is obtained by substituting the second column of free terms.
179.If the determinant of the system is different from zero, then the solution of the system:
182.Solution of the system are:
x1=1, x2=-2.
x1=-1, x2=2.
190.A square matrix A n-th order is called degenerate if: detA=0
1.Solve the system if equations: !!!!!! (-4; 2; -1).
2.The point of intersection of the circumference (õ-4)2+ó2=25: !!!!!! Ì(0; 3)
3.Show the equation of circumference, where the center is situated in point (2;-3) and circumference passes through the point (5;1): !!!!!!!!!!! (õ-2)2+(ó+3)2=25.
4.The distance between centers of the circumferences õ2+ó2=16 and (õ+3)2+(ó+4)2=25: !!!!! 5
18.Abscissa of the circumference’s point õ2+(ó+4)2=41 and the point on it with ordinate equals zero: !!!!!! 5
19.The curve, specified by equalization (õ-à)2+(ó-b)2=r2: !!!!!!! Circumference.
20.Ordinate of the circumference’s point (õ+3)2+ó2=25, where abscissa equals zero: !!!!! 4
21. A canonical equalization of the ellipse: !!!!
22.The curve, set by the equalization : !!!!!!!!!!! Ellipse.
23.The point of intersection the hyperbola õ2-4ó2=16 with the axis of abscissas: !!! Ì( ±4; 0).
27.Equalizations of asymptotes of the hyperbola : !!!!!
28.Equalizations of asymptotes of the hyperbola : !!!! .
29.Describe the distance d from origin coordinates to point Ì(õ;ó): !!!!! ;
33.Length of the cutoff ÀÂ with the coordinates À(õ1;ó1) and Â(õ2;ó2):
36.Coordinates of the interval’s midpoint ÀÂ, À(õ1;ó1)and Â(õ2;ó2): .
39.A rectangle prescribed by coordinates of its apices À(1; 1), Â(8;-5), Ñ(3;5).Point Ì the midpoint of the leg ÀÑ. Length of the median ÂÌ equals: !!!!!! 10
40.Disposition of straight Àõ+Âó+Ñ=0, if Â=0, Ñ 0: !!!!!! parallel to axis ÎÕ
41. Angular coefficient of the straight 2,5ó-5õ+5=0: !!!! 2
42.Disposition of stright Àõ+Âó+Ñ=0, åñëè À=0, Ñ 0: !!!!! parallel to axis ÎÓ
44.Equalization of parabola, that symmetrical relative to the axis coordinates: !!!!!!!
46.Equalization of parabola directrix: !!!!!!!!!
48.Coordinates of focus F parabola: !!!!!!!!
49.Coordinates of focus F parabola : !!!!!!!!!!
50.Equalization of directrix parabola : !!!!!!!!!
53.Canonical equalization, and distance between the focuses equal 8 ad small axle b=3:
54.Canonical equalization of ellipse, where large axle à=6 , concentricity. =0,5:
59.Find an element Ñ23 matrix Ñ=ÀÂ, if , : !!!!!!! 10
61.Find an element Ñ33 matrix Ñ=ÀÂ, if , : !!!!!! 2
62.If the determiner square matrix equals zero, she called: !!!!!!!!!!! Singular.
63.If the determiner if square matrix is not equal zero, she called:
64.The system of linear equalizations is calling compatible, if: !!!!! it has only one solution.
65.n – unknown quantity, m – quantity of the equalization of the system. What kind of condition contribute application the Kramer’s rule? !!!!!!!!!!!!! m = n
66.Coordinates of focus F parabola : !!!!!!!!!!!!!
67.If the equalization’ system doesn’t have solution, then the system is calling: Incompatible
68.If in the Kramer’s method D=0, Dõ¹0, then a system: !!!!!!!!! Incompatible .
69.How is located the straight Àõ+Âó+Ñ=0, if Â=0, ѹ0: !!!!!!! Parallel to axis ÎÓ.
