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Software installation

To install the SW distributed along with the EK3LV02DL evaluation kit:

1. Run steval-mki005v1_software_evaluation_kit_setup_v1_0.exe from the Folder MEMS accelerometer

2. Follow the instructions given by the Installer (Figure 4).



Set the accelerometer on the triaxial gyrostabilized platform. Pay attention that axes of accelerometer are directed as following:

X-axis of accelerometer must be directed along the roll axis of platform. Y-axis must be set along the pitch axis.

Provide the following measurements:

Pitch angle, deg
Gx, mg                      
Gx`, mg                      
Gy, mg                      
Gy`, mg                      
Gz, mg                      
Gz`, mg                      


Pitch angle, deg -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50
Gx, mg                      
Gx`, mg                      
Gy, mg                      
Gy`, mg                      
Gz, mg                      
Gz`, mg                      


Roll angle, deg
Gx, mg                      
Gx`, mg                      
Gy, mg                      
Gy`, mg                      
Gz, mg                      
Gz`, mg                      


Roll angle, deg -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50
Gx, mg                      
Gx`, mg                      
Gy, mg                      
Gy`, mg                      
Gz, mg                      
Gz`, mg                      


Read the file LSM.pdf from the Laboratory folder. Perform the parametrical identification of accelerometer error model according to formula (2) and using the least square method.

Complete the table.

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Date: 2015-12-18; view: 1055

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