Explain the meaning of the following phrases used in the text. Make up your own examples with themChapter XIX
Give English definitions to the following words. Reproduce the situations where these words were used in the text.
a gull
to drown
the late (smb)
What synonyms of the following words are used in the text?
lean (of a person) or grim (of a building) p. 156
in extreme danger/ pain/ anxiety p. 157
close/ fix p. 157
eerie / bizarre / odd – 2 words pp. 156-157, 163
to explode/ fire p. 157
bewildered p. 159
unexpectedly p. 159
to tremble greatly p. 160 (what other similar expressions do you know?)
to assist / help p. 160
find useful p. 160
in addition to pp. 160, 162
to inform about smth p. 165
Explain the difference:
harbour – bay
Can the word “harbour” be used as a verb? Give examples.
Think about the following points:
· What is the meaning of the falling/ lifting fog in the story?
· Describe a change in Mrs. Danvers mood at the beginning of the chapter and provide an explanation for it.
· Describe the narrator’s physical and emotional state after the conversation with Mrs. Danvers
· Was the narrator disappointed or relived because Frank put aside the matters they had discussed on the phone?
· Why would the narrator rather stay on the beach with someone she did not know than go to lunch with Frank, her ally?
· What attracts people in catastrophes and accidents (e.g. the holiday-makes from our story)?
· What can you make of the narrator’s conversation with Ben? (p. 163)
· What difference occurred in the narrator when she returned to Manderley from the beach?
· What news did Captain Searle bring?
· Was the narrator the coward she thought herself to be?
· Why did Maxim think that they had lost their chance of happiness? Was he right?
Make up/ find your own examples with expressions:
“to turn on smb” (p. 96)
“to take to smb” (p.111)
“to harp on sth” (p. 113)
“to make sth out“ (p. 116)
“to turn up” (pp. 136, 141, 160)
“ to get round smb.” (p. 119)
Try and recollect:
different ways of seeing/ looking at smth that have been described in the text so far (e.g. what words mean to look for a long time etc.)
words describing madness/ normality
words describing trembling
words meaning “gloomy”
Chapters XX-XXI
Give English definitions to the following words. Reproduce the situations where these words were used in the text.
a jig-saw puzzle
to pace
a precipice
a leg-pull
to jeer at smb
a pageant
a murmur
a cunning
see through smb
turn over a new leaf
Present some new words from the text of your own choice
Explain the proverb:Time and Tide wait for no man
Explain the meaning of the following phrases used in the text. Make up your own examples with them
to take smb in
at the back of smb’s mind
to find smb out
show off
strike a chord
to go with a swing
a skeleton in the cupboard
to pull smb’s leg
Think about the following points:
What was the narrator’s reaction to Maxim’s confession? Compare it to your own.
What did Maxim mean by saying that women are not like men? (p. 169)
Do you support the narrator’s siding with Maxim?
What details increased Maxim’s anguish after he killed Rebecca?
What mistakes did the narrator and her husband make in their behavior to each other over the past four months?
Explain Maxim’s feelings towards Rebecca. Was he taken in by her beauty before they got married?
Describe Rebecca as you understand her, support your opinion by the evidence from the text.
Do you agree with Gran’s definition of a good wife? What makes a good wife in your opinion?
Why did Max accept Rebecca’s bargain?
What was wrong with Maxim’s love for Manderley? Did it pay?
What is the psychological mechanism of an addiction, described by Maxim?
What hints did the author give us about the true nature of Maxim’s first marriage? Were these hints revealing or misleading?
What does the author imply by saying there is a child in each of us?
Give your own interpretation of the last scene between Maxim and Rebecca. Why did her husband think she won? Did the narrator agree with him?
Did something change in the narrator after she listened to her husband’s story? What manifestations of that can we see in the text?
Date: 2015-12-18; view: 1899