Send one edge on the bottom side using the rotation of the middle layer (the layer between the letters "U") on 180⁰.
| Rotate the top side so that the elements were on opposite sides.
In this case, rotate the top side on 90⁰
| Rotate Front side on 180⁰ and connect the Yellow-Blue edge and Yellow-Green edge
| Hide the correct pair on the Front side so as to does not destroy it.
Rotate middle layer on 90⁰
| Return the front side to place and rotate the correct pair on 180⁰
Send the correct pair to the top side. Rotate middle layer on 90⁰
| It remains in the same way connect 2 another pairs, in this case the White-Blue edge with White-Green and Yellow-Red edge with Yellow-Orange. Put the White-Green edge in the same way.
| Again rotate the front side on 180⁰.
In the result, connected two pairs – on the top side Yellow-Orange with Yellow-Red and on the bottom side White-Blue with White-Green
| Again hide the correct pair on the Front side so as to does not destroy it.
Rotate middle layer on 90⁰
| Again return the front side to place and rotate the correct pair on 180⁰