| Chapter v. Of the Number of Two, and the Scale thereof.The first Number is of two, because it is the first Multitude, it can be measured by no number besides unity alone, the
common measure of all Numbers: It is not compounded of Numbers, but of one unity only; neither is it called a number
uncompounded, but more properly not compounded: The Number of three is called the first Number uncompounded: But the
Number of two is the first branch of unity, and the first procreation: Hence it is called generation, and Juno, and an
imaginable Corporation, the proof of the first motion, the first form of parity: the number of the first equality, extremity, and
distance betwixt, and therefore of peculiar equity, and the proper act thereof, because it consists of two equally poysed: and it
is called the Number of Science, and Memory, and of light, and the number of man, who is called another, and the lesser
World: it is also called the number of charity, and mutuall love, of marriage, and society, as it is said by the Lord, Two shall
be one flesh. And Solomon saith: It is better that two be together then one, for they have a benefit by their mutuall society: If
one shall fall, he shall be supported by the other. Wo [woe] to him that is alone, because when he falls he hath not another to
help him: and if two sleep together, they shall warm one the other; how shall one be hot alone? And if any prevaile against
him, two resist him. And it is called the number of Wedlock and Sex; for there are two sexes, Masculine, and Feminine: and
two Dovess bring forth two Eggs, out of the first of which is hatched the Male, out of the second the Female. It is also called
the midle [middle], that is capable, that is good, and bad, partaking, and the beginning of division, of Multitude, and
distinction, and signifies matter. This is also sometimes the number of discord, and confusion, of misfortune, and
uncleanness, whence Saint Hierom against Jovianus saith, that therefore it was not spoken in the second day of the creation
of the world, and God said, That it was good, because the number of two is evill. Hence also it was, that God commanded
that all unclean Animals should go into the Ark by couples: because as I said, the number of two, is a number of uncleanness,
and it is most unhappy in their Soothsayings, especially if those things, from whence the Soothsaying is taken, be Saturnall,
or Martiall, for these two are accounted by the Astrologers unfortunate. It is also reported, that the number of two doth cause
apparitions of Ghosts, and fearfull Goblins, and bring mischiefs of evill spirits to them that travell by night. Pythagoras (as
Eusebius reports) said, that Unity was God, and a good intellect; and that Duality was a Divell [devil], and an evill intellect,
in which is a materiall multitude: wherefore the Pythagoreans say, that two is not a number, but a certain confusion of
unities. And Plutarke [Plutarch] writes, that the Pythagorians [Pythagoreans] called unity Apollo, and two, strife, and
boldness; and three, Justice, which is the highest perfection, and is not without many mysteries. Hence there were two Tables
of the Law in Sina, two Cherubins looking to the Propitiatory in Moses, two Olives dropping oyle [oil], in Zachariah, two
natures in Christ, Divine, and Humane; Hence Moses saw two appearances of God, viz. his face, and back-parts, also two
Testaments, two commands of Love, two first dignities, two first people, two kinds of Spirits, good and bad, two intellectuall
creatures, an Angell, and soul, two great lights, two Solstitia [solstices], two equinoctials [equinoxes], two poles, two
Elements, producing a living soul, viz. Earth, and Water.
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 666