70. Formula of the calculus of the distance from point Ì(õ1,ó1) to the straight Àõ+Âó+Ñ=0:
71. In what meanings à and â these straights àõ-2ó-1=0, 6õ-4ó-â=0 are parallel: !!!! à=3, â 2.
72.In what meanings à and â these straights ó = àõ+2, ó = 5õ - â are parallel: !!!! à= 5, â -2.
73.How is located the straight Àõ+Âó+Ñ=0, if A=0 !!!!! Parallel to the axis ÎÕ.
74.How is located the straight Àõ+Âó+Ñ=0, if A=C=0: !!!! coincides with the axis ÎÕ.
75.How is located the straight Àõ+Âó+Ñ=0, if B=C=0: !!!! Coincides with the axis ÎÓ.
76.Transpose is the matrix when: !!!!!! permutation rows and columns.
77.Sho the formula derivative function y=arccosx:
Âîïðîñ ¹ 80Find the matrix Õ, that satisfy the fellow conditions: 2À+Õ=Â where: À= Â=
83.Expression of the polar coordinates of the point M in rectangular coordinates:
84.Expression of the polar coordinates of the point M in rectangular coordinates:
85.The general equation of second degree:
96.Compute the multiplication of the matrixes ÀÂ, if À= Â=
136.If the items are below the main diagonal are zero, then the square matrix is called:
139.B as a matrix of four laboratory feeding birds in two different types of food:
148.Determination of the identity matrix:
diagonal elements are composed of units of the remaining zeros.
149. What condition is required to add two matrices:
the same dimension matrices.
150.What condition must be fulfilled for the multiplication of two matrices:
number of columns of the first matrix equals the number of rows of the second matrix.
151.In which case the system of equations is called homogeneous:
all the free terms are equal to zero.
163.Calculate determine the 3rd order: 16.
174.Calculate the determinant : 2.
176.In which case the determinant does not change
if interchange rows and columns with the same number
177.An additional determinant of :
is obtained by substituting the second column of free terms.
179.If the determinant of the system is different from zero, then the solution of the system: 182.Solution of the system are:
x1=1, x2=-2.
x1=-1, x2=2.
190.A square matrix A n-th order is called degenerate if: detA=0
1.Solve the system if equations: !!!!!! (-4; 2; -1).
2.The point of intersection of the circumference (õ-4)2+ó2=25: !!!!!! Ì(0; 3)
3.Show the equation of circumference, where the center is situated in point (2;-3) and circumference passes through the point (5;1): !!!!!!!!!!! (õ-2)2+(ó+3)2=25.
4.The distance between centers of the circumferences õ2+ó2=16 and (õ+3)2+(ó+4)2=25: !!!!! 5
18.Abscissa of the circumference’s point õ2+(ó+4)2=41 and the point on it with ordinate equals zero: !!!!!! 5
19.The curve, specified by equalization (õ-à)2+(ó-b)2=r2: !!!!!!! Circumference.
20.Ordinate of the circumference’s point (õ+3)2+ó2=25, where abscissa equals zero: !!!!! 4
21. A canonical equalization of the ellipse: !!!!
22.The curve, set by the equalization : !!!!!!!!!!! Ellipse.
23.The point of intersection the hyperbola õ2-4ó2=16 with the axis of abscissas: !!! Ì( ±4; 0).
27.Equalizations of asymptotes of the hyperbola : !!!!!
28.Equalizations of asymptotes of the hyperbola : !!!! .
29.Describe the distance d from origin coordinates to point Ì(õ;ó): !!!!! ;
33.Length of the cutoff ÀÂ with the coordinates À(õ1;ó1) and Â(õ2;ó2):
36.Coordinates of the interval’s midpoint ÀÂ, À(õ1;ó1)and Â(õ2;ó2): .
