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Gt;excellent, thanks <Unlix>hola SATAN

Que tal? <Unlix>estas bien? <SATAN>HOLA UNLIX!!! MI MANTAQUIALL wait nm, did that one already ... <[X]KQ|studying>lol!!!!   <paklet> I only come here because I am too scared of the reaction from my better half if I would not.   <SWATLLAMA>How do I get to the sp4nk IRC channel? <Thomas____>/join #sp4nk <Thomas____>.. <SWATLLAMA>but I don't wanna join that   <Unlix>apropos kumpels <Unlix>bin ich letztens mit nem kumpel ausm studiengang übern kampus gelaufen <Unlix>kommt irgend nen zeitungsverkäufer und will uns zeitungen andrehen <Unlix>und er nur eiskalt "Sorry, mein Inventar ist voll" <Hero>PWNED! <Unlix>bin total abgebrochen :)   <tc-bot>TC2: SWATLLAMA (17): I don't know how to email besides repyling   never gets old: <tc-bot>TC3: ={IUS}=$_can:k$ (5): CAN I PLAY PLEASE? <tc-bot>TC3: |DM|Da_KeKs (4): make /quit spectator <tc-bot>TC3: |DM|Da_KeKs (4): for unspec <tc-bot>TC3: ={IUS}=$_can:k$ (5): ok <tc-bot>TC3: DISCONNECT: ={IUS}=$_can:k$ (5) - Connection time: 03m 31s   <Hero>"Der Rückfahrtszeitpunkt muss nach dem Hinfahrtszeitpunkt liegen" - ACH WAS <Finn>Ja, man kann ja zurück fahren und dann kann man immer noch schauen ob man hinfährt.   <Fatum>gimme a prone mefisto <Fatum>and i will be silent <Fatum>a 100% prove <Fatum>pls <mefisto>ok <mefisto>I broke into his house and watched him play <mefisto>he has an enormous button on his computer desk, labeled "Cheat Go" and he pressed it many times   <blahville>kal thinks eihrul did something to the network code <blahville>so he doesn't play anymore * eihrul didn't change the network code? <overcast>lies! <overcast>:P <blahville>did something to fuck it up i mean <eihrul>i didn't? <blahville>it doesn't seem like it <blahville>did you? <eihrul>did i? <blahville>i did? <eihrul>who? <Fatum>u did!!   <Fatum>brain?? wtf is that??   <eihrul> the only way to solve this is by social intervention <eihrul> in this case, going to their home with a machete and chopping off their genitals   <Majikal>do these dudes have lives? <WahnFred>sure majikal: unlimited lives. the only restriction is to get a new one after waiting 5 seconds :)   <psl-bot>psl1: }RS{yourMother (5): i play runescape.com <psl-bot>psl1: SkyEatsAirplane (18): i play your face with a hammer   <geartrooper>graphitemaster, are you canadian? <graphitemaster>yes <geartrooper>oh <geartrooper>no wonder <graphitemaster>do not use oh! <graphitemaster>omg <graphitemaster>now you make it sound like candians are idiots <geartrooper>I did? <graphitemaster>thats rasist <Irgendein>it's possible to be racist to Canadians? <geartrooper>canadians are racist? <geartrooper>:/ <graphitemaster>ahh nvm   <graphitemaster>i got raped by these 2 <geartrooper>who <graphitemaster>you and Hero <Hero|GV>hahaha <graphitemaster>just because i was trying to fix your improper grammer <geartrooper>well, we're not canadian, what do you expect <geartrooper>I don't really understand their language :/ <graphitemaster>uhhhhhhh,,,,   <geartrooper>does anyone here have a canadian to english translator <graphitemaster>i am one :P <Hero|GV>You are a canadian, the english part evidently doesn't work properly <geartrooper>yeah, speak slower   <DeadToMe>but i'm sorry for calling you canadian <DeadToMe>that was rude   <tc-bot>TC2: w00p|mefisto (12): TCHEN WHYD U ONLY SPAWN WIT 1 HEALTH UR ALMOST DEAD ALREDY <tc-bot>TC2: }TC{Hero (1): HEALTH HAX!!! <tc-bot>TC2: w00p|mefisto (12): hahahah that would have been swatllama's next accusation <tc-bot>TC2: w00p|mefisto (12): "TC HACKED TO MAKE US HAVE 1 HELATH ONLY"   <Hero|GV>it still sucks compared to a linux terminal tho <Hero|GV>I keep entering ls in cmd.exe now :( <CCD>you can use unix/linux style shells on windows... if you fancy :/ <Hero|GV>not really <Hero|GV>its just confusing <Hero|GV>I don't really use cmd excessively on windows anyway <Andrez>it's getting too nerdy here :D * Andrez escapes, cya - Andrez quit (Signed off)   <ZanQdo>how can I do so that duomo appears in the CTF maps list <eihrul>you basically realize that duomo is not a good ctf map and don't   <Newbie>how can i join another channel? <Newbie>can't remember   <tc-bot>TC2: LuC (4): sunny ich will en duell! =) aba