Issuance clearance procedure for taxiing.
Prior to issuing a taxi clearance, the controller shall determine where the aircraft concerned is parked. Taxi clearances shall contain concise instructions and adequate information so as to assist the flight crew to follow the correct taxi routes, to avoid collision with other aircraft or objects and to minimize the potential for the aircraft inadvertently entering an active runway.
When a taxi clearance contains a taxi limit beyond a runway, it shall contain an explicit clearance to cross or an instruction to hold short of that runway.
The appropriate ATS authority should whenever practicable publish in the national AIP standard taxi routes to be used at an aerodrome. Standard taxi routes should be identified by appropriate designators and should be used in taxi clearances.
Where standard taxi routes have not been published, a taxi route should, whenever possible, be described by use of taxiway and runway designators. Other relevant information, such as an aircraft to follow or give way to, shall also be provided to a taxiing aircraft.
17.2 Issuance clearance procedure for taking-off.
Take-off clearance may be issued to an aircraft when there is reasonable assurance that the separation will exist when the aircraft commences take-off. When an ATC clearance is required prior to take-off, the take-off clearance shall not be issued until the ATC clearance has been transmitted to and acknowledged by the aircraft concerned.
The take-off clearance shall be issued when the aircraft is ready for take-off and at or approaching the departure runway, and the traffic situation permits. To reduce the potential for misunderstanding, the take-off clearance shall include the designator of the departure runway.
In the interest of expediting the traffic, a clearance for immediate take-off may be issued to an aircraft before it enters the runway. On acceptance such clearance, the aircraft shall taxi out to the runway and take off in one continuous movement.
18.2 Issuance clearance procedure for landing.
The aircraft is cleared to land when
· the runway is not blocked;
· all kinds of separation are provided;
· the flight crew has received all necessary information to execute a safe approach to land and landing itself;
· there are no any other aircraft ahead which intend to land or are going around.
Date: 2015-01-02; view: 1040