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Chapter iv. Of unity, and the Scale thereof.

Now let us treat particularly of numbers themselves: and because number is nothing els [else] but a repetition of Unity, let us

first consider Unity it self. For Unity doth most simply go through every number, and is the common measure, fountain, and

originall of all numbers, contains every number joyned [joined] together in it self intirely, the beginner of every multitude,

alwayes the same, and unchangable: whence also being multiplyed into it self, produceth nothing but it self: it is indivisible,

void of all parts: But if it seem at any time to be divided, it is not cut, but indeed Multiplied into Unities: yet none of these

Unities is greater or lesser then the whole Unity, as a part is less than the whole: It is not therefore Multiplyed into parts, but

into it self: Therefore some called it concord, some piety, and some friendship, which is so knit, that it cannot be cut into

parts. But Martianus, according to the opinion of Aristotle saith, it is named Cupid, because it is made one alone, and will

alwaies bewail it self, and beyond it self it hath nothing, but being void of all haughtiness, or coupling, turns its proper heats

into it self. It is therefore the one beginning, and end of all things, neither hath it any beginning, or end it self: Nothing is

before one, nothing is after one, and beyond it is nothing, and all things which are, desire that one, because all things

proceeded from one, and that all things may be the same, it is necessary that they partake of that one: And as all things

proceeded of one into many things, so all things endeavour to return to that one, from which they proceeded; it is necessary

that they should put off multitude. One therefore is referred to the high God, who seeing he is one, and innumerable, yet

creates innumerable things of himself, and contains them within himself. There is therefore one God, one world of the one

God, one Sun of the one world, also one Phoenix in the World, one King [queen] amongst Bees, one Leader amongst Flocks

of Catel [cattle], one Ruler amongst heards [herds] of Beasts, & Cranes follow one, and many other Animalls honour Unity;

Amongst the Members of the body there is one Principal by which all the rest are guided, whether it be the head, or (as some

will) the heart. There is one Element overcoming, and penetrating all things, viz. Fire. There is one thing created of God, the

subject of all wondring [wondering], which is on Earth, or in Heaven, it is actually Animal, Vegetable, and Minerall, every

where found, known by few, called by none by its proper name, but covered with figures, and Riddles, without which neither

Alchymie [alchemy], nor Naturall Magick, can attain to their compleat end, or perfection. From one man, Adam, all men

proceed, from that one all become mortall, from that one Jesus Christ they are regenerated: and as saith Paul, one Lord, one

Faith, one Baptism, one God, and Father of all, one mediator betwixt God and man, one most high Creator, who is over all,

by all, and in us all. For there is one Father, God, from whence all, and we in him: one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom all, and

we by him: one God Holy Ghost, into whom all, and we into him.

The Scale of Unity

Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Occult Philosophy. Book II. (part 1)

file:///M|/ PDF-Bücher/Esoterik & Magie/HTML/Agrippa2/agrippa2.htm (6 von 18) [20.02.2001 16:11:47]

In the exemplary world. é Iod

One Divine essence, the fountain of all

vertues, and power, whose name is

expressed with one most simple Letter.

In the intellectuall world. The soul of the world.

One supreme Intelligence, the first

Creature, The fountain of lives.

In the Celestial world. The Sun. One King of Stars, fountain of life.

In the Elemental world. The Philosophers Stone.

One subject, and instrument of all

vertues, naturall, and supernaturall.

In the lesser world. The Heart. One first living, and last dying.

In the infernall world. Lucifer.

One Prince of Rebellion, of Angels, and


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Chapter iii. How great vertues Numbers have, as well in Naturall things, as in | Chapter v. Of the Number of Two, and the Scale thereof.
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