The Medieval Period
In 1066, the Normans (French speaking people from Normandy), led by William the Conqueror attack and defeat the Britains (a blend of the Britons and Anglo-Saxons) at the Battle of Hastings
· the 3rd language is introduced--French
· French culture and French literature arrives
The 3 Estates in the Middle Ages
· Clergy - Latin chiefly spoken, those who pray, purpose was to save everyone’s soul
· Nobles - French chiefly spoken, those who fight, purpose was to protect—allow for all to work in peace—and provide justice
· Commoners - English spoken, those who work, purpose was to feed and clothe all above them
The economic system of much of the Middle Ages (800-1100)
· Commoners (peasants) lived on a feudal manor. The lord of the manor gave his vassals (the peasants) land to farm. In return, the vassals received protection from roving bandits. Yet they were taxed and had to surrender a portion of their crops to the lord.
· Feudalism is important as it created ties of obedience and fostered a sense of loyalty between the vassals and their lord.
· A product of feudalism, chivalry was an idealized system of manners and morals
· The Medieval knight was bound to the chivalric code to be loyal to…God, his lord, his lady
· Chivalric ideals include...benevolence, brotherly love, politeness
With the Crusades comes “The Black Death” (plague)
· spreads along trade routes
· kills much of the population
· the plague outbreaks occur through the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance
· Paradoxically, the Plague provides for continued growth in cities
· Afterwards, hundreds of new jobs available
· Many debts “died off” with creditors
Literature during the Medieval Period
· Latin was the language of the Roman Catholic Church, which dominated Europe
· The Church was the only source of education
· Thus, Latin was a common language for medieval writings.
· Romances were adventure stories, usually in verse, about battles and heroes.
· Medieval romances originated in France during the 1100s.
· By the end of the 1200s, they had become the most popular literary form in England.
· One of the oldest forms of poetry was a special kind of narrative poem known as the ballad.
· Ballads were concerned with sharp conflict and deep human emotion.
· The first ballads were songs made up by bards and minstrels who traveled from town to town, earning their living by singing their stories.
Date: 2015-01-02; view: 1123