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Tips for getting a ride


Hitchhiking - a method of travelling that consists mostly of standing by the side of a road displaying some kind of gesture which indicates that you would rather be somewhere else, and that anybody passing in a motor vehicle should stop and pick you up. The type of gesture varies from place to place. In northern Europe and the USA it is normal to stick your thumb out; in southern and eastern Europe it's fairly acceptable to just hold your hand out, pointing vaguely down and away from yourself.


Sooner or later, if you get the gesture right, somebody may grasp your intention and feel well disposed towards the human race enough to actually help you on your way. Then again, they may not, and herein lies the fundamental weakness of hitchhiking as a mode of transport. It may be cheap, you may get to meet all kinds of interesting people you may not have met otherwise, but it's also hopelessly unreliable and you have very little control over anything.

Hitchhiking is a great way to travel that allows you to really get to know the locals. Many people prefer hitching to other forms of transport because you can get dropped off anywhere, allowing you to discover places you may never have dreamed of visiting.

Many European countries are great places to hitch in and it is a popular way of getting around. Most hitchers say that you don't have to wait much longer than 15 to 20 minutes for a lift although it may take longer on deserted country roads due to the lack of traffic.

Unfortunately hitchhiking gets a lot of bad press. It seems that everyone thinks that you'll get murdered if you hitch. This attitude has two negative effects – people are too frightened to pick you up and a lot of other travellers are scared to hitch-hike meaning less hitchers on the road which ultimately leads to hitch-hiking becoming a dying art.

Where to hitch

It is important to choose a good spot to hitchhike.

If you are leaving a big city it is a good idea to take a bus or train to the outskirts of town to get to a road leading to a motorway (expressway).

Choose a spot with plenty of room for the driver to safely stop. If possible try and stand in a spot where the traffic isn't too fast. It is much safer and also most drivers want to size you up before deciding whether to pick you up.

If you've got a lift on a motorway, try and get dropped off at a rest area rather than in town. If you're dropped off in town you may have to wait hours in local traffic before getting a lift back on to the motorway. If you hitch at a service area you have facilities like a restaurant, shop and toilets, you can chat to truck drivers and ask about getting a lift and you can get a good safe spot to stand where all the traffic is long distance.

Don't hitchhike on motorways, stick to the entrance ramps and service areas. Not only is hitching on motorways dangerous, it is difficult for cars to safely stop and in most places it is illegal.


A lot of hitchers debate whether to use signs or not. Some argue that drivers won't stop if they don't know where you want to go, while other hitchers say that it is safer to avoid using a sign. If you don't use a sign you can ask the driver where they are going before accepting a lift – the driver won't be able to lie about his destination to get you into the car.

A good compromise is to use a sign indicating the name of the road you want to travel on. This is especially useful if you are on a busy road before a major intersection, without a sign you may get a lift going in the wrong direction.

Tips for getting a ride

You'll find a lot of rides come from regular stoppers – people who've hitch-hiked themselves and are repaying the favour and frequent solo travellers like couriers and truck drivers who want some company. Although you'll find that different people have different reasons for picking you up, there are a number of things you can do to improve your chances of getting a lift.

  • Look neat and respectable. Not only should you look non-threatening to any passing driver, but you also help to improve other people's impression of hitchhiking.
  • Face the oncoming traffic and smile. It is important that people can see you, so avoid wearing sunglasses.
  • Try and look smart and clean, but don't overdo it. If you dress up in a business suit, people will think you're a bit strange (or they might think that your car has broken down and give you a lift).
  • When a car stops ask the driver where he is going to. At this point it is easy to decline the lift, if you don't like the look of the driver or if he/she isn't going your way.
  • Never smoke in someone else's car.
  • Travel light. The lighter your load, the quicker you travel.
  • Take your driving licence. Many people stop because they want someone to share the driving with.


In other words, a neatly-dressed person with a backpack standing by the entrance to a highway, or just past a road intersection, with a sign saying 'South' stands a fair chance of getting a ride provided they have not chosen a road that heads north.

A wild-eyed Hell's Angel on an expressway with a can of beer, a sign saying 'F***ing Istanbul, right?', and no bags, is unlikely to get a ride anywhere, even if he is on the right road.

This is not to say that you have to look like a 'nice' middle class student to get a ride. Long hair, guitars, even surfboards, are common enough that people will still stop for you. Sometimes they will stop because of these things.

Dressing up can help as well - a lot of universities in the UK organise sponsored hitchhikes during 'rag-week' and it's normal to see knights in armour, monks, even gorillas hitchhiking to Paris in the springtime.

Also, two guys together will generally find it harder than two girls together. Two girls will find it harder than a single guy. A single guy will find it harder than a guy-girl couple. It's easy for a single girl, but single girls should always be especially careful. More than two people will always find it difficult, although it has been known that an entire troupe of morris dancers3 who were on tour without a vehicle, all managed to get to the right town at the right time after a spot of fortuitous hitchhiking.


Although hitchhiking is more hazardous than bus or train travel, it is still safer than many other forms of transport such as cycling.

The most dangerous thing about hitchhiking is the possibility of being involved in a car accident or being hit by a car if you stand too close to the side of the road.

There is also a very small danger posed by accepting a lift with a driver that you do not know. The driver could either be a dangerous character or simply a bad driver.

Despite the perceived danger, there are plenty of ways to minimise your risk.

If you're a single female you'll travel quickly, however you'll also attract your fair share of obnoxious drivers. It is a good idea to travel with someone else, preferably a guy. This way you will be perceived as a couple which means that you shouldn't have any sleazy old men trying to come on to you, and if they do at least there is someone to help you out.

Many hitchhikers travel with a mobile phone and only hitch where there is coverage. Being able to call for help makes hitching a safer transport option. For this to work you need to keep your phone charged and in your pocket and you need to know the emergency number (112 is the international emergency number from GSM mobile phones, although the British and Irish emergency number 999 should also work).

Don't let the driver put your backpack in the car boot. Try and keep all your stuff with you, even when you stop for food and fuel.

Don't feel compelled to accept a lift just because someone has stopped for you. If it doesn't feel right, don't get in. Another ride will come along.



Date: 2015-12-18; view: 905

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