides doth Jove,
Ceres doth Virgo, Vulcan Libra move.
For Scorpion Mars; for Sagittarius faire
Diana cares; for Capricorn doth care
Vesta; Aquarius Juno doth protect;
And Neptune Pisces -----
And most ancient Orpheus writing to Muscus, reckons up more Dieties of the heavens then these, signifying
their names, respects, and duties, calling them all in proper songs. Let no one therefore think that they are the
names of evill deceiving spirits; but of naturall, and divine vertues, distributed to the world by the true God,
for the service, and profit of man, who knew how to use them: and antiquity it self hath ascribed to each of
these Dieties the severall members of man; as the ear to memory, which Virgil also dedicates to Phebus,
saying, Cynthius puls my ear, and admonisheth me. So the right hand being a token of fortitude, & by which
an oath is made, Numa Pompilius, as saith Livy, hath dedicated to faith: The fingers are under the tuition of
Minerva, and the knees given to Mercifullness; Hence they that beg pardon bend them. Some dedicate the
Navell to Venus as the place of luxury; some who refer all the members to it as the center, say it is dedicated
to Jupiter Hence in the Temple of Jupiter Hammon the effigies of a navel is celebrated. Many other things
the ancients did observe, ascribing every little member and joynt to their Dieties, which if they be rightly
understood, and the true Dieties ruling over them known, would not at all swerve from their duty, seeing also
sacred writ testifies that all our members are governed by the superior vertues, of which we shall speak more
largely in the following book; and not members only, but every exercise of men is distributed to its Dietie
[diety], as huntings to Diana, wars to Pallas, husbandry to Ceres, of which thus speaks Apollo in his Oracles
in Porphyrie [Porphyry].
Pallas loves wars, woods to Diana fair
Ascribed are, to Juno humid Aire,
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Occult Philosophy. Book II. (Part 4, excerpts)
file:///M|/ PDF-Bücher/Esoterik & Magie/HTML/Agrippa2/agripp2d.htm (13 von 17) [20.02.2001 16:12:24]
To Ceres Corn, and fruits; to Oryris [Osiris]
The water, also humors waterish.
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