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Give the written translations of the following passages.


Give English definitions to the following words. Reproduce the situations where these words were used in the text.

Fumble with, in dismay, work wonders, forfeit, guts, fishy, vacant, courtesy, fraud, aftermath, convention, sane, resent.

Give synonyms to these words

Ludicrous, stunned, appalling, sulky, queer, painstaking, delightful, bewitched, tremendous, giddy.

Who do the following phrases belong to? Comment on them.

1."Why, the dress, you poor dear, the picture you copied of the girl in the gallery. It was what Rebecca did at the last fancy dress ball at Manderley. Identical. The same picture, the same dress. You stood there on the stairs, and for one ghastly moment I thought..."

2. "That's a jolly pretty dress you're wearing, it makes all these people look damn silly."

3. "Those shops are all the same. No depending on them. But you look delightfully fresh in that pretty blue. Much more comfortable than this hot velvet Don't forget, you must both come and dine at the Palace soon."

4. "He went out soon after breakfast, Madam, before Major and Mrs. Lacy were down. He has not been in since."

5. "I had a sandwich with Giles and Mrs. Lacy.Maxim did not come. He made some excuse and went into the library. I came back home almost at once. Perhaps Mrs. Lacy can tell you."

6. "No, I don't want to go over it and over it again. It's happened, it can't be altered now. Perhaps it's a good thing, it's made me realise something I ought to have known before."

7. "What do I care for his suffering? He's never cared about mine. How do you think I've liked it, watching you sit in her place, walk in her footsteps, touch the things that were hers?”

This portion is full of events, opinions and ideas. Make a list of them putting the most important first and the least important last.

Make up 7 – 10 questions to this chapter. Try not to simply follow the events but be analytical

Give the written translations of the following passages.

1. It seemed to me, as I sat there in bed, staring at the wall, at the sunlight coming in at the window, at Maxim's empty bed, that there was nothing quite so shaming, so degrading, as a marriage that had failed. Failed after three months, as mine had done. For I had no illusions left now, I no longer made any effort to pretend. Last night had shown me too well. My marriage was a failure. All the things that people would say about it if they knew, were true. We did not get on. We were not companions. We were not suited to one another, I was too young for Maxim, too inexperienced, and more important still, I was not of his world. The fact that I loved

him in a sick, hurt, desperate way, like a child or a dog, did not matter. It was not the sort of love he needed. He wanted something else that I could not give him, something he had had before. I thought of the youthful almost hysterical excitement and conceit with which I had gone into this marriage, imagining I would bring happiness to Maxim, who had known much greater happiness before. Even Mrs. Van Hopper, with her cheap views and common outlook, had known I was making a mistake. "I'm afraid you will regret it," she said. "I believe you are making a big mistake."

2. She pushed me towards the open window. I could see the terrace below me grey and indistinct in the white wall of fog. "Look down there," she said. "It's easy, isn't it? Why don't you jump? It wouldn't hurt, not to break your neck. It's a quick, kind way. It's not like drowning. Why don't you try it? Why don't you go?" The fog filled the open window, damp and clammy, it stung my eyes, it clung to my nostrils. I held on to the window-sill with my hands.

"Dont be afraid," said Mrs. Danvers. "I won't push you. I won't stand by you. You can jump of your own accord. What's the use of your staying here at Manderley? You're not happy. Mr. de Winter doesn't love you. There's not much for you to live for, is there? Why don't you jump now and have done with it? Then you won't be unhappy any more."

I could see the flower tubs on the terrace and the blue of the hydrangeas clumped and solid. The paved stones were smooth and grey. They were not jagged and uneven. It was the fog that made them look so far away. They were not far really, the window was not so very high.

"Why don't you jump?" whispered Mrs. Danvers. "Why don't you try?"


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What do the following passages reveal about de Winter’s and his wife’s inner state? | Explain the meaning of the following phrases used in the text. Make up your own examples with them
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