Divine names answering to the numbers of Saturn.3. Ab. áà
9. Hod. ãä
15 Iah. äé
15. Hod. ãåä
45 Jehovah extended. àä åàå àä ãåé
45 Agiel The Intelligence of Saturn ìàéâà
45 Zazel The spirit of Saturn ìæàæ
Divine names answering to the numbers of Jupiter.
4 Abab àáà
16 äåä
16 éäà
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Occult Philosophy. Book II. (part 2)
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34 El Ab áàìà
136 Johphiel The Intelligence of Jupiter ìàéôäé
136 Hismael The spirit of Jupiter ìàîñä
Names answering to the numbers of Mars.
5 He the letter of the Holy Name ä
25 éäé
65 Adonay éðãà
325 Graphiel The Intelligence of Mars. ìàéôàøâ
325 Barzabel The spirit of Mars. ìàáàöøá
Names answering to the numbers of the Sun.
6 Vau the letter of the Holy Name. å
6 He extended, the letter of the Holy Name. àä
56 Eloh äìà
111 Nachiel The Intelligence of the Sun. ìàéëð
666 Sorath The spirit of the Sun úøåñ
Names answering to the numbers of Venus.
7 àäà
49 Hagiel The Intelligence of Venus. ìàéâä
157 Kedemel The spirit of Venus. ìàîã÷
1252 Bne Seraphim The Intelligencies of Venus. íéôøù éðá
Names answering to the numbers of Mercury.
8 Asboga, eight extended. äâáæà
64 Din. ïéã
64 Doni éðã
260 Tiriel. ìàéøéè
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Occult Philosophy. Book II. (part 2)
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2080 Taphthartharath úøúøúôú
Names answering to the numbers of the Moon.
9 Hod ãä
81 Elim íéìà
369 Hasmodai the spirit of the Moon. éàãåîùä
3321 Schedbarschemoth Scharthathan, the spirit of the spirits of the Moon.
ïúúøù úòîäùøáãù
3321 Malcha betharsism hed beruah schehalim The Intelligency of the Intelligence of the Moon.
íé÷äù ãåøá ãò íéñéùøáá àëìî
The Table of Saturn in his compass. In Hebrew notes.
The Seales or Characters.
Of Saturn. Of the Intelligence of Saturn. Of the Spirit of Saturn.
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Occult Philosophy. Book II. (part 2)
file:///M|/ PDF-Bücher/Esoterik & Magie/HTML/Agrippa2/agripp2b.htm (11 von 15) [20.02.2001 16:12:01]
The Table of Jupiter in his compass. In Hebrew notes.
The Seales or Characters.
Of Jupiter. Of the Intelligence of Jupiter. Of the Spirit of Jupiter.
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1363