| Edit]Single differencesWords with multiple points of difference of pronunciation are in the table after this one. Accent-based differences are ignored. For example, Moscow is RP /ˈmɒskoʊ/ and GAm /ˈmɑːskaʊ/, but only the/oʊ/-/aʊ/ difference is highlighted here, since the /ɒ/-/ɑː/ difference is predictable from the accent. Also, tiara is listed with AmE /æ/; the marry–merry–Mary merger changes this vowel for many Americans. Some AmE types are listed as /ɒ/ where GAm merges to /ɑː/ .
| AmE
| Words
| /æ/
| /ɑː/
| annato, Caracas, chiantiA2, GalapagosA2, GdańskA2, grappaA2, gulagA2, HanoiA2, JanA2 (male name, e.g. Jan Palach), KantA2, kebab, Las (placenames, e.g. Las Vegas),MafiaB2, MombasaA2, Natasha, Nissan, Pablo, pasta,B2 PicassoA2, ralentando, SanA2 (names outside USA; e.g. San Juan), SlovakA2, Sri LankaA2, Vivaldi, wigwamA2,YasserA2 (and A in many other foreign names and loanwords)
| /iː/
| /ɛ/
| aesthete, anaesthetize, breveA2, catenaryA2, Daedalus, devolutionA2,B2, ecumenicalB2, epochA2, evolutionA2,B2, febrileA2, Hephaestus, KenyaB2, leverA2, methane,OedipusA2, (o)estrus, (o)estrogen, penalizeA2, predecessorA2, pyrethrinA2, senileA2, hygienic
| /ɒ/
| /oʊ/
| Aeroflot, compost, homosexualB2, Interpol, Lod, pogrom, polkaB2, produce (noun), Rosh Hashanah, sconeA2,B2, shone, sojourn, trollB2, yogurt
| /ɑː/
| /æ/
| (Excluding trap–bath split words) banana, khakiA2, morale, NevadaA2, scenarioA2, sopranoA2, Pakistani
| /ɛ/
| /iː/
| CecilA2,B2, crematoriumA2, cretin, depot, inherentA2,B2, leisureA2, reconnoit(re/er)A2, zebraB2, zenithA2,B2
| /æ/
| /eɪ/
| compatriot, patriotB2, patronise, phalanx, plait, repatriate, Sabine, satrapA2, basilA2 (plant)
| /ɪ/
| /aɪ/
| dynasty, housewifery, idyll, livelongA2, long-livedA2, privacyB2, simultaneous, vicariousA2, vitamin. See also -ine.
| /z/
| /s/
| AussieA2, blouse (noun), complaisantA2, crescent, diagnoseA2, erase, GlasgowA2, parse, valise, trans-A2,B2 (in some words)
| /ɑː/
| /eɪ/
| amenA2, charadeB2, cicada, galaA2, promenadeA2, pro rata, tomato, stratum
| /oʊ/
| /ɒ/
| codify, goffer, ogleA2, processor, progress (noun), slothA2,B2, wont A2, wroth
| /ʌ/
| /ɒ/
| accomplice, accomplish, colanderB2, constableB2, Lombardy, monetaryA2, -mongerA2
| /ɒ/
| /ʌ/
| hovelA2,B2, hover. Also the strong forms of these function words: anybodyA2 (likewise every-, some-, and no-), becauseA2,B2 (and clipping 'cos/'cause), ofA2, fromA2, wasA2, whatA2
| (sounded)
| (silent)
| Beethoven, chthonicA2, herbA2 (plant), KnossosA2,B2, phthisicA2,B2, salveA2, solder
| /ɑː(r)/
| /ɜr/
| Berkeley, Berkshire, clerk, Derby, Hertford. (The only AmE word with <er> = [ɑr] is sergeant).
| /aɪ/
| /iː/
| eitherA2,B2, neitherA2,B2, Pleiades. See also -ine.
| /iː/
| /aɪ/
| albino, migraineB2. Also the prefixes anti-A2, multi-A2, semi-A2 in loose compounds (e.g. in anti-establishment, but not in antibody). See also -ine.
| /ə/
| /ɒ/
| Amazon, hexagon, octagon, paragon, pentagon, phenomenonA2, pythonA2
| /iː/
| /eɪ/
| eta, beta, quayA2, theta, zeta
| /aɪ/
| /ɪ/
| butylB2, divergeA2, minorityA2,B2, primer (schoolbook). See also -ine.
