As the basic colors are also used White and Yellow color.
Solving 8 corners as cube 2x2x2
Solving 4 columns. Insert edges without basic color into place. This phase equals to phase 2 for cube 3x3x3.
Solving other 4 ribs and insert them to places.
In the result - two letters «O» (on the Green and Blue sides).
Solving central edges (if them exists). They solving as edges on the cube 3x3x3
· Solving in order, 8 adjacent edges as the cube 2x2x2;
· If on these 8 elements have got the parity, make offset one layer on 90⁰ and resolving 4 ribs;
· Connect correct pair from edges and placing their. Considering each pair as one solving their as solving last 3 pairs on cube 3x3x3 (here possible at the end will only take to change 2 pairs).
Transposition of central elements.
For cube 6x6x6, must will solving in order 2 such groups of 8 elements
Variant of the solving 4 edges on principle 2x2x2 and what is a «parity»
For making the parity, necessary rotate one part the middle layer on 90⁰ (i.e. break parity) and resolve broken ribs on this conditions, with provision for new location of the central layers (the central layer in this instance consists of 2 layers).
Rotate one part of middle layer on 90 ⁰
In result all 4 ribs broken. Connect all ribs in order, under such location of the central layers. We begin with Yellow-Green rib.
We do Rotate on 180⁰, hereunder divorcing Yellow-Green elements
Put the place for the second Yellow-Green element.
Rotate on 90⁰
Rotate bottom side on 180⁰ and put the Yellow-Green element to place.
Connect 2 Yellow-Green elements. Rotate on 90⁰.
After rotate cube and connect second rib.
We will connect White-Green elements. Put the place for the second element. If two elements are on the same line, then we rotate on 90⁰.
Rotate on 180⁰ for pull apart two White-Green elements
White-Green element on the bottom side make first step to its place. Rotate on 90⁰
Rotate on 180⁰ for pull apart two White-Green elements
Put the place for the second element. Rotate on 90⁰
Put White-Green element to its place. Rotate on 180⁰
Connect 2 White-Green elements. Rotate on 90⁰.
After rotate cube and connect third rib.
We will connect White-Blue elements. Put the place for the second element. If two elements are on the same line, then we rotate on 90⁰.
Rotate on 180⁰ for pull apart two White-Blue elements
White-Blue element on the bottom side make first step to its place. Rotate on 90⁰
Rotate on 180⁰ for pull apart two White-Blue elements
Put the place for the second element. Rotate on 90⁰
Put White-Blue element to its place. Rotate on 180⁰
Connect 2 White-Blue elements. Rotate on 90⁰.
After rotate cube and connect third rib.
Return bottom side to place.
After rotate cube and connect fourth rib.
We will connect Yellow-Blue elements. If two elements are not on the same line, then we rotate bottom side on 180⁰.
Put the place for the second element. Rotate on 90⁰
Put Yellow-Blue element to its place. Rotate on 180⁰
Connect 2 White-Blue elements. Rotate on 90⁰.
All ribs connected!
Now put on a bottom or top side, 2 ribs with base color up. In this case, it is sufficient to make rotate on 90⁰
On the Yellow side 2 elements putted with Yellow color to up.
Look what happened on the opposite side. Here we have formed a "parity" as one rib of the base color looks upward, and the second no!
Accordingly resolve "parity" may be the same manner, i.e. rotate any part of the middle layer on 90⁰ and reconnect 4 edges, with this arrangement of the centers.
As mentioned above, these 8 ribs can be seen as a cube 2x2x2 whose bottom side is rotated only on 180⁰, and the right and left as you like:
Accordingly, having done a similar action on the cube 2x2x2, we get the following:
Rotate one part of middle layer on 90 ⁰
In result all 4 ribs broken.
Solving ribs
All pairs connected. For greater clarity, put White rib to White rib, Yellow to Yellow.
As a result, we see that on the White side both ribs solved, and on the Yellow side one rib look in the side.
we solve the first rib, second, third, fourth. Turning the bottom side only on 180⁰, we have the condition that the left and right edges we do not have