The Table of Mars in his compass. In Hebrew notes.Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Occult Philosophy. Book II. (part 2)
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The Seales or Characters.
Of Mars.
Of the Intelligence of Mars.
Of the Spirit of Mars.
The Table of the Sun in his compass.
In Hebrew notes.
The Seales or Characters.
Of the Sun.
Of the intelligence of the Sun. Of the Spirit of the Sun.
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Occult Philosophy. Book II. (part 2)
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The Table of Venus in her Compass.
The Table of Venus in Hebrew notes.
The Seals, or Characters.
Of Venus.
Of the Intelligence of Venus.
[figure 2-50]
Of the Spirit of Venus.
[figure 2-51]
Of the Intelligences of Venus.
[figure 2-52]
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Occult Philosophy. Book II. (part 2)
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The Table of Mercury in his compass.
[figure 2-53]
The Table of Mercury in Hebrew notes.
[figure 2-54]
The Seals or Characters of Mercury.
[figure 2-55]
Of the Intelligency Of Mercury.
[figure 2-56]
Of the Spirit of Mercury.
[figure 2-57]
The Table of the Moon in her Compass.
[figure 2-58]
The Table of the Moon in Hebrew notes.
[figure 2-59]
The Seals or Characters
Of the Moon.
[figure 2-60]
Of the Spirit of the Moon.
[figure 2-61]
Of the Spirits of the spirits of the Moon.
[figure 2-62]
Of the Intelligence of the Intelligences of the Moon.
[figure 2-63]
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Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Occult Philosophy. Book II. (part 2)
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You will need a Hebrew font installed to read some of this book.
Chap. xxiii. Of Geometrical Figures and Bodies, by what vertue they
Are powerful in Magick, and which are agreeable to each Element, and
The Heaven.
Geometricall Figures also arising from numbers, are conceived to be of no less power. Of these first of all, a
Circle doth answer to Unity, and the number ten; for Unity is the Center, and circumference of all things;
and the number ten being heaped together retuens into a Unity from whence it had its beginning, being the
end, and complements of all numbers. A circle is called an infinite line in which there is no Terminus a quo,
nor Terminus ad quem, whose beginning and end is in every point, whence also a circular motion is called
infinite, not according to time, but according to place; hence a circular being the largest and perfectest of all
is judged to be the most fit for bindings and conjurations; Whence they who adjure evil spirits, are wont to
environ themselves about with a circle. A Pentangle also, as with the vertue of the number five hath a very
great command over evil spirits, so by its lineature, by which it hath within five obtuse angles, and without
five acutes, five double triangles by which it is surrounded. The interior pentangle containes in it great
mysteries, which also is so to be enquired after, and understood; of the other figures, viz. triangle,
quadrangle, sexangle, septangle, octangle, and the rest, of which many, as they are made of many and divers
insections [intersections], obtain divres significations and vertues according to the divers manner of draeing,
and proportions of lines, and numbers. The Egyptians, and Arabians confirmed that the figure of the Cross
hath very great power, and that is the most firm receptacle of all Celestial powers, and intelligencies,
because it is the rightest figure of all, containing foure right angles, and it is the first description of the
superficies, having longitude and latitude: And they said it is inspired with the fortitude of the Celestials,
because their fortitude results by the straitness of angles and rayes: And stars are then most potent when
they possess four corners in the figure of the heaven, and make a cross, by the projection of their rayes
mutually. It hath moreover (as we shewed before) a very great correspondency with the numbers 5. 7. 9.
most potent numbers. It was also reckoned by the Egyptian Priests, from the beginning of Religion amongst
sacred letters, signifying amongst them allegorically the life of future salvation. It was also impressed on the
Picture of Serapis, and was had in great veneration amongst the Greeks. But what here belongs to Religion
we shall discuss elsewhere. This is to be observed, whatsoever wonderfull thing figures work when we write
tham in Papers, Plates, or Images, they do not do it but by the vertue acquired from sublimer figures, by a
certain affection which a natural apitude [aptitude] or resemblance procures, in as much as they are exactly
configured to them; as from an opposite wall the Eccho is caused, and in a hollow glass the collection of the
solarie rayes, which afterward reflecting upon an opposite body, either wood, or any combustible thing doth
forthwith burne it: or as an Harpe causeth a resounding in an other Harpe, which is no otherwise but because
a sutable and a like figure is set before it, or as two strings on a Harpe being touched with an equall distance
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Occult Philosophy. Book II. (Part 3)
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of time, and modulated to the same intention, when one is touched the other shakes also: Also the figures, of
which we have spoken, & what characters soever concern the vertues of the Celestial figures as they shall be
opportunely impressed upon things, those ruling, or be rightly framed, as one figure is of affinity with, and
doth express an other. And as these are spoken of figures, so also they are to be understood of Geometrical
bodies, which are a Sphear [sphere], a Tetracedron, Hexacedron, Octocedron, Icocedron, Dodecacedron
[tetrahedron, hexahedron, octohedron, icohedron, dodecahedron], and such like. Neither must we pass over
what figures Phythagoras [Pythagoras] and his followers, Timeus, Locrus, and Plato assigned to the
Elements and Heavens: for first of all they assigned to the earth a four square, and a square of eight solid
angles, and of twenty four plains [planes], and six bases in form of a Dice to the fire, a Pryamis [pyramid] of
a four triangular basis, and of so many solid angles, and of twelve plaines; to the aire Octocedron
[octohedron], of eight triangular bases, and six solid angles, and ternty four plains: and lastly, to Water they
have assigned Icocedron [icohedron] twenty basesm twelve solid angles: To the Heaven they have assigned
Dodecacedron [dodecahedron] of twelve five cornered bases, and twenty solid angles, and sixty plaines.
Now he which knows the powers, relations, and proprieties of these figures, and bodies, shall be able to
work many wonderful things in Natural and Mathematical Magick, especially in Glasses. And I knew how
to make by them wonderful things, in which any one mught see whatsoever he pleased at a long distance.
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