| Seitjanov Shapagat AdilbekulyBektemis Aknur Sattarkizi
Information about yourself
| § Date and place of birth: 08.04.1993
§ Nationality: Kazakh
§ Marital status: Unmarried
| Education
| Kyzylorda State University Korkyt Ata
§ Institute of Polytechnic
§ Construction
§ Qualification: Bachelor of Construction
| Practical experience (practice)
| LLC «Dimas-Kurylys», in Kyzylorda
| Languages
| Kazakh native. Russian fluently. English base.
Knowledge of computer
| Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft PowerPoint, Internet Explorer, Win RAR, Adobe Acrobat, AutoCAD, Corel DRAW.
| Interests and hobbies
| Read books, listen to music and blogging.
| Personal qualities
| Sociable, hardworking, punctual, honest.

Isaeva Gauhar Isakizi
Information about yourself
| § Date and place of birth:26.07.1992
§ Nationality: Kazakh
§ Marital status: Unmarried
| Education
| Kyzylorda State University Korkyt Ata
§ Institute of Polytechnic
§ Construction
§ Qualification: Bachelor of Construction
| Practical experience (practice)
| LLC «Abzalproektkonsalting», in Kyzylorda
| Languages
| Kazakh native. Russian fluently. English base.
Knowledge of computer
| Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft PowerPoint, Internet Explorer, Win RAR, Adobe Acrobat.
| Interests and hobbies
| Read books, listen to music
| Personal qualities
| Sociable, hardworking, punctual, honest.
| Home address: Àral region, Sarsenbaev street ¹3
Telephone: home.
mob. 87016135040
e-mail: Gauhar-isaeva@mail.ru
Seitjanov Shapagat Adilbekuly
Information about yourself
| § Date and place of birth: 29.12.1992
§ Nationality: Kazakh
§ Marital status: Unmarried
| Education
| Kyzylorda State University Korkyt Ata
§ Institute of Polytechnic
§ Construction
§ Qualification: Bachelor of Construction
| Practical experience (practice)
| LLC «Dimas-Kurylys», in Kyzylorda
| Languages
| Kazakh native. Russian fluently. English base.
Knowledge of computer
| Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft PowerPoint, Internet Explorer, Win RAR, Adobe Acrobat.
| Interests and hobbies
| Read books, listen to music
| Personal qualities
| Sociable, hardworking, punctual, honest.
| Home address: Kyzylorda city,
Abdirakhmanov street ¹80À
Telephone: home. 21-41-01
mob. 87018822425
e-mail: Shapagat.92@mail.ru
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 895