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7. Power of attorney ̶ written legal authority to act for another person.

English - advanced version

power of attorney
n : a legal instrument authorizing someone to act as the grantor's agent

WordNet 2.0

1. a legal instrument authorizing someone to act as the grantor's agent
(hypernym) legal document, legal instrument, official document, instrument
(hyponym) stock power
(classification) law, jurisprudence

Campbell R. Harvey's Hypertextual Finance Glossary

A written authorization allowing a person to perform certain acts on behalf of another, such as movement of assets between accounts or trading in a person's securities portfolio.

BASSAM Trade, Real Estate, Mortgage, Fund,Invest, Insurance,& Tax,Terms/abbreviations/defin.

A written instrument authorizing a person, the attorney-in-fact, to act as agent for another person to the extent indicated in the instrument.

An authority by which one person enables another to act for him. General - authorizes sale, mortgaging, etc. of all property of the principal. Special - Specifc property, price and terms.

Dictionary of Real Estate Terms

A written document authorizing another to act on his behalf as an ATTORNEY IN FACT . One does not need to be a licensed attorney to act as an attorney in fact, but power of attorney forms are powerful legal documents that should be used only under advice of a licensed attorney at law.

Raynet Business & Marketing Glossary

an agreement authorizing someone (generally an attorney) to act as your agent. This agreement may be general (complete authority) or special (limited authority).

A Guide to Futures and Options Market Terminology : English-English

An agreement establishing an agent-principal relationship. The "power of attorney" grants the agent authority to act on the principal's behalf under certain designated circumstances. In the futures industry, a power of attorney must be in writing and is valid until revoked or terminated.

Wikipedia English - The Free Encyclopedia A power of attorney (POA) or letter of attorney is a written authorization to represent or act on another's behalf in private affairs, business, or some other legal matter. The person authorizing the other to act is the principal, grantor, or donor (of the power), and the one authorized to act is the agent, donee, or attorney or, in some common law jurisdictions, the attorney-in-fact. Formerly, a power referred to an instrument under seal while a letter was an instrument under hand, but today both are under hand (i.e., signed by the donor), and therefore there is no difference between the two.

The 'Lectric Law Library

An instrument by which one person authorizes another to act for him in a manner which is as legally binding upon the person giving such authority as if he personally were to do the acts. It does not have to be made in favor of a licensed attorney. Most standard powers of attorney are automatically revoked should you become incompetent; A document under which a grantor gives an agent powers to act on behalf of the grantor.

Duhaime.org Legal Dictionary

A document which gives a person the right to make binding decisions for another, as an agent. - (read more on Power of attorney)

Law Dictionary

An instrument in writing by which one person appointsanother as his agent and confers upon him the authority to perform certainspecified acts or kinds of acts on his behalf. The primary purpose of a powerof attorney is to evidence the authority of the agent to third parties withwhom the agent deals.

PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) Glossary

A written document appointing an agent. The agent may be appointed in a separate power of attorney or in a general power of attorney.

Legal ability or authority given by one individual or firm to another individual or firm to act on behalf of the first in specific matters. With regard to import shipments, power of attorney allows Yellow to arrange Customs clearance within the Yellow International program.

8. Grantor ̶ giver of a grant.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

The person by whom a grant or conveyance is made.
hEnglish - advanced version

\grant"or\ (?), n. (law) the person by whom a grant or conveyance is made.

WordNet 2.0

1. a person who makes a grant in legal form; "conveyed from grantor to grantee"
(hypernym) granter
(derivation) grant, deed over

Campbell R. Harvey's Hypertextual Finance Glossary

A trader in the options market who makes premium income by selling options.

BASSAM Trade, Real Estate, Mortgage, Fund,Invest, Insurance,&


One who executes a deed which conveys title to personal or real property to another.

Debt Busters

That party in the deed who is the seller or giver.

Dictionary of Real Estate Terms

The person granting, selling or giving up an interest in property. Compare, GRANTEE .

UNODC Money-Laundering Terms

See Settlor.

The original owner of the assets that are being placed in trust, i.e., the person who creates the trust. The settlor can be either an individual or a legal entity.

Glossary of Genealogy Terms

A person who sells or gives the land

Wikipedia English - The Free Encyclopedia

Grantor may refer to:
In law:

· Grantor, a United States term in legal conveyancing for the party granting title or encumbrance

· Grantor, a United States term for settlor, the party that creates a trust

· Grantor, or optionor, a party in an option contract


The 'Lectric Law Library

A person who grants another person or entity (an agent) the authority and power to act on behalf of the grantor in accordance with the powers set forth in a power of attorney document. (2) The person who sets up a trust.

9. Legal entity ̶ legitimate entity, body or organization that has legal authorization.

Campbell R. Harvey's Hypertextual Finance Glossary

A person or organization that can legally enter into a contract, and may therefore be sued for failure to comply with the terms of the contract.

Wikipedia English - The Free Encyclopedia

The term legal entity is used:

· to refer to a juristic person, an artificial entity that the law treats for some purposes as if it were a person, such as an incorporated organization.

· as a general term to describe all entities recognized by the law, including both juristic and natural persons.


Any individual, proprietorship, partnership, corporation, association, or other organization that has, in the eyes of the law, the capacity to make a contract or an agreement, and the abilities to assume an


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