meine mum will gleub nich mehr! =D   <PunDit>its actually quite fun if you are cooping with people who know what they are doing. <PunDit>most of the time though it turns into "lets make a penis lol"   <SkiingPenguins> I CAN HEAR TVS WHEN THEY ARE ON MUTE <mefisto> yeah you'll get over that in a few years <SkiingPenguins> it's so annoying.. they go buzzzzzzzzzzzz <mefisto> as in, you won't be able to hear it anymore <mefisto> you lose the ability to hear those frequencies by the time you're 20 <SkiingPenguins> why dont people believe me when i say that?! <mefisto> Why? the answer is simple. You live in North Carolina, and you're surrounded by morons and hicks <SkiingPenguins> oh. <SkiingPenguins> well okay <SkiingPenguins> i like chicken. <mefisto> jesus christ   <SkiingPenguins>this "aaron_henderson" guy has a few issues... * eihrul is not sure SkiingPenguins is allowed to diagnose other people as having issues... * SkiingPenguins is not allowed to diagnose people with the same issues as him * Megagun is not sure eihrul is allowed to have an opinion regarding the allowness of diagnotisation of Skiingpenguins regarding people with the same issue as him <SkiingPenguins>o.O   <Void>hey eihrul, you still trading auth for donations? :P   <Newbie>meine Maus löst sich   <kitty>hab das ossi gen in mir <kitty>hab den inneren drang deutschland so schnell wie möglich zu verlassen ^^   <BCFHaerkefiende>auf nach schweden :) <BENCH>Kanada :) <Hero|GV>also, ich würd ja mal nicht nach kanada gehen <kitty>lol wieso <Hero|GV>nicht nach den vielen witzen die da schon gerissen wurden :)   <blahville> 65 megs for a driver... this better have kinky porn or something bundled   <Windecker_S>Bot match from hell has ended. I tried to move my sauerbraten window and the stupid thing shot off the side of the screen. couldnt get it back.   <Hero>merry christmas in germany :) <Hero>its teh 24th <`Thor>isnt it 25th for xmas day? <cannonFodder>hell, I get holiday pay for both   <Windecker>:/ <Windecker>cant get my lava texture scaled <Windecker>why doesnt texture lava "jwin/lava.png" 0 0 0 4 Scale my texture? <AlastairLynn>because you touch yourself at night <AlastairLynn>merry christmass by the way <Windecker>:/ lol   [PF]Talen had master (not auth) [PF]Talen: does anyone know how to change game mode? w00p|mefisto: I know how [PF]Talen: how w00p|mefisto: well I'm not gonna tell you that [PF]Talen: tell me orill spec w00p|mefisto: because then you'll switch the mode in the middle of the game without asking anyone like a real cunt w00p|mefisto: and fuck you w00p|mefisto claimed master as 'mefisto'   <mefisto-mobile>with some quick pencil work, SP will make sure of that <SkiingPenguins>mefisto-mobile i like pens. they do not erase. <mefisto-mobile>"is SkiingPenguins gonna have to pencilstab a bitch?" <SkiingPenguins>D: <mefisto-mobile>haha there's no way that he caught that reference ... <mefisto-mobile>SP could be a good bouncer <mefisto-mobile>"All right sir, you're gonna have to leave or I will stab you with this shit." <mefisto-mobile>"Wtflol that's a pencil" <mefisto-mobile><*STAB STAB STAB*> * SkiingPenguins likes PENS DAMNIT!!!   <mefisto-mobile>this is a tempting situation <mefisto-mobile>my ex mother in law is on gchat <mefisto-mobile>my ex is engaged again <mefisto-mobile>I very much want to say something like, "wow, don't want to be in your shoes... your daughter going into 2 ill advised marriages right after the other." <`Thor>go on mefisto, i'd love to hear the fallout <`Thor>pretty sure it'd have a domino effect <mefisto-mobile>as in, a lot of dominos falling on me <mefisto-mobile>6-foot dominos weighing 500 pounds <`Thor>organise an escape route first <`Thor>oh, you mean the yeti domino <mefisto-mobile>oh <mefisto-mobile>yeah that's a possibility too <mefisto-mobile>see the consequences are just unforseeable   <mefisto-mobile>Unlix: you get a runner up prize <Hero>mefisto-mobile: what does unlix get exactly? <mefisto-mobile>Unlix gets a $15 off coupon for printing <SATAN

Date: 2015-12-18; view: 940

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Gt;hit e <blahville>lol <SATAN | Gt;and a packet of instant water powder! <SATAN
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