| /ɛ/
| /eɪ/
| ateB2 ("et" is nonstandard in America), mêléeA2, chaise longue
| /ɜːz/
| /uːs/
| Betelgeuse, chanteuse, chartreuseA2, masseuse
| /eɪ/
| /æ/
| apricotA2, dahliaA2, digitalis, patentA2,B2, comrade
| (silent)
| (sounded)
| medicineB2. See also -ary -ery -ory -bury, -berry
| /ɒ/
| /ə/
| Amos, condom, Enoch
| /ʃ/
| /ʒ/
| AsiaB2, PersiaB2, versionB2
| /ə/
| /oʊ/
| boroughA2, thoroughA2, also place names such as EdinburghA2 (see also -ory and -mony)
| /ɪr/
| /ər/
| chirrupA2, stirrupA2, sirupA2, squirrel
| /siː/
| /ʃ/
| cassiaA2, CassiusA2, hessian
| /tiː/
| /ʃ/
| consortium
| /uː/
| /juː/
| couponA2, fuchsine, HoustonB2
| /uː/
| /ʊ/
| boulevard, snooker, woofA2 (weaving)
| /ɜː(r)/
| /ʊr/
| connoisseurA2, entrepreneurA2
| /ɜː/
| /oʊ/
| föhnB2, MöbiusB2
| /ə/
| /eɪ/
| DraconianA2, hurricaneB2
| /eɪ/
| /iː/
| deityA2,B2, HeleneA2, IsraelA2
| /juː/
| /w/
| iguana, jaguar, Nicaragua
| /ɔː(r)/
| /ər/
| record (noun), stridorA2,B2
| /ziː/
| /ʒ/
| Frasier, Parisian, Malaysia, Tunisia
| /æ/
| /ɒ/
| twatB2
| /ɒ/
| /æ/
| wrath
| /ɑː/
| /ət/
| nougat
| /ɑː/
| /ɔː/
| UtahA2,B2
| /ɑː/
| /ɔːr/
| quarkA2,B2
| /æ/
| /ɛ/
| femme fataleA2
| /aɪ/
| /eɪ/
| Isaiah
| /aʊ/
| /uː/
| nousA2
| /ð/
| /θ/
| boothB2
| /di/
| /dʒi/
| cordiality
| /dʒ/
| /ɡdʒ/
| suggestA2
| /eɪ/
| /ɛ/
| nonpareilA2
| /eɪ/
| /ə/
| template
| /eɪ/
| /ət/
| tourniquet
| /ə(r)/
| /ɑr/
| MadagascarA2
| /ə(r)/
| /jər/
| figureA2 for the verb
| /ə/
| /ɛ/
| nonsense
| /ɛ/
| /ɑ/
| envelopeA2,B2
| /ɛ/
| /ə/
| Kentucky
| /ə/
| /æ/
| trapeze
| /ɜː(r)/
| /ɛr/
| errA2
| /oʊ/
| /ɒt/
| HuguenotA2
| /oʊ/
| /aʊ/
| MoscowA2
| /oʊ/
| /uː/
| broochA2
| /ɪ/
| /iː/
| pi(t)taB2, Tunisia
| /iː/
| /ɪ/
| beenB2
| /iːʃ/
| /ɪtʃ/
| nicheA2,B2
| /jɜː/
| /juː/
| milieu
| /juː/
| /uː/
| (Excluding words with predictable yod-dropping) barracuda, pumaA2
| /ɔː/
| /æ/
| falconA2
| /s/
| /z/
| asthma
| /ʃ/
| /sk/
| scheduleB2
| /t/
| /θ/
| AnthonyA2,B2
| /ts/
| /z/
| piazzaA2
| /ʊ/
| /ɪ/
| kümmel
| /ʊ/
| /uː/
| BuddhaA2
| /ʊ/
| /ʌ/
| brusque, hummus
| /uː/
| /aʊ/
| routeA2
| /uː/
| /oʊ/
| cantaloup(e)
| /ʌ/
| /oʊ/
| covertA2,B2
| /z/
| /ʃ/
| Dionysius
| /ziː/
| /ʃ/
| transientA2, nausea
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 860