39.A rectangle prescribed by coordinates of its apices À(1; 1), Â(8;-5), Ñ(3;5).Point Ì the midpoint of the leg ÀÑ. Length of the median ÂÌ equals: !!!!!! 10
40.Disposition of straight Àõ+Âó+Ñ=0, if Â=0, Ñ 0: !!!!!! parallel to axis ÎÕ
41. Angular coefficient of the straight 2,5ó-5õ+5=0: !!!! 2
42.Disposition of stright Àõ+Âó+Ñ=0, åñëè À=0, Ñ 0: !!!!! parallel to axis ÎÓ
44.Equalization of parabola, that symmetrical relative to the axis coordinates: !!!!!!!
46.Equalization of parabola directrix: !!!!!!!!!
48.Coordinates of focus F parabola: !!!!!!!!
49.Coordinates of focus F parabola : !!!!!!!!!!
50.Equalization of directrix parabola : !!!!!!!!!
53.Canonical equalization, and distance between the focuses equal 8 ad small axle b=3:
54.Canonical equalization of ellipse, where large axle à=6 , concentricity. =0,5:
59.Find an element Ñ23 matrix Ñ=ÀÂ, if , : !!!!!!! 10
61.Find an element Ñ33 matrix Ñ=ÀÂ, if , : !!!!!! 2
62.If the determiner square matrix equals zero, she called: !!!!!!!!!!! Singular.
63.If the determiner if square matrix is not equal zero, she called:
64.The system of linear equalizations is calling compatible, if: !!!!! it has only one solution.
65.n – unknown quantity, m – quantity of the equalization of the system. What kind of condition contribute application the Kramer’s rule? !!!!!!!!!!!!! m = n
66.Coordinates of focus F parabola : !!!!!!!!!!!!!
67.If the equalization’ system doesn’t have solution, then the system is calling: Incompatible
68.If in the Kramer’s method D=0, Dõ¹0, then a system: !!!!!!!!! Incompatible .
69.How is located the straight Àõ+Âó+Ñ=0, if Â=0, ѹ0: !!!!!!! Parallel to axis ÎÓ.
70. Formula of the calculus of the distance from point Ì(õ1,ó1) to the straight Àõ+Âó+Ñ=0:
71. In what meanings à and â these straights àõ-2ó-1=0, 6õ-4ó-â=0 are parallel: !!!! à=3, â 2.
72.In what meanings à and â these straights ó = àõ+2, ó = 5õ - â are parallel: !!!! à= 5, â -2.
73.How is located the straight Àõ+Âó+Ñ=0, if A=0 !!!!! Parallel to the axis ÎÕ.
74.How is located the straight Àõ+Âó+Ñ=0, if A=C=0: !!!! coincides with the axis ÎÕ.
75.How is located the straight Àõ+Âó+Ñ=0, if B=C=0: !!!! Coincides with the axis ÎÓ.
76.Transpose is the matrix when: !!!!!! permutation rows and columns.
77.Sho the formula derivative function y=arccosx:
Âîïðîñ ¹ 80Find the matrix Õ, that satisfy the fellow conditions: 2À+Õ=Â where: À= Â=
83.Expression of the polar coordinates of the point M in rectangular coordinates:
84.Expression of the polar coordinates of the point M in rectangular coordinates:
85.The general equation of second degree:
96.Compute the multiplication of the matrixes ÀÂ, if À= Â=
136.If the items are below the main diagonal are zero, then the square matrix is called:
139.B as a matrix of four laboratory feeding birds in two different types of food:
148.Determination of the identity matrix:
diagonal elements are composed of units of the remaining zeros.
149. What condition is required to add two matrices:
the same dimension matrices.
150.What condition must be fulfilled for the multiplication of two matrices:
number of columns of the first matrix equals the number of rows of the second matrix.
151.In which case the system of equations is called homogeneous:
all the free terms are equal to zero.
163.Calculate determine the 3rd order: 16.
174.Calculate the determinant : 2.
176.In which case the determinant does not change
if interchange rows and columns with the same number
177.An additional determinant of :
is obtained by substituting the second column of free terms.
179.If the determinant of the system is different from zero, then the solution of the system: 182.Solution of the system are:
x1=1, x2=-2.
x1=-1, x2=2.
190.A square matrix A n-th order is called degenerate if: detA=0